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  On 7/1/2018 at 7:24 PM, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:

But I'm confused now. Judging from @Yatagarasu's words, his Nats entries aren't byes but according to you, they are. Which is it now?



You can go to Nats by 3 ways :

- Seeds aka medal at previous Nationals

- Regionals/selections comp

- International comp happen around the regionals (1 or 2 weeks before/after)

So technically Yuzuru can go to Nats without JSF give him a bye by competing at senior B/GPs. 


Back to Dai, its too soon to predict anything when we have no clue about his form and his layout. He said he's hoping to do quads, not that he can do it now. Given his 4T back then were UR/two foot half of the time, I dont know if he can suddenly get a consitent one at the age of 32.  His goal is to compete at Nat and final group, he himself set a very realistic goal. I wish him the best and look forward to his programs. 

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  On 7/1/2018 at 9:58 AM, Yatagarasu said:


Everyone's super happy about Daisuke but I am so not!


Kazuki, Keiji both but Kazuki especially is young and showing lots of progress. But now what? With Kansai behind him Dai's PCS, no matter what he does, will range from Chiddy's to Zu's, somewhere there about. It's going to be such a mess.


Not to mention the NHK host spot, if it really goes to Dai and at this point, I expect it to. 



im gonna call it and say that his PCS wont be at that level for this season at least. At the end of his career chiddy was getting around 90-93 and i think that even at his best, Dice only got high 8s? Granted this was back when inflation hadn't taken over but still i wouldn't be too sure of him claiming the third spot without a LOT of work, way more work than what keiji or kazuki are doing right now. His tech's gonna be a mess

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  On 7/1/2018 at 8:06 PM, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:

Yeah, he does have those. But at the end of the day, those mean nothing if he can't manage physically.



Are you sure?

I'd suggest you take a look what was the final rank of Carolina Kostner with 3 landed triples for her FS at Europeans. 


@salty remember, they are giving Nathan 92 these days. 
They are going to be in a really big bind if they give Dai less than 90. He is too good, when you compare. If he has a clean triples program, that should happen, because these days we have Jason Brown who scores that much with only triples.

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  On 7/1/2018 at 8:13 PM, Katt said:


You can go to Nats by 3 ways :

- Seeds aka medal at previous Nationals

- Regionals/selections comp

- International comp happen around the regionals (1 or 2 weeks before/after)

So technically Yuzuru can go to Nats without JSF give him a bye by competing at senior B/GPs. 



So...by those guidelines, he got in because he got a silver at last year's CoR?


Oh yeah, when I said Hanyu is a big fish, what i had in mind is a megalodon. >_<


  On 7/1/2018 at 8:19 PM, Yatagarasu said:

Are you sure?

I'd suggest you take a look what was the final rank of Carolina Kostner with 3 landed triples for her FS at Europeans. 



You...you mean to tell me if Tomono skates like he did at Milan or better and Takahashi splats a few times in the same comp, he could still win over Tomono??


I actually just realized that  you actually *are* one of those who are worried about Takahashi's return. I didn't read the earlier pages of this thread and just went straight to the last page. ^^; But if the above scenario is possible, then I guess you and the rest were right to worry...


But if this were the case and the guy does deliver, which is what I'm hoping, then what chance do any of the younger skaters have at all, even if they performed better? Unless they performed well enough with superior tech content, if your worries come into fruition, they might have been better off not getting out of the bed at all.

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  On 7/1/2018 at 8:19 PM, Yatagarasu said:



Are you sure?

I'd suggest you take a look what was the final rank of Carolina Kostner with 3 landed triples for her FS at Europeans. 


@salty remember, they are giving Nathan 92 these days. 
They are going to be in a really big bind if they give Dai less than 90. He is too good, when you compare. If he has a clean triples program, that should happen, because these days we have Jason Brown who scores that much with only triples.



pls tag your emotional triggers, i'd almost forgotten about that :embSwan:

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  On 7/1/2018 at 8:25 PM, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:


So...by those guidelines, he got in because he got a silver at CoR?


 You can say by his ACI silver (and WR ='D)


Aside from Yuzuru and Shoma, I think JSF will choose whoever deliver good and consistent tech content. Its never easy to comeback, let alone back after 4 years. For me, if Dai can do 6 type of triples and stay on his feet (i'm not even talking about clean/ fully rotate jumps), its already a success, let alone quad. 

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@¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Yes, reputation is a well known thing in figure skating and Kazuki doesn't have it. So what I'm hoping for is that we don't end up with that old issue but that it's a clear cut of he was better, he goes. 

I can't guess now what would be required to be honest, ask me after the GP season when we see both Kazuki and some of Takahashi. But I think if Dai gets a quad, just the one, it should be enough with the PCS I imagine he'll have. Major respect if he does, after such a huge break and at his age!


@salty Sorry :68468287:


Also he looks nice enough already, with the few jumps (no need to watch through if you don't speak Japanese, jumps are at the start):



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  On 7/1/2018 at 8:38 PM, Katt said:

 You can say by his ACI silver (and WR ='D)



Oh yeah. Lol.


  On 7/1/2018 at 8:38 PM, Katt said:

 You can say by his ACI silver (and WR ='D)


Aside from Yuzuru and Shoma, I think JSF will choose whoever deliver good and consistent tech content. Its never easy to comeback, let alone back after 4 years. For me, if Dai can do 6 type of triples and stay on his feet (i'm not even talking about clean/ fully rotate jumps), its already a success, let alone quad. 



What's going on with his bum knee anyway? Was it the kind of injury that would heal and allow a skater to compete as if it was never there if given enough time to fully heal or was it a lasting one? It's going to be extremely tough to be competitive throughout the season, even if it's only for a few comps within the domestic circuit, if it's the latter. 

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  On 7/1/2018 at 3:10 PM, Frances said:

I really don't like the timing of his announcement either, he did it the day before Yuzu gets his big award, I just hope the media will not ask Yuzu  about it. People might twist his words and cause more issues for him.



Yuzu is a PR dream remember, whatever the media ask he seems to instinctively know the perfect thing to say.  And this is a BIG occasion for Japan, not just for him, so it'll be hard to twost something that will be broadcast by every media, including those who love him (I wonder if Matsuoka Shuzo will interview him? or Nobu can. They both adore him as much as we do)



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  On 7/1/2018 at 8:46 PM, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:

What's going on with his bum knee anyway? Was it the kind of injury that would heal and allow a skater to compete as if it was never there if given enough time to fully heal or was it a lasting one? It's going to extremely tough to be competitive throughout the season, even if it's only for a few comps within the domestic circuit, if it's the latter. 


He mentioned abit about his knee here, scroll down till the end : https://fstranslations.tumblr.com/post/175442420489/daisuke-takahashi-figure-skating-has-to-be-the 


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  On 7/1/2018 at 8:42 PM, Yatagarasu said:

@¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Yes, reputation is a well known thing in figure skating and Kazuki doesn't have it.



Yeah I get that which was why I mentioned Tomono and other younger less accomplished Japanese skaters assigned at least a GP might want to take advantage of Takahashi's supposed--for now--absence there to build some up. But I wasn't aware that it could go to a point where it's that overt...however did Hanyu manage to surpass Takahashi way back when? I know he had superior tech skills already then but I also seem to recall he won over Takahashi despite errors and Takahashi having had a cleaner skate. Was it because of his bronze medal win at WC 12? Did that help him.earn enough of a rep to inspire judges to allow him to surpass what was then essentially Japan's biggest skating legend?

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  On 7/1/2018 at 7:24 PM, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:

Oh you mean people wanting to see him compete in the int'l circuit so badly they hold down others who actually did better than him. I guess that's always a factor. In that case, these younger skaters are going to have to really bring their A game in the GP and build their reps up as much as they possibly can there. I mean, the guy's got the right to compete again and if the judges want to prop him up, it's on them. But this also means these young skaters now have to fight harder, which I see as a good thing. They've got an opportunity to come out on top still and give local judges less excuses to lowball them if they deliver well enough on the int'l circuit  since Takahashi isn't going to be in the GP. Or most of it. For now.



That's my only remaining regret. Daisuke's words alleviated almost all my fears but this one. As much as I'd like to see Takahashi compete again, the TBD GP was a chance for whichever lesser known skater is the best, to rack points and make international judes really notice them and award them accordingly in PCS in the future. I say 'was' because I'm 90% certain it will go to Daisuke. Probably deservedly if he already has his 3A back, but I'm still sad for the skaters who've just lost the chance of their lives to experience the elite senior stage (with one exception if one wants to nitpick).

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  On 7/1/2018 at 8:56 PM, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:



Yeah I get that which was why I mentioned Tomono and other younger less accomplished Japanese skaters assigned at least a GP might want to take advantage of Takahashi's absence there to build some up. But I wasn't aware that it could go to a point where it's that overt...however did Hanyu manage to surpass Takahashi way back when? I know he had superior tech skills already then but I also seem to recall he won over Takahashi despite errors and Takahashi having had a cleaner skate....



Yuzuru lost the free. They were IIRC about tied on the TES and Dai had a good 5+ points on the PCS. But altogether, due to the big advantage from the SP, Yuzuru managed to win by maybe 5 points or so. I don't remember the exact numbers right now. 

In the SP Dai also had a slight PCS advantage but Yuzuru got him on the TES something awful IIRC. 


ETA ok to add as I dug it up:


2012 Protocols - SP, FS

So yes, that TES difference was over 10 points in the SP.

But Dai's PCS was 96 then, and even the following year when he was messy, it only went down slightly, it was 94.70, I was curious so I checked. His international was lower but inflation ... so yes, I don't expect anything under 90 for Dai. 

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