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Everything posted by yuzuangel

  1. Yeah, he couldn't get citizenship right? All that wasted effort... https://www.instagram.com/p/Bf3wEcMFtvS/?hl=it&taken-by=frankbouds
  2. At this point, what can he recycle? LGC and H&L?
  3. Well, now that Yuzu has reached his old goals and now has new ones, lots will start to change now He might even get a gold at 4CC someday (Frankly, I'm excited to see him win a GP gold at anywhere other than NHK. It'll also be easier to see him live, whee )
  4. Camera angles (more in the thread)
  5. oh really you should join our thread
  6. Hi, I've moved the posts about Stephen Gogolev to the Team Canada thread... there's a lot to discuss there so we should continue the discussion there
  7. People still remember Kristi Yamaguchi, Tara Lipinski, Dick Button, Sonja Henie so...yes, very much so I think
  8. Aha yes. Sometimes when I have a few good centered spins, I stop practicing spins that day because then I can say I had a successful spin day, whereas I know if I keep going I'll start traveling at one point and get frustrated...and then i'll keep spinning out of frustration and go down that rabbit hole lol...sometimes stopping and resetting helps
  9. Max at a grand prix event is 3 per country, but the spots are earned by the skater and not the country. (On the contrary, for the JGP it's earned by the country.) The exception is single host spot which is given to the host country. For Euros, it's 3 spots max, and for 4CC, each country gets 3 spots period.
  10. Probably takes a high level of comfort and skating skills to be comfortable in your elements *and* be able to emote? You can only expend so much effort and all of it goes into setting up jumps, doing your steps, etc.... Honestly, it's why Yuzu is so amazing, and why PCS judging shouldn't be so lackadaisical by the judges...like jumping quads, performance is HARD. Anyway it's also really hard to time all your moves to the music, because it obviously means you have to be ready to jump, spin, or do the connecting step right on the note. And if your weight's not in the right place at the moment, or you are a bit behind the music and can't rush to catch up, then the entire performance suffers. To be able to hit the beat all the time like Yuzu does is so hard because it means you've buffed the hell out of your skating that you can do any and every move at every single moment. And then you factor in nerves...it's really easy to just let your muscle memory take over and completely close out your surroundings including your music. Probably also why we see some ladies like Alina who does have her moments in competitions when she hits her jumps and arm movements on the note, but she was really off her music at the Olympics due to nerves.
  11. actually pchan did it at worlds in 2017
  12. They aren't lost! Just go to Categories -> Yuzu and Friends
  13. It happens. I think progress in skating is never ever monotonically increasing lol, so frustrating. But like Yuzu says, you are "raising your average"
  14. Marin seems inconsistent with motivation/training issues. I honestly don't think she will ever make the National team unless she truly steps it up and makes huge changes esp with Wakaba, Kaori, Satoko, Rika Kihira, and Mai all contending for at most 3 spots.
  15. well, it makes you appreciate the real yuzu more i guess
  16. Hi! We have a thread here to talk about skating, including other skaters. In fact, there's a bit of a parallel discussion there about the very topic of judging and jumps vs. artistry. Since this is the Yuzu chat, try to keep the posts on topic about Yuzu Thanks!
  17. I'm glad Yuzu has the highest SP, FS, and Combined records bc with the elimination of a jumping pass and 30 seconds of time it'll be really hard to break that...also it was already really hard to break it unless you're Yuzu
  18. I don't think he is salty. IIRC he kept getting asked this question until he ultimately caved and answered..? Anyway, well, I think TCC is aware of Shoma's issues and (possible) overscoring, given Tracy's eloquent shade during SC and Brian and Yuzu constantly talking about technique. But none of them hold it against Shoma himself. I was very surprised the 4Lo wasn't called, because usually when Shoma falls, the jump is UR'd (and called). And that would've made the difference
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