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Everything posted by yuzuangel

  1. ~500 posts til 100,000 will we get there before the start of the SP?
  2. Exactly my thoughts Also, favorite pieces by each choreographer you listed: Tom Dickson: Yuna's Tango de Roxanne Jeff: Chopin Shae: Seimei David Wilson: Swan. And Yuna's SITC, Arirang, Giselle, Danse Macabre.
  3. Runthrough fancams: (unfortunately may be blocked in some countries )
  4. Ladies and gentlemen, the most beautiful skater in the world
  5. Practice today (for 4Lz clips see next post!):
  6. To be honest Medvedeva skates a very (at least according to CoP) difficult program already. Loads of backloading, transitions into each jump, tanos and rippons galore. She mixes it up by adding even more difficult (again, according to CoP because it doesn't seem difficult for her) arm variations as the season progresses and this season she did try to backload more. True, she doesn't *always* get the highest TES, but it's always up there. I think a lot of people find her stagnant to watch because her interpretation and especially her choreography isn't everyone's cup of tea. If she was doing quads then she would be interesting to watch on that front, but her choreography et. al. would have the same issues to the same people. And they weren't pushing the technical envelope much in the last 20 or so years either but there have still been some very beloved ladies champions who have come and gone. In fact you could say her backloading and tano'ing has changed...even pushed the ladies' field very much. Just look at not just the Russian skaters but every other young Japanese, Korean, and American skater adding arm variations and backloading. You didn't see that in the pre-Sochi era.
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