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Everything posted by axelnojutsu

  1. I still think the secret is in the sweat
  2. what do you mean fully grown I don't know her I am still a child how do adult
  3. why did I just imagine tiny biceps popping up on his chin 💪💪💪
  4. Not to rain on the parade of those excited for He-Man Yuzu but I'm sure the protein-rich diet is more to counter-act muscle loss from inactivity (depending on how severe the injury and the subsequential resting period is he will not be able to sustain it) than to start looking like a bodybuilder
  5. Today I think I am much more positive Of course, I am still worried and sad, but I had a little chuckle about Yuzu - King of Comebacks - gearing up for the most epic comeback of them all I truly hope he can feel all the love and support from his fans coming his way and he’ll know we believe in him
  6. I’m the same way today At least nobody expects me to be functional today and I’m with some friends that while not interested in FS at all are very understanding and trying to cheer me up
  7. "we showed some animated fruit why aren't you happy?"
  8. The cup of disaster demons have infected the forum
  9. haha same problem here, I'm navigating the page via the activity tab right now which works fine but it won't let me onto the main page
  10. Maybe it's gonna evolve alongside the program over the course of the season to emerge like a butterfly from the cocoon in its final form at the Olympics
  11. Somebody make a Harry Potter version of those video memes edits
  12. It's his off-ice "fashion" that's questionable
  13. I like that Shoma has the Nimbus 2000 but Yuzu has the 2001
  14. reminds me of when Brian first worked with Yuzu and he talked about Yuzu just saying yes to everything even though he didn't understand anything
  15. tbh being told to not question anything is generally a big red flag but I'm not surprised - if ISU were willing to take criticism and interested in applying their own rules correctly skaters wouldn't need to "appeal" anything in the first place
  16. Yeah, same for me. It's weird, I was never his biggest fan but the thought of him "giving up" like that really bothers me. I hope he'll get back on track and show some fighting spirit again soon. It would be such a shame for his last season to just sort of fizzle out because he lost confidence.
  17. I was already feeling quite sappy today but this just made me feel all warm and fuzzy, I'm so glad this planet exists
  18. let's just communicate via ****** morse code
  19. I'll have 359 first pancakes attempts to get the perfect swan so I'd like to think I will get some decent ones out of it
  20. Because he doesn't need it to win against PC if he goes clean which is his goal for SC afaik
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