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I don't know, as a skater myself, the way people put the two against each other just seems really weird. They're obviously at least friends and highly respect each others as skaters and just because their skating style is different I don't think they're suddenly "rivals" of some sourt. I know especially in Japan, skating brings others together and unless Yuzuru loses all values of those brought through skating and Japan he would be a bit apalled by the behaviour and sheer hate brought upon Shoma from people. And I never understand the thing behind the hate is all. Sure Uno has weaker skating, but he is still good and even acknowledges his faults (IDF he was shocked by how high his FS score was and says it wasn't correct). The hate to Uno is what confuses me. It seems impossible for some people to like both Uno and Hanyu, but for me, I can't like one without the other, much like with others like Keiji Tanaka.


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4 minutes ago, asahi said:

I love Hanyu actually. I'm just confused as to why people pit Uno and Hanyu against each other :0

All things considered, I think you are looking at the wrong forum if you want to find extreme dislike of Shoma as a skater or a person. Also, a lot of that drama rama is coming from japanese media, not fans. There are quite a few hanyu fans who like Shoma for what qualities he does bring, intensity is not always hated ya know. 

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Hello @asahi :tumblr_m9ralgqmho1qdlkyg:Welcome to Planet Hanyu! We aren't opening threads for individual skaters because that's not what our forum is for and we won't have the manpower to moderate them. But we do have threads where you can post about all other skaters, including one for Shoma and the rest of Team Japan. I've moved the posts there (well, here now). Thank you for your cooperation!

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2 minutes ago, yuzuangel said:

Hello @asahi :tumblr_m9ralgqmho1qdlkyg:Welcome to Planet Hanyu! We aren't opening threads for individual skaters because that's not what our forum is for and we won't have the manpower to moderate them. But we do have threads where you can post about all other skaters, including one for Shoma and the rest of Team Japan. I've moved the posts there (well, here now). Thank you for your cooperation!

uh, did the team japan title just change to team Uno? XD  or is my net messed up.

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3 minutes ago, sublimeskating said:

oh please, yuzu at 23 is at the PEAK age of his career!

23 is NOT old like wtf  :dry:

Hanyu is definitely not old yeah >:l


And even if he is a little older, even skater such as Javi are "old" but still skate very well. I doubt Yuzuru will reach an old skating look before he is 26. Sure he isn't ""young"" but he is not old! You don't need a teenager to be considered young as a skater, especially not in the men's field.

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