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4 hours ago, Lyyli said:


I also hope he´ll land those quads because he´s a great skater. I´ve not managed to find any articles etc where he or Kori speak about training the quads. I just hope the reason he didn´t get them yet are the injuries, not body structure etc. that would make the jumps more difficult for him in general than for example for Yuzu. Jason is as old as him, about a week younger, so the quads have been there for him as well. But every skater has his own path and Yuzu started in seniors already 2010, Jason 2013.

Well he started training 4T yeaaaarrrss ago, he just keeps getting hurt! Even after he recovered from his back and his hip, they made it so that he couldn't spend as much time on ice to keep from aggravating them. Then last season just before nationals he had that stress fracture and had to back off his plans to keep the 4T planned for the latter half of the season. He just has a lot of really rotten luck, poor thing. It's like every time he FINALLY is fully recovered from an injury, he gets hurt again. 


My fingers are crossed that they wrap him in bubble wrap when he's not competing for this whole season!

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And Skate Detroit has started today, with its absolutely ridiculous pricing for (a terrible) livestream.


Here's the top two that we care about really

1. Courtney Hicks - 63.13 3F1Lo, 3Lz, 2A
2. Mirai Nagasu - 58.21 3A(<<,2ft), 3F(fall), 3Lz2T


Doesn't seem particularly good for Mirai but of course, still off season. More at RS

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47 minutes ago, Yatagarasu said:

And Skate Detroit has started today, with its absolutely ridiculous pricing for (a terrible) livestream.


Here's the top two that we care about really

1. Courtney Hicks - 63.13 3F1Lo, 3Lz, 2A
2. Mirai Nagasu - 58.21 3A(<<,2ft), 3F(fall), 3Lz2T


Doesn't seem particularly good for Mirai but of course, still off season. More at RS


Courtney :happy0158:

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2 hours ago, Yatagarasu said:

And Skate Detroit has started today, with its absolutely ridiculous pricing for (a terrible) livestream.


Here's the top two that we care about really

1. Courtney Hicks - 63.13 3F1Lo, 3Lz, 2A
2. Mirai Nagasu - 58.21 3A(<<,2ft), 3F(fall), 3Lz2T


Doesn't seem particularly good for Mirai but of course, still off season. More at RS

@magicaleggrolls uploaded videos from the competition here:


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Vincent Zhou's SP from Skate Detroit today. 4Lz3T 4F // 3A - 97.68



I think Vincent is going to trailblaze in Nathan's path. I wonder if his consistency and PCS will raise as the season goes along and he actually challenges the Top 6. I think with his arsenal, he may well do so. He was talking about 5-6 quads in his FS too. 

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1 hour ago, xeyra said:

Vincent Zhou's SP from Skate Detroit today. 4Lz3T 4F // 3A - 97.68


Both the 4F and the 3A were highly iffy, those are URs. No steps before the Flip. He's very, very slow and there's not much in that program. I don't see him challenging the top men but I think he could challenge for one of the US spots all right, especially as judging at Nationals is different to international competitions. 

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5 minutes ago, Yatagarasu said:



Both the 4F and the 3A were highly iffy, those are URs. He's very, very slow and there's not much in that program. I don't see him challenging the top men but I think he could challenge for one of the US spots all right, especially as judging at Nationals is different to international competitions. 


Yeah on the iffy landings (and no steps to the 4F). And this was a national skating competition with national judges, so internationally he will probably not get so generously scored. But who knows, I'm not ruling out anything at this point, especially if he puts in 5-6 quads in his FS (he is apparently doing two 4Lz). He can be the new Nathan/Boyang at the beginning of the season and who knows what'll happen. But yeah, he's very likely going with Nathan to the Olympics.


Not that I think he can go from 3 to 5-6 quads with any consistency but... stranger things have happened. 

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7 minutes ago, xeyra said:


Yeah on the iffy landings (and no steps to the 4F). And this was a national skating competition with national judges, so internationally he will probably not get so generously scored. But who knows, I'm not ruling out anything at this point, especially if he puts in 5-6 quads in his FS (he is apparently doing two 4Lz). He can be the new Nathan/Boyang at the beginning of the season and who knows what'll happen. But yeah, he's very likely going with Nathan to the Olympics.


:laughing: I completely forgot to add the no steps so was editing as you were answering because good grief, we're becoming used to it. But yes.


I think internationally USFSA will be pushing Nathan so while of course there's always some backing to all skaters, they won't split efforts to prop up Vincent to the degree that he'd need. He'll still do well I expect, by pure BV alone, provided he can rotate them. 

Definitely yes on the Olympics, plus he has his own little PR campaign too, we had a 'trailer' for his short program after all. But the pure BV should push him over which then makes it a really tight battle for the remaining spot! There's also one disadvantage in that because the skaters will have to make sure they hit very good form for that, and then there's a waiting period until the Olympics but not like there's much choice.

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3 minutes ago, Yatagarasu said:


:laughing: I completely forgot to add the no steps so was editing as you were answering because good grief, we're becoming used to it. But yes.


I think internationally USFSA will be pushing Nathan so while of course there's always some backing to all skaters, they won't split efforts to prop up Vincent to the degree that he'd need. He'll still do well I expect, by pure BV alone, provided he can rotate them. 

Definitely yes on the Olympics, plus he has his own little PR campaign too, we had a 'trailer' for his short program after all. But the pure BV should push him over which then makes it a really tight battle for the remaining spot! There's also one disadvantage in that because the skaters will have to make sure they hit very good form for that, and then there's a waiting period until the Olympics but not like there's much choice.


Given that USA Nationals tends to be in January, US skaters will basically be training to peak there and keep that peak into February, I guess? I think I remember Nathan saying something like that in an interview. We might get some good US nationals next year if that's the case!

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I did like what I saw of Vincent's SP, though. Needs refining and more happening with his feet, but I like his SP music quite a lot, which always helps me appreciate a program. What I hear about his FS, though, reminds me quite a lot of Yuzu's RJ1 structure, so we shall see how Vincent's version will be tomorrow.

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