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Everything posted by KatjaThera

  1. I think it's easy to have different interpretations, given Yuzu's English level and also all the factors we don't know. To me, that he mentioned the lack of energy right after Brian said he was calmer seemed to hint either at the intensity being more like energy for him, either a misunderstanding. (There was some other time when Brian misunderstood him, in K&C, either because he didn't hear him properly or was distracted by waiting for the result, though I don't remember when.) I'm not sure the empty stomach had much to do with it... hasn't that been the case in all events since GPF? Admittedly, that's just 4CC, SP and LP and Worlds SP. He hasn't said anything like that then, though I guess that doesn't mean he didn't feel it. So, yeah... who knows? lol I think it is good he's very self-aware and makes an effort to be even more so. I just hope he'll put Brian's advice first, ahead of what he reads in books and such, because Brian seems to know what he's doing. Sometimes Yuzu might be right and Brian not so much - 4Lo - but generally, Brian seems to know what he's doing. I hope their communication is now really good, so even if Yuzu gets other ideas, he can discuss them with Brian to make sure they don't clash. I thought you probably meant the same thing. It's easy not to find the right words to express your point. But I thought it'd be an interesting point of conversation anyway and it seems I was right. I hope it didn't seem like I was correcting you or so, as that wasn't my intention
  2. Thank you very much for the information! To be honest, I'd be tempted to get it just for HQ Sing Sing Sing ^_^; I might look to see if I can find it in Japan when I go next, rather than order it from here, though... As for the talk about excuses vs weakness, he actually said it himself, I think possibly during the interview with Kenji... Anyway, I agree, he's not afraid to show weakness and that whole "Are you a strong person?" "No, I'm weak." is further proof of it. He knows he's human and he knows absolute perfection is impossible, but I also think he feels that he can only try to reach for it and in a way, the sky's the limit. If perfection were attainable, that'd be his limit and he's said he doesn't think he has limits. I'm not sure this makes any sense as I'm somewhat asleep lol. I don't think he'll ever seriously berate himself for failing to perform while seriously injured. But. Boston for example. He'd been injured during the record breaking performances at NHK and GPF, too. Maybe not as badly - though, technically, he was better again before Boston - but still. So it's not really an excuse. I'm also pretty sure he was taking painkillers (I'm a little unfamiliar with what medicine is allowed in FS, but I think it has been mentioned he's taken painkillers at other times, too?) and I doubt his problems were directly injury related. So why mention it? Especially why mention it before? And I'm sure there was more I wanted to say, but... my pillow calls out to me lol
  3. I found your post really interesting, but I just wanted to point out a little thing about this quoted part. I don't think it has much to do with not showing weakness, and it's more that he doesn't want to make excuses or be seen as making excuses. There was an interview somewhere where he said that all big athletes never make excuses so he doesn't want to either. He does admit to mistakes and weaknesses - and is generally harder on himself than anyone else - so I don't think that's a problem, he just doesn't want to make excuses for when things don't go right. (Which makes me wonder if he'd have kept last year's injury completely secret if he could have...)
  4. I think I saw it mentioned on his Wiki page for the first time, but fans virtually never talk about it, so I imagined it's either very rare or nothing that important... Here it says what it contains (google translate will make it clear; no time to translate now ^^) Hmm... tempted to try hunting a limited version in Japan...
  5. I should have googled since to answer you I answered my own question ^_^;;; Yuzuru Hanyu - Time of awakening
  6. I'd buy it... And speaking of DVDs, I'm reposting a question I asked before and nobody seemed to know the answer... does anyone have any idea what is on the DVD he did release? ^_^;
  7. GMTA And in that 2015 FaOI interview with Nobu and Shoma, he did say he wants to coach, but it was more like an afterthought, something he'd do maybe after he quit pro skating as well, or so. He was never as clear about wanting to do it as Javi, for example. As far as I remember, at least. And this is actually a good point. I sometimes did this, too... I'd find out something new, think it'd be interesting and try to apply it in my life. But some time later I'd find something completely different or in any case, conclude it wasn't really the best idea. So doing things on the go may not always be the best idea. I'd be curious to see what Brian thinks about these things, for sure. Because I'm still not sure they agree on the intensity thing. Even in Helsinki, when Brian was trying to point out that Yuzu being less intense probably contributed to the result, while to Yuzu it felt like he didn't have enough energy
  8. I'm pretty sure Brian said already last year that Yuzu has been studying English... though he's probably studied it in school before, too. But that's usually not really enough. Even so, I think we'll get word-struggling for a while still. Grammar is one thing, but vocabulary takes time to build.
  9. Definitely not just you. I wish they had asked him more about it, when he said he'd learned and realized things. I know I'd definitely ask "Oh, like what?" and so on... I'm particularly curious when he learned about the 'coach-athlete' relationship thing and started putting it in practice and how that might have changed his approach to training... (Part of me wants to think it was around when he had his talk with Brian and they finally started understanding each other properly, but there was still WTT, where Brian's absence affected him...) I'm not sure how much self-analysis works, but I'm sure he is aware of any 'shortcomings' and is trying to learn more, understand and address them. (And I'd be SO curious to know what's written in his skate notes, but in the same time I hope no one will ever invade his privacy and read them or do worse things, without his permission ...) And although the education part he turned into it being about him and his coach, I wonder if it also hints at him preparing for a future coaching career of his own (much, much in the future I hope...)
  10. This guy is amazing... Now I wish I could ask him for some book recommendations lol I'd be very curious to read what he reads (and is there that much material in Japanese or is he reading in English? Hmmm...)
  11. I think the twitter post was mildly disturbing and I'm fine with disturbing posts being removed, considering some people could get triggered by something like that, and simply hiding it under a spoiler tag wouldn't help them much by way of knowing what to expect. But I agree there should have been an explanation given. That said, I also don't think it was essential to share it, although I understand the original poster wanting to share their outrage. So maybe just ignoring - and reporting on the social media they're posted on - would be better from now on. It's not really something that is worth discussing anyway, IMO. If it had been an actual blog post ranting about Yuzu being a bad skater or whatever, then I'd get it, but like that... *shrug*
  12. It'll be a few more weeks until I get mine, but I can't wait now!
  13. OK, I didn't actually spend hours on this, but, quick research: My current conclusion is there were two steps. One was probably braces, because in 2011 the front teeth seem a little crooked as well. The second, probably filing. As in 2012, they still seemed flat and kind of... bunny like, albeit straight, and in Sochi they were rounder and more 'pearly'. Pictures under spoiler, because they're huge
  14. I think it probably was related to his teeth... I doubt it could have been fixed that quickly otherwise. But I did think it was caused by the length of the teeth, rather than their shape. (I also only half seriously wondered if the lisp was the reason why he had them fixed... his not great English made communication in Toronto hard enough as it was, the lisp might have made it worse ^_^; And since they couldn't fix his English overnight, they did what they could... ) But he might have done Invisalign as well... if he did something, might as well do it all. (And now I'll probably spend some hours trying to compare pictures and try to figure out if I'm just imagining things...)
  15. I think someone brought this up before and the general consensus seems to have been braces... I admit I know nothing of braces, so I can't say, but I always thought his front teeth look shorter than they did when he was younger. (I remember trying to check once, but it's kind of hard to tell. The change seemed to take place around 2013, though) So I wondered if he had them filed or so... but no idea how common that is as a procedure, either. I think beyond that his teeth were quite ok before... though they are pretty much 'Western perfect' now, so maybe he had them done in Canada... In Japan, they don't care about straight, pearly whites as much. (Actually, I'm not sure they do anywhere except the US... Not as much as in the US...)
  16. The kid was really cute, too, but I like how Yuzu seems to naturally be able to talk to kids... I can't. I never have any idea what to say to kids ^^; (And I know what you mean! I've been a KAT-TUN fan as well, so I still get a "*.* fandoms colliding!" reaction when they're on screen together lol And I think that was Koyama... Also, this year's 24H TV drama stars Kame and Shige! Another thing to look forward to!) And I noticed the thinner as well, but might that not be some baby fat as well? Isn't that side picture from the first time he was on? And last year was after his troubles when I also think he mentioned he put on some weight... So I think this is more his natural state... or I'm just being optimistic ^_^;
  17. Not a proper translation, because I should be sleeping, but yes, he'll be on it again, speaking about his asthma - and difficulties related to that, I guess - for the first time and what @souyouki said ^_^ Official news here: http://www.ntv.co.jp/24h/topics/2017/07/2017826272440.html
  18. He could revive Bolero as an LP and wear his Junior days Bolero costume, for black, tight and sparkly... (I actually really liked that, costume, music and program... an adult version would be fun, but no idea how it'd work as an LP lol)
  19. That's what the text says, at least... "The latest image of Yuzuru Hanyu. It seems he is in Toronto now."
  20. I admit I never noticed either, but I was thinking... given that H&L is a more introspective program, wouldn't it actually make sense to look down? Of course, I don't know if that's why he does it, but looking down on an introspective program doesn't seem at odds to me... And shame on me, I did not even notice that was Pokemon...
  21. From what I got from the original tweet, that's from a DS game that person's son is playing. He named the characters that. And apparently some characters are female There might be more funny details that I missed though...
  22. I see... but her words could also imply only one person guessed it, and that person might have been the one who guessed Seimei... Though the comment is so vague, it could mean just about anything. I actually wouldn't mind POTO so much, because I have a slight emotional attachment to it, plus I haven't been a figure skating fan much, to get sick of it ^^; But I doubt he'd pick it, because it was THAT season's FS. If he is superstitious, I think he'll stay away from it. I also like to think he's outgrown R&J... The others I admit I don't know, but I didn't like Man in the Iron Mask as a movie More seriously, I also think he won't choose an FS that is very similar to Chopin. Or else last year's experimenting would have been a bit pointless... but who knows...
  23. Or some really blah new music? And maybe that girl is sitting somewhere watching and going
  24. I actually wouldn't mind Seimei 2.0. If I had to choose between Seimei 2.0 and Chopin 3.0, I'd choose Seimei as it's a very imposing, commanding music and program. Add to it his current experience, it'd probably be even more so. But that's just a matter of taste. That said, I would rather hope for a Seimei 'sequel' or 'alternative story' or so. Something in that traditional Japanese Universe, with music from the Onmyouji soundtrack, but not the same music/cut, not the same choreography and maybe not the same character either (I once had the joke idea that maybe all the kitty acting this Summer was actually preparation for a cheeky kitsune role and now I'm stuck on it ). That'd be maybe my ideal right now...Either that, or something new, but just as epic. Oh and another argument that led me to Seimei was him saying that he believes he could do it perfectly anytime now. That sounded like... something. But I agree it'd be a lot of pressure to have these two programs, both of them, again. GPF2015 would hang over his head every time he skated. There's a fine line between good pressure and bad pressure and I hope he knows where it is, for him.
  25. I feel my money wanting to run away... And I've already spent a ton of money recently on stuff from Japan And that reminds of another curiosity I have... the Yuzu Time of Awakening (was it?) DVD... what's on it? lol I've been contemplating trying to get it on Yahoo Auctions Japan, but I'd like to know, at least a bit, what's on it, to get an idea of how much I'm willing to spend on it
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