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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. Yes, that's what I was talking about. Anyway, I'm glad to have been in error.
  2. 4CC can't happen unless it's relocated, Australia has pretty well closed their borders until March 2021 That would be awesome. @sweetwater I was under the impression this was a new and different announcement...my bad. And I should have known better than to take IK at face value given how they go for the dramatic interpretation everytime
  3. Something we're all going to have to learn how to do now, apparently.
  4. Oh s***. Excuse me while I go cry again over the cancellation of Worlds. Basically this means there's no chance to see him live until Stockholm Worlds unless you live in Japan. Unless a miracle* occurs. Now I'm upset. I was optimistic until this. *I.e. he goes to a GP in November that's possible to get to and get tickets for
  5. Also, not really sure how to comment on the performances in the Peggy Fleming event but Jason's skating looks absolutely LIT. If we have any kind of a season this year, I think he's going to surprise people.
  6. Yes. Exactly. Your post has reminded me of something important about the female athlete experience: Females are shamed for having big appetites, period. If you're a female athlete in a sport that needs a 3 - or 4,000 calorie a day diet simply to keep from losing weight uncontrollably, such as swimming, you're going to hear about your appetite from someone. In my case is was my mother, who had two other children and a husband to cook for and was continually irked that I would eat more food than she'd planned for, and who also had a heavy dose of societal programming around the idea that women should eat 'daintily', who was continually reminding me "don't eat that, you'll get fat." Fortunately my coaches were nutritionally aware people who knew how much we needed to eat and gave out good info. My point is that it's not just coaches who matter in this instance. Everybody, from parents to peers to even, in this day of social media, fans, is continually giving female athletes negative feedback around their food intake...it has to stop. Muscle doesn't grow from air. By contrast, the most common thing said to a male athlete about food is "Eat up, you need the energy/strength/muscle/etc."
  7. https://www.cbc.ca/sports/olympics/tokyo-olympics-venues-lined-up-1.5653403?utm_content=buffer0f657&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer&fbclid=IwAR3XVk9UgHB69AEX-BeA1TU-84GAaHNFbq0zmHts-AM6I7GpUOz1Souo8m8 "Estimates say the delay will cost $2 billion to $6 billion," with the majority paid by the Japanese taxpayer. There's a limit to how much that can continue. For example, Montreal finally paid off the 1976 Summer Games in November 2006. It nearly bankrupted the city. That's not something that should be repeated.
  8. Oh, didn't think of that....but how could we possibly keep him a secret and impoverish their difficult alien lives even more?
  9. Not a bad idea. Get those aliens indoctrinated early. Alien: *lands in Ueno Park* Local passerby: Alien: Take me to your Hanyu. Local passerby:
  10. Everytime someone says there's no such thing as a woman skating at a high level past X age, they should look over at Aljona and just stop talking. I love her, she is amazing.
  11. Was checking my phone at the beach and saw this. Showed this to my friend who is not a FS fan ( although she's tolerant of my fanyu ramblings) and she laughed. We've infiltrated the world. Next step, control the UN!
  12. During the war years, the Olympics weren't the massive financial mess they are now. I don't know if you were aware, but the last several Olympics have had a hard time finding enough cities willing to bid on hosting because it involves such a huge financial commitment with no guarantee of a return on investment. Tokyo 2020 is already losing millions if not billions over the postponement. The only chance to recoup is if the Games do get held next year. I'm concerned that if two games get cancelled in a row, the whole thing will go bankrupt and that will be the end.
  13. Kostornaia gives an interview, says it's impossible to for a woman to have a skating career in her 30s and compete with the big jumpers... Meanwhile Aljona Savchenko be like, https://twitter.com/FSIgstories/status/1284104477264556032?s=20 It's a mindset.
  14. So Ontario has released Stage 3 re-opening rules and what it means for sports events is pretty straightforward - any indoors event is limited to 50people or less, anything outdoors to 100 people or less, and all must be socially distanced by 2m at all times. The rules state that any spectators must be limited to less than 50 for any indoor event. So unless things change between now and September, it looks like there won't be any ticket sales for ACI. They might just about be able to hold a competition if they manage who is in the rink at any one time carefully. That's providing Oakville gets to Stage 3 - not sure it is there yet. And after reading about the Peggy Fleming thing - nuh-uh. That's not it. Competitors being allowed to re-take their shots? sorta defeats the whole purpose. The only way to get fair competition online would be with high quality live video and multiple cameras.
  15. "Girls should also not be afraid to do resistance training and have muscle because it “makes them look bulky”. There is a reason why strength and conditioning is an ESSENTIAL part of every sports training regime. Strength training is about power, muscle endurance, strength. These are all things that will always help you in your sport, no matter what it is. Strong is beautiful because strong is healthy. Strong can be the one thing standing between second and first place." This! So very much this!
  16. All I know for sure is that if he does go to Beijing, he'd go with the intent to win decisively, and that any sort of default win owing to competition being cancelled wouldn't be his first choice.
  17. You know what I mean. He'd want to beat everyone for a third time fair and square.
  18. Nice thought but I don't think he'd want to win that way...
  19. Ugh. So many unknowns and variables for this situation... without getting into the politics of it, let me just say that I wonder about what Beijing 2022 will look like. China also needs to be in control of the virus in order to host. Either way, if both Tokyo and Beijing get cancelled, it might be the end for the Olympics as we know it. I hope not.
  20. First I heard of it. I know the purse was given back LOL.
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