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Everything posted by Pammi

  1. 5 mins - what's our Christmas pressie from our "sweetheart Santa" at 8pm??
  2. Yuzuru has posted on his YT channel folks!
  3. Just watched the men's short......I missed Yuzu and his beautiful skating Shoma first, Koshiro 2nd, Sota 3rd
  4. Beautiful I dare anyone not to cry from 2A onwards!
  5. Quite the performer!! Always hope Yuzuru sees stuff like this - his influence is so visible in the arts in Japan.
  6. @Fay !! Not professional, but still it's the whole programme! and more!
  7. Well that told us lol!! and I so agree with every word...but there is this like...intrinsic urge in some of us to vote for Yuzu at every given opportunity, and a need to show everyone that he deserves to win everything coz he's the best - it's a Fanyu syndrome, well a fan of anyone in any sport I think, it must come from a competitive instinct! But lots of us are forcing ourselves to be more discriminatory about these things and ask ourselves what does this mean for Yuzuru and his legacy, and the I$U awards aren't top of the list of answers that's for sure....oh but that urge again...distract yourself fanyus!!! Maybe go and look at Yuzu in that white jumper for Ajinomoto and dream of owning the clear file..... Of course people will make their own choices about voting, but I truly hope Yuzu does not give the awards even one moments thought!
  8. Yes I think it was very special too
  9. This is what Yuzu does to just about everyone it would seem (in a good way ofc) Every time he skates, he moves us. (so glad Jordan corrected the cantilever comment to a hydroblade )
  10. Skinny jeans (I think?) and white pumps look v nice on Mr H (yes what he says is v important ofc!!!)
  11. Don't think this has been posted - it's the second video (just under Yuzu's video message)....some clips from Prologue included, it's like a movie trailer as one of the comments says! (Yuzu's voice is so wonderful)
  12. I ponder the I*U awards under the spoiler so you can avoid if you cannot bear to think about them!
  13. I must have rose coloured glasses I suppose - I can't bear the thought of Yuzuru just being ignored at this JNats as he is still the reigning champion, and a six times champion at that! They better bloody acknowledge him! (but I totally understand the cynical POV too, knowing JSF....)
  14. CONGRATS!!! EDIT: I just got THIS notification!! Congratulations! You've increased your rank to #YOLO3A! 3 minutes ago
  15. Maybe we can take it with us to Tokyo Dome!!
  16. I have commented in main but just want to say thank you so much for the work you have done on this beautiful book for Yuzuru! Do you know where to send it yet?
  17. Lovely you did such a beautiful job!
  18. Excellent commentary by Max!! (though it isn't the very young skater's fault imo, but adults around him and those in powerful positions in ISU and big feds....)
  19. No guide book either - that will come before the show but wont be shipped until after, Yuzuru likes giving us surprises!
  20. No theorising on the yet satellites?? I think it's Yuzu in the middle, the shooting star, and his fans around him as the twinkling stars in the night sky....what do you think??
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