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Everything posted by Clo

  1. Hello everyone, could I ask for a recommendation? I'm looking for a new poster for my already embarassingly large collection (), specifically an origin 2.0 poster. I've looked through this thread and amazon.jp but it's sometimes hard to understand which image was used as poster, and as I said, I'm looking for something specific. Does any of you have a magazine with this kind of poster? Thanks!
  2. There there :empathy: we'll always have that half of LGC in the red costume from the Ghana CM making-of video :love: Now that is most def true :love:
  3. Yep! But I'm actually amazed by her ninja moves as well. She has a sixth sense when cameras start clicking and is just able to hide/blend into the background. When she arrives at the airport with Yuzuru for comps, it's not unusual to see her dash away from the cameras, so you can see her only for a split second it's pretty cute
  4. Did you spell that from memory or did you have to, like all normal human beings, copy paste it from somewhere? If you remembered that from memory, you have to put a ring on it!!
  5. I can pronounce it, but don't ask me to remember the spelling and NPD is a sound choice. I, too, hereby confess I like it. #noshame There is that other red costume, but... that's the reason we'll probably never see another one in red... so... (I still love it... we could have had it all)
  6. I think his mother is here: Yep, she's the one sewing the costume. How fitting, we're talking about this costume in the costumes' thread
  7. This costume was designed by [link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCEclb7MHh8]Johnny Weir[/link]... so let's blame him :p Am I the only one who likes this costume...? :wtf: I mean, you can see his mom made it, because it's definitely not as tight-fitting as we'd expect (she's still his mom, I guess it's only natural :smile: ), but I like the decorations... okay no I'm just partial to red. I love red and I love Yuzuru in red. Alas, it was never meant to be... I even like this: (SUE ME! :rofl2: )
  8. Normally that would be spot on, but I'd go with "porcelain doll" here, since when it comes to Yuzu, "wax statue" makes me remember something else entirely, which is not pretty at all :grin: He does look somewhat... weird... in these photos... I blame it on the hair, it's too perfect :rofl2:
  9. 2008 Japanese National is the first time I found him doing it,still a cute baby hydroblade at that time http://www.bilibili.com/video/av990218/ so precious
  10. Noooo my sister and I had that song stuck in our heads for days! I am not watching that But in the video yuzu is dancing to that song :tongue: don't you want to see that? (I admit it's not thaaaaaat great, but still good for a chuckle) HONESTLY, how many times have we seen him dancing to random pieces of music, just out of the blue? I still remember that time he was watching Maia Shibutani reharsing the coreography for the Boston gala and he just started to imitate her. Such sass, I can't
  11. Maybe she was the one who caused the battle in the first place... by making the other two fight for the golden apple with an inscription that read: "to the best choreographer ever". So in this scenario, Lori is Eris... we're missing a third contender for the apple, obviously that one is Jeff (imagine him side-lunging into the scene asking "Shouldn't that be mine then??". Bonus points for Let's Go Crazy sounding in the background). But then... who is Paris?
  12. LMAO I love this. The least threatening boxer I've ever seen. Look at him, he's like a kitten. Yet he manages the assassin look very well when he wants... As we've seen :grin: Also the first time I saw that "Pooh is gone" pic on Javier's IG I laughed for a week :rofl2:
  13. Not enough sparkle. I agree. If it doesn't have sparkles, it doesn't fit him (??) Am I the only one who kinda hopes for him to go "f**k this!" and bring back the red? Realistically, I know the chances are low... but a girl can dream
  14. I see quite a few people mentioned YOI before me... I'm also one who was lured in by it. Funny thing is, I did enjoy the anime, but I wasn't particularly invested in it, nor I consider myself a fan. But yeah, I stumbled upon the (infamous?) debate "Yuuri was inspired by Yuzuru/No he was inspired by Machida" posts, then I watched the Sochi version of PW and... honestly I don't remember what happened right after. It's like a blackout after drinking way too much, but somehow I came back a changed woman :grin: I don't even know how it happened, but suddenly my laptop has a BIG Yuzuru folder. This season was such a rollercoaster... I don't know how I'll survive the next one! I'm too new at this XD
  15. Una sparisce per un paio di giorni e guarda qua: il thread è andato avanti molto più di quello che pensavo... //arranca per stare al passo Re i mondiali di Milano: io sinceramente non so neanche da che parte del mondo sarò nel 2018, si spera molto lontana dall'Italia, ma me ne frego altamente, i biglietti io li compro!! Poi al massimo... li venderò... ma spero proprio di no!! Se non vedo Yuzuru allora, quando mai avrò l'occasione? Non posso lasciarmela sfuggire. Re programmi preferiti: mi unisco a chi preferisce Let's Go Crazy. AMO questo SP e non mi interessa se non l'ha mai fatto perfettamente pulito. La mia versione preferita è quella del GPF, sorrisone dopo la quasi caduta sul quad loop compreso (voglio dire... guardate il mio avatar...). Per il FP la scelta è più difficile... Adoro Seimei, specialmente la versione GPF 2015/Barcellona (Yuzuru che finisce i suoi programmi in versione "adesso vi STENDO TUTTI" è il mio Yuzuru preferito), ma non potrò mai dimenticare il batticuore di guardare Hope&Legacy durante Helsinki, attaccata alla televisione, abbracciata a una mia amica per superare l'esperienza traumatica! Quando Yuzuru ha finalmente preso la combo 4S+3T abbiamo urlato tantissimo!! Mamma mia, se ci ripenso un po' mi vergogno... ma non troppo
  16. Guarda, Milano è molto ben collegata, non credo sarà un problema trovare un albergo che risponda ai tuoi gusti/alla tua disponibilità e poi muoverti con la metro. Da quel punto di vista non sarà un problema. Io ho più paura che i biglietti vengano messi in vendita tardi, ma soprattutto lasciati alla mercé dei rivenditori terzi... certo quello non è un problema solo italiano. Comunque è vero, dopo il disastro del GPF Marsiglia... ci dovremmo davvero impegnare per fare non dico peggio, ma anche solo uguale a loro... (tocco già ferro)
  17. I can't believe no one wants to marry any part of the Prince SP. Is it, like, off-limits? Can I marry the perfect way the Prince costume hugs his waist?
  18. Wow, dev'essere impegnativo tradurre un video del genere - di sicuro si impara molto riguardo i nomi italiani dei passi e delle transizioni e di tutti gli elementi tecnici! Nemmeno io sapevo che 'turns' si traducesse con 'becchi' xD Sono sicura che avete fatto un lavoro molto accurato, non vedo l'ora di vederlo! Credo non mi stancherò mai di quella versione di Hope and Legacy. Sento ancora le stesse emozioni che ho sentito sul momento, in quell'Arena, bwaaah *si emoziona di nuovo* #JELLY giuro, se avessi avuto i soldi durante questa stagione li avrei sperperati a destra e a manca per vedere europei E mondiali... meno male(??)che invece sono disoccupata :rofl:
  19. Buongiorno a tutti/e! Mi domando quanti fan di yuzuru ci siano in Italia. Mi sono avvicinata da pochissimo alla disciplina e non mi pare riceva molta attenzione... anzi diciamoci la verità, non ne riceve affatto. :nono: Io sto già pensando ai mondiali di Milano... dobbiamo cercare di rappresentare il nostro Paese al meglio, perché Dio solo sa come saranno organizzati i mondiali 2018. :crazy:
  20. Sorry for the OT but I NEED context for your ava!! what even is that thing and when did it happen? it doesn't look like a manip!
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