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Everything posted by Yoa

  1. Video from ISU's webinar. They used Yuzuru, Javi, Evgenia and Carolina's jumps as examples for jump bullets. I only watched a little part of the video so I am not sure if there's something interesting in there. But people already are complaining that they used competing skaters as examples...
  2. Yuzuru's 3a was used as an example of bullet 1 (very good height and very good length 6:12) and bullet 4 (steps before the jump, unexpected or creative entry 7:18) for jumps in ISU's webinar
  3. Popped 4S with a fall from FaOI
  4. "I think I’ll be done when I’m 22-23. Retired then I guess?" Little did you know, Yuzu Important videos:
  5. No NHK means that there will be fancams from both GPs Maybe even from practices
  6. Yude summerised that article with Brian on GS
  7. I don't understand anything but something about Yuzu
  8. If anyone wants to watch that Plush interview, here it is: https://www.bilibili.com/video/av24899758/ someone reuploaded it
  9. I think he also mentioned that he saw Yuzuru doing jumps with 4.5 rotations...
  10. Plushenko says that Yuzuru is crazy And from different planet
  11. Edit: apparently it is OP's image training
  12. oo you quoted me after I edited my mistake My English is worse than usual...
  13. That poster said "like in juniors"... On page 101 there's rules about SP for seniors. There's nothing about a flip
  14. I hope so. I didn't see it mentioned anywhere else...
  15. From FSU: "The solo jumps in the SP will now be predeterminated for each season (like in juniors). 18-19 : Flip, 19-20 : Loop and 20-21: Lutz."
  16. He's Rita Skeeter of figure skating world... I have a funny mental image of Yuzuru doing spiral battles with Jason at TCC. That's the reason he was doing a spiral while holding Satoko's hand at FaOI. He was trying to absorb her spiral powers to prepare for future battles
  17. It's not my tweet. But Phil basically likes to create drama and often quotes selectively. He is also a person who says one thing and later "suddenly" change his mind. Before Olympics he said that he will consider Yuzuru as GOAT if he wins his second title. Of course he was sure that injured Yuzuru will lose. But Yuzuru won and Hersh decided that Yuzu needs third Olympic title to be a GOAT... Or he tweeted that Brian told him that Yuzuru will continue until Beijing but it wasn't mentioned in the article. Also he was commenting (together with TSL) that Brian will never coach Jason because he isn't good enough for Brian... But now he is silent about it. I also remember that there were ice network articles with mistranslated (or worded in strange way) quotes from Yuzuru.
  18. Also FaOI is "Hanyu ice show" So Yuzuru is only 23 and has 2 different ice shows. Nice
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