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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. Has anyone considered the possibility that this comment might have been in the same vein as 'I hope the rotation on the toe loop was okay' ? i.e., Yuzu's trolling a bit and throwing shade.
  2. Even a multimillionaire only has the same 24 hours in a day and 7 days in a week as the rest of us. Although money may be no object for Yuzu, his time is probably at a premium, and maybe coming up with new programs year after year isn't the most effective way to use his time. So in that sense, yes, he is being thrifty, or perhaps I should say deliberate. By concentrating his focus on the same programs a couple of years in a row, he is able to spend more of his training time on the things that matter most to him, whatever they may be, rather than on program creation itself. Your last sentence, I most definitely agree with.
  3. LGC at the Olympics would have been EPIC! Plus this indicates that he really does think of it as unfinished business. Who knows? Maybe we will see it again.
  4. This. Spanish Yuzu for 2021! Joking apart, I think the real reason people complain about Yuzu recycling is simply because every single program he does is so good that they want to see as much new stuff from him as possible and revel in his creativity and talent. On that front, they do have a point. But it's very thrifty of him to recycle and lots of other skaters do it. Top choreographers are expensive and it can take days to develop a new program. Reusing is efficient and economical.
  5. That choreo is surprisingly fierce and energetic on land. I guess gliding around on skate blades spreads the moves out so they look more powerful and controlled
  6. It's that gong at the start. Ever since the very first time I heard it, I just knew it was designed for the 4A! I'll gladly take Origin again for another season if it means we can have that.
  7. I would also love something in that design for Worlds.
  8. Not directly Yuzu related, but I bet he'll be happy about it since it's great for Tohoku: https://twitter.com/Tokyo2020/status/1194169085048717312?s=20
  9. I did not realize how well this costume accented his lines until now. *Fans self* Excuse me while I go lie down....suddenly it's terribly warm in here...
  10. Well good, I'm glad the word is getting out! 🇨🇦😍💖 Yuzu!
  11. Well, when they had them, figures were never televised except in very short recaps as a way to explain why this or that skater was already in high standing even before the televised portion of the competition began. And they were discarded entirely and solely as a way to make the sport more appealing and television friendly, so bringing back either figures or anything else that smacks of them would be counter-productive, to my mind. I think the current format of competition is actually the most television-friendly version of the sport they can come up with, and that any changes are going to roll the sport backwards. Having separate 'artistic' and 'technical' programs only works if the content for the technical is set, like the way RD is set in ice dance. Requiring all the competitors to follow the exact same layout, in other words. That way you can honestly say that judges are comparing apples to apples. But who wants to watch that? Imagine two hours straight of 3A 4T 4S quad combo camel spin sit spin StSeq spread eagle spiral layback or A spin lather rinse repeat. I agree with your suspicion that it's all about medal-mongering and I think it's a cheap trick.
  12. Okay, at this point ToshI is getting carried away, he might need an intervention...or rescue, or something. Still, I can totally relate!
  13. I dunno. You could just as easily make an argument for the return of traditional school figures. Those were all about control and edge quality and were heavily weighted in the scores too, to the point that lackluster performers would win based on their skill in figures. I personally think that if the ISU would just GET SPECIFIC with their technical requirements for certain elements and enforce those requirements, to the point of penalizing judges that don't judge by the rulebook, the IJS or the current system would be sufficient and they wouldn't have to make any drastic changes, other than dropping the 0.8 factor they artificially tack on to women's scores for no good reason whatsoever.
  14. Voronov is the other guy who tries it right now. Also Nathan, if I recall.
  15. So true! on that note, Zhenya was absolutely right to wait on doing Memoirs of A Geisha until now. The one I don't like seeing little girls do is anything from the musical "Chicago" - Roxie, All that Jazz, etc. It's a hardened and cynical story and doesn't suit anyone under 18.
  16. TBH I love the skating 'uncles'. I've always been of the opinion that the longer you do a sport, the more skilled you become, and that an older body isn't necessarily less capable of great things. Take rugby; the best players aren't the young hotshots but the 30-somethings who've had a chance to study the game and pick up guile along with their incredible physical fitness. This idea that big marquee sports like figure skating are only for the teenagers to do never sat well with me; it's like saying that the only thing that matters is to be flexible and cute and that's not true. And Yuzu is proving this every day he stays in the sport; I personally don't think he's reached the peak of his abilities yet. That's partially why I love Zhenya so much; she's heaps better to watch now that's she's got some maturity and I commend her for deciding to buck the Russian trend of young, younger, youngest in women's skating and to try and have a great long career instead.
  17. Hmm. That's strange. It should just be open. They both go to the same folder.
  18. We're talking about the guy that's been caught on film doing 3A from a dead standstill. 40 seconds to quad is par for the course!
  19. Are those kitty ears I see? Or just lucky positioning against the background?
  20. I really love what Nam says here and I think it's a really healthy attitude... Basically it's 'I'll never be as good as him and I'm not going to get hung up on it, I'll just do my best' ... Nam respects Yuzu but isn't intimidated and that's a great way to be.
  21. I watched that one - it was just a recap and there was nothing in it that should have gotten it taken down unless some copyright scam troll went after them. Well, they did make a bunch of silly Pooh jokes but I can't imagine that being the issue.
  22. The rink for Skate Canada this year only seated about 6500. And a lot of the seats were empty during the whole competition. A 5000-seat arena will work just fine. Also, 4CC is usually the first half of February, World's this year aren't until a month later. Plenty of time for Yuzu to go to Korea if he wants to.
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