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Everything posted by Yoa

  1. Remember who wrote this article... Remember "Hanyu will continue to next Olympics". Or that Brian wants minimum age to be raised but in russian interview about Zhenya he said that he dissagre with that. And also, in my opinion, Yuzuru's face is often more honest than his words.
  2. I had different spin positions in mind Since Yuzuru is trying new spin positions at FaOI and he could steal some from Jason and yes I was thinking about height on the 4Lz And maybe 4lz-3t
  3. According to TSL Jason Brown is moving to Brian. So... Yuzuru will try to steal Boyang's jumps, Jason's spins and spirals and Evgenia's consistency
  4. http://nanoka12.tumblr.com/post/174244537756/yuzurus-q-a-after-fantasy-on-ice-2018-in Translation of the interview with Yuzu. He talked about rehabilitation, jumps (4a too), new rules and rumors. Really, Yuzuru? Really? I quess that back counter-3a-high kick was mass hallucination
  5. I am wondering about a few things. Did they include his name in kanji for google search score? If not, they basically excluded searches made by Japanese people. Also the most popular search engine in Japan is Yahoo. And I am sure he has a lot of searches in China too but they used Baidu score only for Chinese athletes.
  6. We discussed it on Planet before. It's definitely David. You can see part of his face in the video below.
  7. I know the situation is completely different but Nanami also didn't know about Yuzuru moving to Canada to train. She didn't say anything negative about him to media and they are still friendly to each other. I am so thankful for his every single coach. Former or current.
  8. I was reading about the same topic on FSUniverse and got reminded of this: Were Evgenia and Gabby this friendly before?
  9. Because there were some russian articles mentioning it. One of them was from MatchTV and apparently Evgenia's manager is in some way associated with them. Also:
  10. It's so heartwarming too see Nanami's interactions with Yuzuru, even when she isn't his coach anymore I hope that one day we will see Yuzuru doing another program choreographed by her, maybe at future CiONTU shows. And probably a lot o people don't know this but she also did team Japan's choreography at WTT 2017. Here's some pics with Yuzuru: http://wx3.sinaimg.cn/large/71694439gy1ff8pejuxl3j20yh0qo46u.jpg doesn't want to be embedded
  11. Yuzuru's 4Lz from COR is featured in Korean Newton Highlights magazine. The article is about quintiple jumps and if they are scientifically possible...
  12. Can Habu teach Yuzuru how to play shogi? Please. Or at least talk with Yuzu about making strategies or ways to concentrate. All for skating of course Yuzuru is so respectful. It reminds me of that one time he greated Mishin. I couldn't find the video, but I found this: And but I found this interview with Geoff Dionisio. He is a jump harness specialist at TCC and also a person who worked a little bit with Yuzuru on 4A and probably will also do that in the future. In the interview he talks about using harness and learning new jumps. Maybe someone will find it interesting since he is a member of Team Yuzu I also like this sentence "the most successful skaters are the ones who know how to combine passion , and hard work" Sounds like Yuzuru
  13. Planet Hanyu is 1 year old now and we got a lot of new members so I think it's a good idea to bring this thread back Lurkers can also take part in this poll And it's so nice to see that so many people from different countries are Yuzuru's fans. You can choose a country in your account settings and the flag will show up under your avatar
  14. I just realized... We might get a lot of videos from practices at FaOI. Because Misha will be there... Misha, I have faith in you.
  15. It's so easy to tell that it was taken by Korean fan...
  16. More milking from Olympic Channel And news about getting medal of honor with purple ribbon
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