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On 30/11/2017 at 7:14 PM, xeyra said:

Feature on the Japanese ladies fighting for 2 spots for Olympics. In Japanese. Cue the ugly tears because so many good ladies and only 2 spots. :cry:

Note: Kaori is now in the conversation too, whereas before I think she wasn't mentioned so much. 



It's interesting indeed. Kaori seems to have pulled ahead of Marin at least.

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18 minutes ago, LadyLou said:

Seriously, these guys, they are so young but they don't want to see the world :13877886::laughing: we really need someone to drag them out of hotel room to do some sightseeing in Korea :hachimaki: (Keiji? :tumblr_inline_mzx8s4JRlX1r8msi5:)

Ah if they would but agree to come with us so we can take them sightseeing. Even if I'm not from Korea, I would gladly research and put together an itinerary for us to take them around ^^

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13 hours ago, LadyLou said:

Seriously, these guys, they are so young but they don't want to see the world :13877886::laughing: we really need someone to drag them out of hotel room to do some sightseeing in Korea :hachimaki: (Keiji? :tumblr_inline_mzx8s4JRlX1r8msi5:)

As someone who loves travelling and exploring new places, I'm just like 'they get to go all over the world but they don't see any of it by choice:13877886::13877886::13877886: (I guess this is also how they can focus enough to be Olympic level athletes but still). I'm still dying about how Shoma's such a hermit he doesn't even know his own hometown lakdjals;f even Yuzu's not that bad, probably???? ? ? ?


9 hours ago, katonice said:


I'm going to just be permanently emotional about Sota and at how hard he's working to recover ;;;;; I hope he gets his quads back by Nationals.... dare we hope :tumblr_inline_ncmif7esGm1rpglid:

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On 03/12/2017 at 2:28 PM, kaeryth said:

New Vlog from Dice [Dice: Drawing my Life]... He's really talented!

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I'm O_____O at this video. What is this witchcraft?! How does he make the hand track his movements on a digital drawing???? Are they all his drawings? (especially the ones with drastically different styles). What talent??? ?? 

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9 minutes ago, kaerb said:

I'm O_____O at this video. What is this witchcraft?! How does he make the hand track his movements on a digital drawing???? Are they all his drawings? (especially the ones with drastically different styles). What talent??? ?? 

It looks animated to me :slinkaway:

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2 minutes ago, kelly said:

It looks animated to me :slinkaway:

Well the drawings are definitely digital, though some of it looks like a screen recording of someone actually drawing the pictures with a tablet and others are clearly existing clipart/pictures that are slowly unmasked (or lineart that is suddenly filled/things coloured in). The hand......either he greenscreened his own hand drawing or it's a photo tracked to the movements. The amount of work that would have to go into this is kind of boggling my mind lol 

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36 minutes ago, kaerb said:

Well the drawings are definitely digital, though some of it looks like a screen recording of someone actually drawing the pictures with a tablet and others are clearly existing clipart/pictures that are slowly unmasked (or lineart that is suddenly filled/things coloured in). The hand......either he greenscreened his own hand drawing or it's a photo tracked to the movements. The amount of work that would have to go into this is kind of boggling my mind lol 

Yes, I meant to say that it looks like he put existing drawings and animated the video. Might be wrong though :shrug:

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