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Everything posted by cirelle

  1. I really, really (really) should go to sleep.... but. (If it’d start very soon, yes!)
  2. I could watch him do lgc forever and ever.
  3. Wooo, I seem to have ordered a t-shirt! After laughing hysterically for half an hour bc google translating everything (except for the katakana which I aced ). A bit kuyashii that I didn’t get the purple one too, but oh well.
  4. I saw your nick and had my suspicions, hi! It’s from *the* practice! Why haven’t I seen this before?! In many ways the streamed practices were some of my favorite parts of the Olys.
  5. I haven’t been caught up in literal weeks.. but I worked really hard during Easter break. Yay flag!
  6. I could go to France... here’s hoping Zuzu will be recovered and going to IdF.
  7. Darn it, I feel I might want to change my predictions now. As usual. ETA: Okay, I changed mine!
  8. 24 hour streaming party! The mosaics are TO DIE FOR. And completely impossible to take good pictures of.
  9. Gaaaaaah! He won’t go, he won’t go, he won’t go. But if he goes I need to know soon bc I need to buy som Poohs.
  10. Which means ’I’m back’. As you probably already know, but it makes me squishy so I’m going to post it anyway.
  11. YES. It’s why I made it. Edit: That and the smile.
  12. Both new themes are SO PRETTY. Thank you!
  13. This i’s so cool, cause usually someone has one (1) specialty, like Gaby’s 3T3T or Satton’s Layback or Misha’s ChSq, and Yuzu’s 3A is that, but then he also loads of other +3’s. I just love how INFORMATIVE this is. Huh. Medvedeva has a lot of different +3’s, but not really one specialty?
  14. Dear gods, this weekend. I’m on my way to work and it feels like weeks since the SP. The emotional rollercoaster really was something.
  15. Since we’re making confessions. What really scared me was when he said to PJ Kwong around January 20th (?) that he was ”better”, ’cause that’s what I’ve done when I was recovering but not really well enough to say everything is good. Then Brian started talking Yuzu up and I relaxed. Too much maybe, considering what he’s saying about his ankle now.
  16. Omg, I love the picture. I might need to change my ava...
  17. Well... there were like 35+ pages from last night. About half before pictures? I love volcano days.
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