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re: the new clip


Aaaww bby.... :tumblr_m9gcrtET5W1qzckow:

He must've hated being in the spotlight with the crutches.. he hates being/looking weak (though we know he's nothing but that). He looked rather subdued but understandable. The most important thing is that now he's so pumped up to recover so he can make it on time for the Nationals.


On a shallower note, he looks really young in the clip I feel like feeding him cookies and milk (high protein!!) and wrap him in a fluffy blanket.. :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:


I suggest we focus on positive thing and Yuzu in this thread.. I know there are plenty we can be unsatisfied/upset about but hopefully justice will prevail one day. :hachimaki:

lol jk idek what to comment on that. Anyway~

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  On 11/12/2017 at 6:53 AM, singcarcom said:


Yay!!! So happy to hear from Zuzu! And speed walking in crutches is so Yuzu! :smiley-laughing021:  

Can't wait to see this angel skate again and I'm looking forward to his smiles! :laughing:



Aww...Jason is such a sweetheart! And his American accent when speaking Japanese 


I also think Zuzu's Canadian accent when speaking English is the most kawaii thing ever.. .

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  On 11/12/2017 at 10:14 AM, MrPudding said:




Oh my god... His smile comes out naturally but it's the same smile you have when you are devastated on the inside...

He sounds so... down, holy shit.

I wish i could hug him and try with all my might to give him strength even if i feel my own strength draining from watching his sad face.

I hope we can see his genuine smile of a thousand suns soon.

I never knew i took so much comfort in knowing that he was training. I will never take you for granted again, Yuzu.

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  On 11/12/2017 at 8:57 AM, MrPudding said:

Honestly, with the top 3 uncles especially Yuzu out of GPF.. Everyone will kill for the GOLD. Wait for GPF, maybe everyone will rent out the rinks in Nagoya. :popcorn:


Zuzu is still a baby. Don't call him an uncle :xD:Sorry Nagoya competition rink had been already rented.


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