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Everything posted by Perelandra

  1. Good gracious, maybe it's time to officially declare that I have psychic powers or is it elementary deduction?
  2. Good point. It will potentially put a time limit on the Grand Prix venue and skater allocation announcements. There may be concrete foundation on which ticket purchasing decisions may be made with reasonable confidence
  3. Just went to JSF website Sure enough Yuzuru Hanyu is still listed as strengthening player. Yuzu has always been considerate. I have mentioned this before, undoubtedly he would have informed JSF about any plans regarding not competing prior to the new competition season, because Yuzu would want funding for training to be allocated to an actively competing skater. He would not inconvenience the admin and financial staff, pretending that he would stay active in comp and then not doing so, if he already had had plans not to compete in the upcoming season
  4. WARNING massive speculation post OMG he's found a partner that he can lift or someone can lift him. He's swapping to Ice dance. Although this is less likely because no jumps and Yuzu wants to debut 4A Sorry sorry super sorry just carried away momentarily edit typo
  5. Here's more of fantasy skating championship. Yuzu will announce that he has perfected the 4A. He learned from his 9yo self to determine the axis and entry into the jump is conventional, not his signature back counter. Following Nanami Sensei's advice, he did not forget his beginner's mind. Yuzu will have to compete in an ISU competition for the 4A to be ratified. ( JNats does not count as it's not ISU comp ) People have often asked the question, did Brian know what a phenomenon Yuzu would become. Brian most certainly recognised talent, but Nanami Sensei and Tsusuki Sensei they knew. Which is why it was Nanami Sensei Who advised Yuzu to seek a training placement abroad. It was she who knew the phenomenal talent that Yuzu would become. That is why under her encouragement, Nanami Sensei let him go to flourish elsewhere, instead of selfishly trying to keep Yuzu's glory to herself. She was and still is a truly inspirational teacher. A very humble opinion, thank you for your indulgence May the goddess Nike grant Yuzu sporting triumph and crown him once again as the true champion
  6. @Sun_Rise @Yuzurella Both of you have. correctly quoted exactly what so many people say after they have met Yuzu. Yuzu is a modern day muse and people have quite an epiphany sort of experience, as he inspires them. Very recently I heard a speech and one the things this wise person said is that everyone through their words has the power to nurture or destroy and that people should try to approach everything that they encounter in life with kindness and act through kindness. Yuzu behaves in this way instinctively, reaching out to people with a generous heart.
  7. @Yuzuwinnie Bought a very gorgeous Eric Bompard cashmere coat few years ago - Hanyuconomy
  8. Incredible fan art Yuzu depicted with swords and as part cyborg, looks like the definition of 'to smite'
  9. That is a sad testimonial, but there is also some positivity that the memory of seeing Yuzu skating live will give them hope and, as they say, sustain them through having the memory of his performance
  10. 2 Great interviews from Twitter today Thank you for posting
  11. @Yuzurella Your last statement = True
  12. Example of above How enchanting would it be to have a miniature Yuzu, like the models on the Lotte spoons, revolving inside a musical jewellery box? ( Just a little hint for the merchandise fairies )
  13. Thank you for the Skating party. It was an excellent recap of the evolution and development of Yuzu's beautiful jumps and jumping technique and how gorgeous his spins are
  14. For the Satellites who like onesies (For the Satellite who likes golden ruffles) Yuzu does some Ballet training
  15. "Accio costume - incants name of specific costume"
  16. There is a real art to performance costume making, the design, light but durable fabrics, fastenings, embellishments. So many considerations to create a beautiful piece of clothing that doesn't restrict movement yet still is able to project a particular character image. Sstomi Ito, Shizuka Orihara are immensely talented. There was a comment about the crystals, as many of Yuzu's costumes have thousands applied for maximum impact during the performance. Swarovski have invented a revolutionary manufacturing process for creating crystals with all of the scintillation but only half of the weight compared with the original crystals. Yuzu and other skaters, dancers and gymnasts can have enchanting costumes without being as heavily weighed down. A Chinese fabric manufacturer have invented an ultra fine lightweight chiffon/ organza fabric, perfect for floaty ruffles, fabric flowers, butterflies etc I'm very envious of satellites who were able to attend exhibitions where Yuzu's costumes have been on display. I would really enjoy examining the details of these wearable works of art
  17. Ice Sheffield rink has limited spectator seating for 1500, maybe enough without Yuzu. The larger Utilita arena is scheduled to host an ice hockey match Nov 12. Large arena would be needed with Yuzu. No wonder there's organisational issues.
  18. Agreed. Don't want to commit to ticket purchases unless assignments announced
  19. And if Yuzu uses Champery as temporary training base @Geo1 mentioned that he may have the chance to spend time with Ghislain, which is always beneficial. More fantasy skating championship ... Hehehe
  20. Yuzu could stay at Champery and use that as a base to tour around Europe to the comps and not risk jet lag. Flight times are all 3h Switzerland to UK, 4h Switzerland to Finland, (3 h Switzerland to Angers ) Switzerland to Turin 2h. Max time difference -1h UK Of people can play fantasy football league, this is my fantasy skating championship @Yuzurella I concur, seeing as the new ISU president already stated that Korea does not want to step in for CoC, as replacement host die to unviable in terms of cost, there would have to be major inducement for any organisation to agree to host. As I have written elsewhere, every OGM is indisposed. Men's - hiatus/ on a break, Women's ( and silver medallist ) - nation banned, Pairs - COVID travel restriction, Ice Dance - retired OGM from 2014, 2018 all retired Only Yuzu remains as a champion still competing. No disrespect to medallists of silver or bronze stature, but organisers want to say that Olympic Gold medalist is competing Yuzu is THE ONE that everyone wants ISU have already indicated that JSF is not their most important ally, as the VP they voted in is Canadian not the Japanese candidate
  21. Here's a bit more out of the box thinking Ice Sheffield has seating capacity 1500 Utilta arena is bigger but there is ice hockey match scheduled for Nov 12 Is it possible the organisers are trying a work around to secure the larger venue? At this point, the host is most likely Sheffield, but the issue is which arena. Just discussion point, because right now frustration is setting in. Ughh Glad the day was a bit more cheerful with Daily Spread Eagle
  22. I hope that BIS will receive more funding for the GB performance squad. The current yearly funding available to support the skaters is a pittance
  23. Exactly, keeping everyone in suspense is pointless
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