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Everything posted by yuzuangel

  1. THANK YOU. this video ended too soon :'(
  2. Well, I hope so And fans will fly from worldwide to see him, I'm sure.
  3. I'm pretty mad I didn't see him in Boston. I only saw the gala (so I did see him but ... not in competition). I didn't go because I had a friend's birthday party. *head desks*
  4. Yeah Japan is historically rather xenophobic. It's admirable that Yuzu acknowledges his foreign fans and does so quite often; it shows he does care, but the language barrier probably makes it hard for him to truly understand them.
  5. Well not just that, but Japanese shows pay more + are easier for him if he lives in Japan. I don't think Stars on Ice or whatever can afford to take him on nor would they want to, North Americans/Europeans seem to pretend he doesn't exist sometimes.
  6. Perhaps, but I think they will miss taking a % of his paycheck, haha.
  7. "Will fans opinions coincide with the judges?" Never
  8. I don't know either but most of his expenses while he's still skating is paid for (by ANA ) so he doesn't *need* money and only focuses on training to win. So fewer competitions, especially at the end of a hard season = less chance of injury Whereas other skaters like Javi clearly do things (i.e. skating in the WTT gala, which had a pretty good paycheck for skating one program) at least partially for the $$ because they don't get the same amount of support, sadly.
  9. Yeah it sounds kinda similar to Team Challenge Cup, which was done by invitations and...fan voting? Yuzu was injured back then but I don't think he would've voluntarily done it. I don't think they pay nearly enough for him (although it may be a nice amount for other skaters). I don't think he would participate in WTT either except for the fact that he's kind of forced to.
  10. Probably because he usually does ACI which is close to the Japan Open and more convenient for him not to have to fly to Japan. Plus the JO is FS-only so he won't get a chance to practice the SP, and it doesn't give ranking points (not sure if he cares much about those anyway). Maybe they don't invite him because it's basically a cheesefest and they may not pay him enough either.
  11. hmm, that's odd, because almost all images embed correctly for me..but this one doesn't
  12. Well, he is coached Kori "No one has transitions into quads" Ade
  13. Hahaha why? Because he looks so wholesome on the cover?
  14. Haha I wasn't thinking about talking to him at all...I dont' think he would've really appreciated that And I think we did say stuff, someone said "Hanyu senshuu"? anyway, I'm sure he appreciates every day when he doesn't get ambushed by fans hahaha.
  15. Haha, we did see him leave the press conference room. I felt kind of bad, because he was clearly exhausted (and faking smiles is the most exhausting thing) and I'm sure he just wanted to be left alone. (Although it wasn't the same as after the SP at Worlds when we saw him, across a glass wall, where he looked like he absolutely didn't want to be bothered.) And we were very polite and didn't try to talk to him or ask him for anything I hope he's since been well-rested and healthy and ready to avenge that ACI silver!
  16. must be nice to be attractive, talented, and hard working. LOL
  17. Oh, it copies for me, I can copy it for you if you want. I'll try to figure out a way later when I get home too.
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