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Everything posted by yuzuangel

  1. I think he's both beautiful and handsome.
  2. Thanks, just saw the video. Seriously, how immature? It's quite unprofessional and irresponsible (potentially dangerous) how they're calling people out individually from the audience like that. Given how fast angry anti-Yuzu-fan fans jump to conclusions, it could potentially hurt the girl. I've already seen the comments on YouTube about it and it's no t pretty OTOH, I don't even mind if she's crying because he lost. As an overly emotional person who has an extremely bad poker face and 0 ability to pretend to be happy when I'm not, I totally sympathize It's not like she's hurting anyone. And I doubt Nathan would care all that much...or even notice, if they hadn't shown it on TV.
  3. no rush, hope you enjoy(ed) the competition!
  4. Possible explanateion by the-real-xmonster at tumblr.
  5. yeah, actually this was exactly my thought too
  6. honestly it looks nothing like him....lol
  7. Well, that's consistency I guess. Surprised that not much has changed since 2006! eta: and now my nostalgia has caught up to me and i'm feeling the sads
  8. It's always exactly the same music??
  9. More miscellaneous photos from yesterday (practice + SP):
  10. i was asleep i really wanted post #100,000
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