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Everything posted by Yoa

  1. My brain doesn't want to shut up and because of that I can't fall asleep. Maybe if I write some random thoughts here, it will clear my mind and help me sleep. -last season after nhk I didn't cry. Because I actually believed that he would be ready for nationals. This season I don't believe it so it is harder for me to process. Especially after we were so happy with SP results. But yesterday, for many hours I still didn't cry. I didn't watch FS live. I was waiting for updates. And I only watched it after a few hours because I was afraid to do that. I finally started crying after I read some tweet written by a lady journalist who tried to explain to someone what happened to Yuzuru. -today I started crying again when I was watching VC and they showed a crying fan. And later again, after reading Mishin's comment about Yuzuru. Some of his past comments about Yuzu weren't so nice. He didn't say anything about Yuzuru after Pyeonchang. He was sitting beside me during ladies FS in Helsinki (2 group) and his facial expression was a little bit scary. And I was annoyed by his comments after NHK about Japanese ladies etc. So when I read his nice comment about Yuzuru I started crying really hard. -I am happy that Daniil talked with Yuzuru before VC. Even when there's a tension between Eteri's team and Brian's team. Maybe he congratulated him. Maybe he wished him to get well soon. Or maybe... he asked him if he can make a program some day for him. This thought makes me laugh. Imagine them working together, especially on music cuts -I am thankful to Misha. After that instagram drama during off season I am happy that he still decided to post a supportive massage. And this time he found a solution and turned off the comments under that post. -I was surprised by NBC commentary. It's good that they informed viewers about Yuzuru's situation. -I hope that fans won't try to bother TCC skaters on their social media to get some information about Yuzuru -I don't trust anything JSF says -You know what makes me feel better? That we will have more chances to get updates from Brian (and maybe even Tracy) than last season. Last year, after Yuzuru injured himself, Brian only went to one competition: France with Javi. This year, he will go to France with Evgenia and Jason, GPF with at least Stephen (and probably Zhenya and Jun) and assuming that Yuzuru won't go to nationals - Russian nationals with Zhenya. Brian will arrive in France on Wednesday. We don't know where Yuzuru has gone. To Canada or to Japan. He has to get his ankle checked, and to do that, it should stop swelling. So Brian probably won't know much this week. But by the time of GPF, Yuzuru's situation should be much clearer. 3 recommended weeks of rest will pass so hopefully Brian will share if Yuzuru needs more time of rest or is it enough. There's still rehabilitation, starting to train on the ice etc. so maybe we can get another update during Russian nationals. I will feel so much better getting information directly from his team and not from people who care about tickets and sponsors (aka JSF) I hope I can finally fall asleep...
  2. But why TSL... Brian often likes photos of Yuzu and other TCC skaters
  3. Who are you and what did you do to ninja Yuzu? I hope that Ekaterina will be able to represent Poland...
  4. To me it sounds like the things he would say to Nobu. So if it's true it only shows that Yuzu and Jun are close enough to joke about things like that. Which makes me happy In my opinion, it also shows that Yuzuru thinks that JunHwan should aim for gold/has ability to aim for gold. And that he treats him as a real competitior. And yes it was a self jab He said (if it's true of course) that his gold medal is worse than Junhwan's second place. So his Kuyashi is at pre-Olympics level...
  5. His antis twist even his charity work This is a report from someone who isn't working in TCC, didn't personally heard that conversation. It's also in Italian. And that Italian was translated into English again. And they said that Yuzuru was joking. Antis will only prove that they are stupid if they try to twist it.
  6. Who is Max's TCC spy? Is it a raccoon?
  7. So Yuzuru gave Brian gloves with pink Irene a few years ago But now Brian wears a pair with white Irene
  8. Remember when Yuzuru said that he still needs to take care of Shoma for a little bit longer so he will continue competing?
  9. A little bit different version. Without a text and longer
  10. So I bought a few individual English classes on Lingoda (so expensive.. ). Last week, I had a class about celebrities, fame and similar things and I talked a lot about Yuzuru. How popular he is in figure skating world, how he deals with pressure, that he doesn't have any social media and is a very private person, how inspiring he is etc. Today I had a class with the same teacher and he told me that after our previous class he googled "my Japanese figure skater" and that he is a great skater and a person.
  11. Do you think that Kurt actually meant to say: "and he and I had a talk about it. For about 5 days, a million years ago I was trying a quad axel"? Because having a talk for about five days sounds like working on a program together...
  12. PJKwong and Kurt talked about Yuzuru and 4A! https://ameblo.jp/mkp2012/entry-12413395127.html ETA: Just a part about Yuzuru:
  13. Yude translated a part of Shuzo Matsuoka's interview about Yuzuru: GS
  14. Yeah... just look at protocols from Vancouver 2010. http://www.isuresults.com/results/owg2010/owg10_Men_SP_Scores.pdf 25/30 skaters had all 3 jumping passes at the beginning of the program, one after another. Including Javier, Daisuke, Patrick, Stephane, Johnny, Plushenko... ETA:
  15. He was back in Canada on July 9. We don't know when he got his choreo done because Jeff was so busy last summer. I don't think he did that many runthroughs.
  16. In my opinion Yuzuru should include the elements he wants to do, in order he wants them to be, with entries he wants to do I hope he will only change things when he isn't satisfied. I can't wait to see how both of his programs will look in Helsinki after a few weeks of training.
  17. Someone asked Conrad Orzel during his latest instalive if he is Yuzuru's friend. Poor guy, he didn't know what to say He said hesitantly 'yes' at first, and then that he doesn't want to say that they're friends unless Yuzuru says so himself so he changed answer to 'no'. And in the end he decided that they're training mates. A few moments earlier, someone asked who is his inspiration and he mentioned Yuzuru
  18. It wasn't only that. Ice was in bad condition (puddles), no flags, no banquet. I think there were also problems with a hotel for athletes. But I am glad that gpf will be in Europe
  19. I bought the grey one for Helsinki There were three different colors but I chose the grey one. I will throw it after FS. I also bought a smaller goat for SP:
  20. We know you are two-time olympic champion
  21. When you read that person's (who posted that car video) replies it's actually seems even more serious. Like for example Ghislain says that Yuzuru is very nervous to compete in Japan because of fan behaviour. Some people followed him to his hotel room there. Or that even people who helped/organised ACI where worried about him Some of us were wondering why there were so many empty seats at ACI when all tickets were sold out. Some obviously were reserved. But I read somewhere that organisers didn't want to too many people there after what happened last year. Anyway, I am glad that he has a great team that is willing to protect him from this madness
  22. Following him is bad but taking pictures and videos in private setting (outside of competiton) is also really bad. Last year when Yuzuru was in Russia someone filmed him while he was getting out of a car together with his mother and Brian (and someone else, i don't remember) and his meeting with his Russian coaches outside of hotel... it was something private. It was even posted on Planet There are photos online showing him and his mother at the aiport in Toronto. Or even videos on youtube. And people give those videos thumbs up. Even when you don't follow him and meet him by accident, don't take photos/videos of him or at least don't post them online.
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