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Proposed changes for next season

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2 minutes ago, Xen said:

Wow, do they actually do that?


nah, I'm pretty sure they think all rules in general are "controversial" and should only be followed if convenient. They only have that congress for the coffee breaks.

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1 minute ago, hoodie axel said:

They just voted against putting "Evaluate each Program Component according to its individual criteria" in the rules. The US rep spoke out against it.

well yeah, they benefit from the corridor....*rolleyes*

Why does it seem like the national bias issue only gets brought up by certain feds, while major large feds are so...silent?


@LadyLou: well you did start the e-medals trend...>_>


Gods, when a sport has rules created for the maximum flexibility of the judges and minimum flexibility of the atheletes. And we wonder why it's a dying sport. Who the heck would want to be the athelete here?

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1 hour ago, Nuitsuki said:


 National bias is not always a thing. Look at this:

the Japanse judge is a prime example of domestic conflict of interest. Wouldn’t be surprised if he/she is from Nagoya 🙄 


Good grief, never thought I would live in a world where Nathan's transitions scored higher than Yuzuru. Someone give that poor lady grandma glasses please:crazyshit:


I literally turned into angry cacti everytime I saw news from this thread....

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43 minutes ago, hoodie axel said:

They just voted against putting "Evaluate each Program Component according to its individual criteria" in the rules. The US rep spoke out against it.


ouch that's really bad, as if it wasn't bad enough that it was happening already, now they are saying: yup, let's keep doing that, what, did you really believed you could give 9 for one component and 7 for another? Did you really bothered reading those criteria? LOL you're so dumb!

(I feel dumb)

Why do they even bother with guidelines and individual criteria for each cathegory if it's all about "I like it/I don't" and you can dump everything together?

Just stop calling them PCS and go for some "Global impression & Pushing my fed agenda".


39 minutes ago, Xen said:

Gods, when a sport has rules created for the maximum flexibility of the judges and minimum flexibility of the atheletes. And we wonder why it's a dying sport. Who the heck would want to be the athelete here?

true, sadly. It's not like in most of the countries skaters get much fame or money, even if they have long and successful careers like Javi or Caro. Even in Japan top skaters probably don't earn nearly as much as top baseball players... skaters really keep skating because they love the sport :tumblr_m7etfqA8wS1qb1380:

Top priority of ISU should be to protect the skaters and grant them the basic right to see their performances rewarded fairly... after all, fans follow the sport thanks to skaters, certainly not because they like ISU:sipping:

I wonder if ISU will ever realize its own behaviour (or non-behaviour re: PCS scoring mess) is what drives so many people away from figure skating... (heck, they should know the drop in poularity after Salt Lake City was due to, guess what, judging issues, not skaters themselves)

It's difficult for people to say "I don't care if that skater doesn't win" if that skater could win if ony judged according to the rules. People can't really enjoy a competition if the final standings make them angry all the time.

And it's even harder when fans get emotionally invested in skaters to see their efforts continuously disregarded... and ISU should really know that getting fans emotionally invested in as many skaters as possible is the best way to ensure a strong and loyal base that will pay for comps and would even be ready for pay-per-view content (if decent). If you love a skater you'll also try to catch all his competitions, and you'll see more skaters and eventually grow fond of many of them and of skating itself (that's what happened to me. I would have not gone to Milan and to Florence to watch skaters that were NOT Yuzu otherwise, nor I would have woken up for more than a week at 2 a.m. to follow live Olympic coverage on TV...)

Also, in a world where social media allow to share any kind of content, an invested fan is useful as a mean to expose even non-fans to FS content (that otherwise most people could hardly get on tv).

How many of us have tried to "convert" our families and friends?:peek:

But oh wait, I guess they have no idea that less and less people watch tv anyway, and the younger generations in a very near future probably won't even care about tv at all and what they'll watch will be only on-demand content (heck, I don't even watch tv most of the time, I just connect my PC to the tv so I can watch what I want on a bigger screen, and I'm not a millennial...)

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The more I look at the backloading bonus limit, the more I get annoyed.

So far whenever people talk about "balance" it's about the mathematical balance of elements, specifically jumps. But what about artistic balance, or whether or not the skating actually expresses the music?


Now with the caps, SP is less an issue because, well 3 jumps, not as huge a deal. But FS is...interesting. Technically most of the advanced skaters already can do 4/3 or possibly 3/4 split in the FS. And now, there is no incentive points wise, mathematically to do more or do less than that type of distribution.


It doesn't even have to be combo, if most skaters do //jump-jump-jump-spin-chsq-spin in the second half, music will have to be edited to work with the layout. To make the layout "artistic" enough, music editing will be more important than before to give an artistic impression. Would music choice and edits/cuts be more uniform/stale than before? Previously skaters backloaded to their limit, now everyone has the same backload option (that most are able to do anyways).

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2 hours ago, Nuitsuki said:

Because we simply cannot prevent it. 


1) ISU doesn’t want to limit national bias. I was shocked to know that SC president was on the panel of ice dance at Olympics. I mean, could there be a bigger conflict of interest than this? Yet they allowed it.


2) After all this sport is just a political game. P/C outscored V/M in PCS for their messy short dance more or less showed that there is no actual judging at all. Especially when the conterders are from big feds and consistently have good results. We have seen Zhenya, Alina breaking records left and right even when they did not perform better than their previous record-breaking performance. We also see japanese ladies struggle to have new personal best despite having actual improvements. Everything has been arranged under the table. I won’t be surprised if in next quad, russian ladies still dominate 1-2 at most of the competitions, with top korean/japanese lady get into 2nd/3rd if they are lucky. The 3rd russian lady will likely be sacrificed because ISU doesn’t like podium sweep. 


3) National bias is not always a thing. Look at this:

the Japanse judge is a prime example of domestic conflict of interest. Wouldn’t be surprised if he/she is from Nagoya 🙄 


Japanese Fed's strategy makes no sense to mortal minds.


ETA: USFSA, on the other hand, couldn't be more obvious if they tried.

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16 minutes ago, WinForPooh said:

Japanese Fed's strategy makes no sense to mortal minds.


ETA: USFSA, on the other hand, couldn't be more obvious if they tried.


China, even hosting Beijing 2022, can't get away with stuff.

USFSA can get away with a lot of things.


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1 minute ago, Xen said:


China, even hosting Beijing 2022, can't get away with stuff.

USFSA can get away with a lot of things.


Seems to be the gist of it. Russia is probably coffeebreaking about the steps and quad rep, but I don't know how successful they'll be. Japan could have clout if they wanted to but apparently they don't want to. Go figure. 

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9 minutes ago, hoodie axel said:

Might there be a "Japan's strategy" meme here?

*has flashbacks of the japanese students at model UN meets where they actually had a country that had clout*

Yeah...not really that surprising. I mean, Romania bossing around Norway on a human rights commitee...and Romania was not played by Japan...

I think Japan is trying to do something as a middle power fed, but not...doing it correctly. And China isn't really bothering with anything, but will probably start doing stuff privately due to Beijing 2022 clout which can't really be overtly used at ISU congress. =/

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I want coffee break cams.


I picture them (all the bigger feds) walking around going 'A nice setup you've built. Must've been a lot of work. It does all look very flammable. Pity. Now I've got some insurance for small and medium feds. It's called... do as I say.'

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