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Repost because Yuzu said violin and we're in violin topic and violin's kinda my thing but there are too many things so I forget. I've just listened to this orchestral version of Meditation - previously I only knew piano and violin version, and this is just wonderful. The calmness, the melancholy, the struggling voice of the violin. Taking some repetitions out, the lenght would be quite good for an EX. Reminds me of swans, too (oh, well, Tchaikovsky. What are ya gonna do)



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  On 5/20/2017 at 2:53 PM, Lyyli said:

Thank you all for your posts!

Was it during the worlds or WTT where Yuzu said he would like to try something new like
string music and mentioned also the connection to his name. He did skate to violin music at least in his first senior season 2010-11, quite many years ago.  



Honestly, it's cute how much he loves his name. So many people take their names for granted nowadays, Yuzuru's love for his is just precious. 


Aside from 2010-11, Yuzuru's POTO used a lot of cuts from Masquerade, which has a lot of strings. But yeah, that aside it's been a while.


  On 5/20/2017 at 2:53 PM, Lyyli said:

About Japanese music: Seimei and HL made WR-scores so Japanese or Asian music could still be a good choice for the Olympic season too. I don´t really know would the politics between Japan and South Korea have any influence on his music choice. Many skaters use different types of western music always, year after year. I see no reason why the judges would not approve Japanese music for the third time in a row. The piece should probably be different from Seimei and HL and maybe it would be better to use it in SP this time.


Yuzuru interprets Japanese music so well imo and like you said, if most skaters can skate to western music over and over, there shouldn't be a reason why Yuzuru can't skate to Japanese music again so long as it's not too similar to his other two programs.


I think as far as politics is concerned, it shouldn't be a problem if Yuzuru skates to Japanese music so long as it's not nationalistic. Like I imagine Seimei might put up some red flags(tho it's still pushing it imo), but something like H&L or something by a JPop band and most video game/movie OSTs should be fine.

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  On 5/20/2017 at 11:41 PM, rozuyu said:

I've had a dream recently that Yuzuru skated to Swan Lake, and I wasn't even angry, because he was playing Odile... all black costume and the music cut was actually amazing (I used to work at an opera house. Needless to say I have Tchaikovsky's ballets memorized through the law of forced repetition haha).

I have this weird inkling that we might get something swan-themed again next season. Maybe I'm going crazy now after we saw that wing on his blades :embSwan: 

We all know how he likes to connect things... his programs are always a part of the bigger picture. I think he knows RJ 3.0 would be too much... but there will be something familiar in the long. I can feel it.

I think he'll pick something original for the short and a warhorse for the long. As long as it's not two warhorses, I'm fine with that.

My biggest wish for him is to skate to some dramatic Prokofiev music one day. Most Prokofiev programs in skating are pretty underwhelming, either because the music is too "big" for the skater, or the choreo doesn't do it justice - and I think Yuzuru thrives when skating to dramatic music.



I'll come back to this comment and congratulate you again if he really chooses Swan Lake for next season :0013:


I love Prokofiev and I think Yuzuru would skate to one of his dramatic compositions beautifully.

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In his senior career so far: 

2011-2012 "Classic" program (SP, étude by Skriabin)

2012-2013-2014 No "Classic" program 

2014-2015-2016 "Classic" program (SP, Chopin Ballade)

2016-2017 No "Classic" program

Due to this pattern and common sense (because it's Olymic season and there is no better warhorse than classic piece, and because he is just hell of good in it) now it's turn for "Classic" program. Probably in SP if LP going to be warhorse-drama, or maybe this time in LP and some "let's go coolest in the world" SP by Jeff Buttle. I guess...I hope... Or I don't know, just want to see classy and elegant Hanyu again. 

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  On 5/21/2017 at 1:45 PM, Katt said:

I have a weird feeling about swan lake too, maybe after those black blades and the wing on it. A black swan program would be awesome :party2:


Boy loves his symbolism and if this means a black costume I'm 100% on board :smiley-love017: (even if it's not Chopin)

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  On 5/21/2017 at 12:02 AM, rozuyu said:

Over the years, I actually learned that Yuzuru usually does the exact opposite of what I expect him to do, so :laughing: I'd love to see him as a black swan, though.

And yay, a fellow Prokofiev fan! Do you have any pieces in mind that would particularly fit Yuzuru? I'm curious to know.

I think some of his symphonies have a lot of potential for skating programs. And if someone wants the original POTO, they should just skate to Alexander Nevsky. I think someone back on GS recommended "Battle on the Ice" from Nevsky for a program - now that would be a gem! And what an apt title :rofl:



Something which has plenty of rhythm and mood changes, but I am not sure which pieces would be skateable (is it even a word? :hopelessness:)



And this:

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Hahah we came back to swan lake again...we were discussing him playing black swan just a few pages back too


I think we all know how our boy loves to repeat a theme he likes with some creative twist (and I think we all love him as a swan...plus it connects so well with his name...and the word of the year he chose is soar! ):embSwan:

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My hunch is that Yuzu won't be skating to Swan Lake, especially given that he already did White Legend and Notte Stellata this season, I know Notte Stellata isn't exactly Swan Lake but it seems like three swan themed programs in his entire career so far may be a bit too much.


I actually had a crazy thought that he may want to mimic Arakawa and do Nessun Dorma, but I think his choices have matured over the years. I don't know if I expect a warhorse, but I do expect a safer/surer choice in theme for his programs.

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  On 5/22/2017 at 9:35 AM, Puniyo said:

Isn't Nessum Dorma part of Turandot? I do love Nessum Dorma but I don't see him skating to this... maybe not the image I have of him... hah!



It is, in fact, it's been Shoma's choice for next season! And it would definitely be too unoriginal for Yuzu. Yuzu is a unique skater, so he skates to unique choices of music.

(I love Nessun Dorma, but something that bugs me is the singer's voice from the version they chose for Shoma. I am used to listening Pavarotti sing it, so that version just doesn't sound right to me).
Prokofiev, Stravinsky, even Shostakovich, maybe - Russians composers are almost as perfect for him as Japanese composers are! 


EDIT: I mentioned Shostakovich without reference. Well, this down here is my crush from third year of high school: meet, Leningrad!


It would be perfect for a program, but I wouldn't know where to put the cuts, honestly. 


Fortunately, Yuzuru's music cuts have always been superb. Really, I mean it. POTO's music cuts were definitely made by a professional. Also, Chopin's cuts. 

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