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Poetry thread, a place to wax lyrical about the wonderful Yuzuru!


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  • 7 months later...

Here's a little something 


When he started to skate 

My hands they would shake

On that February day

I started to pray

Please let him win

Don't let it be Chen

The Lord heard me pray

And Yuzuru won Gold that day.


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  • 8 months later...

I just discovered this thread, and it was lovely to read through (I had kind of assumed that I was the only person obsessed enough to write poems about figure skaters). So, I thought I would share one of my own. 


I wrote this sonnet after Yuzu’s withdrawal from the GPF last year, which coincided with the anniversary of NHK 2015. I think it seems sort of appropriate now. (The language is really clunky because I don’t usually write in English, sorry):


Exactly three years and one day ago 

He shook the world of skating to its core

When some thought he had no more room to grow 

He did what no one else had done before


And he’s improved much more with every year

Each move he makes on ice is a delight

But we won’t get to see that magic here

And while it’s sad, I just pray he’s alright 


I watched NHK Semei yesterday 

Tonight, instead, I’ll watch Haru yo koi

I don’t think there will ever come a day 

When Yuzu’s skating fails to bring me joy 


I might not know exactly how and when

But joints will heal, and spring will come again 

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I knew this is more of a song lyrics rather than poetry so excuse me on that but I want to post it here (too. I first posted this on the random thought theater thread).


Anyway, without further ado, Pooh Rain :POOH:


Pooh Rain (after Prince's Purple Rain ofc — oh well in case you didn't know that xp ) — planetary anthem of Planet Hanyu 


I never want to see you in any sorrow

I never want to see you in any pain

I only wanted to one time to see you laughing

I only wanted to see you

Laughing in the po-oh rain


*Po-oh rain, Po-oh rain 3x

  I only wanted to see you

  bathing in the Po-oh rain


I never wanted to see you injured again

I only want to cheer you by the rinkside

Yuzu, you are once in a lifetime skater

Such a shame you sat it out again


(Back to *)

Only wanted to see you

Underneath the Po-oh rain


Yuzu I know I know

I know you have to rest

It's time to rehab your

Busted ankle, and fix it too

You say you wanna lead 'em

But your ankle acted up again

I think you better heal it

and let me cheer you to the Po-oh rain!


(Back to *)

I only want to see you

I only want to see you

In the Po-oh rain!


(This is the part where the guitar solo usually starts)

:POOH:(Cue montage of raining Winnie the Pooh in slow-mo ):POOH:




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Wrote something because I was inspired Origin and a bit of Haru yo Koi!


with the stretch of his arms 

he created the world

breathed life into it, a melody produced

no songs existed before

he walked, danced across the land and seas

and caressed the skies

they called him King

and prayed to him through and through

sorrow and joys, dreams and storms

a lover lost, memories gained


with the nod of his head

he flew above them

tore the skies apart, fingers pointed at

the sun, daring, duelling

smiting its rays of boastful light

there can only be one sun, he said

there can only be one him, he asserted

there can only be One, he cried

he fought like a champion, the winner

who rises while falling


with the raise of his fist

he shouted a name

no one knew whose it was, no one

dared to seek the truth

"King, oh King, we call thy name"

"I am here, I call your name"

there went the Light, a heat 

permeating, invading, but like a whisper

cared and loved, silenced

the troubles in their hearts


a heart of gold

he revealed his name

a name so sweet 

a name so strong

his name was Yuzuru

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  • 2 months later...

Trying to capture the feelings of going to watch Yuzuru skate live in competition - it’s hard to put into words really! Here’s an attempt:


To our beloved Yuzuru 😊


Dreams of Feathers and bowstrings...

The pull on our heartstrings,

It’s you!

We’re anticipating

Just watching and waiting 

For you!

And the moment that comes

When you walk in the space that

we share,

It’s full of excitement,

Electricity hums in 

the air.

Your presence delights us!

We check out your costume,

Your hair!

(It might appear shallow,

But it’s part of our love and 

our care♥️)

And it’s part  of YOUR love and 

your care that you spend

precious time, 

Making sure that every 

detail is perfect,

Just fine.

We wait for the moment 

of truth; You stand and 


All eyes are on you 

(but I try with my might not 

to stare!)

You glide out on your stage

And the audience cheer loud 

and high,

The starting position, 

A hush descends now,

Watch us die!!

We get lost in the story

The feelings you show, they’re 

a truth,

And we’re right there beside you

We feel the emotion 

with you.

Of course we’re in love with you

I can’t see how else it

could be,

For the beauty and grace 

and the power, that’s what we 

all see.

As the music approaches

the climax of your

heartfelt dance,

There’s not a dry eye in

the house, we’re caught up in 

a trance!

The stadium rings out in

applause, and then up from


the Poohs they rain down on 

the ice as we show you 

our love 💕 

Watching you skate like this,

ever a joy,

feelings true!

And that, Yuzuru, is the

wonder, the Magic

 that’s You 💓

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  On 7/2/2019 at 8:42 PM, Dreamer said:

Pammi... That is so wonderfully resonant with how I feel... Yuzu is beautiful, magnificent and magical🦄

😍❤️💖. I bow to you.. Resident wordsmith 


Awww thanks, glad you like it! It never seems enough though, somehow...... he is MORE than I can say it seems! :idk:

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Your presence delights us!

We check out your costume,

Your hair!

(It might appear shallow,

But it’s part of our love and 

our care♥️)

And it’s part  of YOUR love and 

your care that you spend

precious time, 

Making sure that every 

detail is perfect,

Just fine.


I had to chuckle, because this is so true....we do check out every detail..


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  • 1 year later...

Concerning Yuzu's message for WTT :7938863:




when you are on the ice you seem to blaze

and glitter as the music starts to play

it's almost searing, looking at your face

but nigh impossible to look away


and even off the ice, as fiercely gleams

the burning fire of your intellect;

the eloquence with which you share your dreams,

your thoughtfulness, your passion and respect 


but over all of that, how much more bright

shimmers your kindness, like a guiding star

you say that you would like to be our light

but don't you know that you already are?


no matter what you do or where you go

the essence of your nature is to glow

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  On 4/10/2021 at 3:56 PM, caterpillar said:

Concerning Yuzu's message for WTT :7938863:




when you are on the ice you seem to blaze

and glitter as the music starts to play

it's almost searing, looking at your face

but nigh impossible to look away


and even off the ice, as fiercely gleams

the burning fire of your intellect;

the eloquence with which you share your dreams,

your thoughtfulness, your passion and respect 


but over all of that, how much more bright

shimmers your kindness, like a guiding star

you say that you would like to be our light

but don't you know that you already are?


no matter what you do or where you go

the essence of your nature is to glow


Beautiful thanks for sharing 💕

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