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Everything posted by KatjaThera

  1. Last week, I had been navigating the depths of the FF looking at people's reaction to last year's costumes... And it was fun! I wonder if, in time, it might be possible to get such fragments of that thread re-posted somehow... by discussion topics or so. Though there are some dramatic ones, too, like the Brian controversy of 2012 (and beyond :P)... I think they're all interesting, though, especially from the perspective of someone who wasn't a fan back then. I can't imagine how much work that would be, though ^^;
  2. :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: Also, I just used this... [attachment=0]tumblr_onqej6Ed4W1vd80awo7_r1_400.gif[/attachment] Where is this from? I don't remember seeing it before...
  3. I'm surprised it's not taken, but I still don't really want to marry, but rather have a long term affair with his serial killer look :P (I like the smirk, too, in combination, but the look in itself is enough, too) Though sorry, that doesn't really fit in with the wedding plans... (except to give someone the idea to marry it and force us into adultery at some point lol)
  4. Choosing just two is really really hard... In the end I chose Seimei, because to me it's the definition of epic. And Let's Go Crazy, because I love rockstar Yuzu and it doesn't matter to me he never did it 100% clean. Honoroable mentions: PW, H&L,R&J1, POTO, Hana ni Nare, Hana wa Saku...and I have a recent thing for Bolero. Plus the fun ones. Hello I Love You and Vertigo
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