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Guest turquoiseblue
1 hour ago, kaeryth said:

She won't be the next Mao Asada, she's going to be THE Rika Kihira. Mao is Mao and Rika is Rika. :clap:


Well said!! :tumblr_inline_mi7tcqZmot1qdlkyg: :goe: :tumblr_inline_mi7tcqZmot1qdlkyg:

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Guest turquoiseblue

Some videos from Junior Nationals 2017 :10815002:


Rika Kihira FS




Mako Yamashita FS




Nana Araki FS 




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Guest turquoiseblue
7 hours ago, golden said:



protocols are out for the whole competition! final goe on rika's 3A+3T+2T was +2.40, and +2.20 on her 3A. unreal :alien-smiley-face: :alien-smiley-face: 

also in the mens, can we appreciate shun sato and his +goe 3A as his last jumping pass :eek: 


Results and protocols in English are available, too :tumblr_inline_n2pje2YFXq1qdlkyg:




Rika Kihira FS Protocol :bow:



Shun Sato FS




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Guest turquoiseblue


Rika Kihira roars back to win Japan Junior Championships title


Kihira landed seven triple jumps in the triumph, with the lone blemishes coming when she doubled a planned triple loop and was hit with an invalid element for repeating a triple lutz/double toe loop combo.


“I am so happy to win,” stated a beaming Kihira. “It’s a big improvement from last year (when she finished 11th in Sapporo).”


Kihira credited training partner and three-time national champion Satoko Miyahara for helping her.


“Practicing each day with Satoko is inspiring,” said Kihira. “I’m happy she is doing well at Skate America (where Miyahara leads after the short program).”



Yamashita didn’t make it easy for Kihira, taking the ice last in the 24-skater program and displaying great fortitude throughout her skate to “Madame Butterfly” while landing six triples.


The 14-year-old from Nagoya looked in good position to win the title until she doubled a planned triple loop on her next-to-last jump.


“I’m pleased to finish second,” stated Yamashita. “I struggled last year at this event (where she placed 16th).”


Yamashita, the first alternate for next month’s JGP Final in her hometown, is already looking ahead.


“This result has given me motivation to practice hard for the future,” Yamashita commented. “I can see the benefit of my hard work.”



Sumoto, who is the only Japanese man to qualify for the JGP Final, opened with a triple axel and landed seven triple jumps in his free skate to “Les Miserables,” but under-rotated his final jump (a triple lutz).


“It feels good to win. I was nervous being the final skater today,” Sumoto stated. “I don’t like starting in that position.”


He also overcame a wardrobe malfunction, as early in his program a velcro strap on one of his pant legs came loose. The crafty Sumoto tried to fix it during one of his spins, but it quickly came undone again.


Sumoto, who was the bronze medalist last season, forged on and completed his skate without any problems.


“I was worried about my costume and tried to fix it, but fortunately it did cause any trouble,” Sumoto commented.


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