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    source unknown, please PM if you know the source
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    far, far away from here

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Baby Swan

Baby Swan (4/67)

  1. It was very nice of him, even though he sounded more like a baby in that attempt, which is only natural when you know less than 10 words from a foreign language. Such a cute baby Russian from Yuzu
  2. Pedantic and harsh to himself, in a productive way, from a very young age :) . Now he has the best 3A in business, and his once problematic 3F is a thing of beauty too. Practice made perfect
  3. Well... Making a wax figure of an alienly handsome boy from a planet far, far away from here wasn't a very good idea . They should've done an extra of some famous Earth habitant - and no one's sense of beauty would have been hurt (much).
  4. Did I miss something? Have the weddings already happened or simply been moved to a more suitable date?
  5. It's time for a little celebration! *throws confetti* Let the fun continue! Now would be a really good time for Yuzu to emerge.
  6. For a moment I thought I somehow got into the wrong thread. How weird.
  7. Pooh deserves a special medal for being so patient and enduring. All those years...
  8. One can argue that PW blue shirt brought him much more luck than the bookskirt. He better pick something not overly extravagant and, most importantly, blue for at least one program. Sorry if I went with a small comment outside the costume thread.
  9. Oh dear... Only on the second look did I realise that it's not the original Zimmer & Gerrard's masterpiece. Powerful stuff anyway.
  10. He has all the chances to outsmart others and even make them play by his own rules so as to wait for the right moment and strike. It's all about the tactics, and some luck. *evil laughter*
  11. I know it's never going to happen, but what if Yuzu chose something total black, plain and simple, with one single detail? Like this He's gorgeous in black, you know...
  12. Maybe Javi simply doesn't care to the extent that he didn't bother to ask about JN and its results; maybe he just have a tendency to forget and mix up things that aren't valuable to him. Maybe the recent Worlds messed up his memory, I don't know... Anyways, like it has already been mentioned above, his interviews can be somewhat questionable. I was surprised by that huge factual error too, but it may not be the journalist's fault after all.
  13. Space kitty, cute kitty, Little ball of fur. Happy kitty, golden kitty, Purr, purr, purr... Source :x
  14. He loooves Skate Chanada and their silver medals a lot, there's a good chance he will go there. COR sounds less realistic to me, though I'd love it to happen.
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