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On 9/6/2017 at 4:53 AM, kaerb said:

Haha you're pretty much spot on re: brush strokes. The Chinese commentators would not have a heavy Beijing accent, they have 'standard announcer' Chinese (which is like the BBC English of China), perhaps with a bit of a Beijing enunciation on their words. I guess I'm thinking of a heavy uncle Beijing dialect which I heard a lot of when I was working in Beijing and basically couldn't understand LOL.


To bring this (slightly) back on topic, the Chinese commentator during WC2017 basically started waxing poetic about Yuzu's skating in a ~super dramatic~ way (like she was composing a poem for him). If someone finds me a clip, I'll see if I can consult my parents and translate it :laughing: 

I think Gladi translated it previously on GS and included a link in the google doc here.

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2 hours ago, ralucutzagy said:

Haha, what are you doing, kid, getting in the wizard's way!



LOL I am watching this moment on repeat, trying to think about what might have crossed their hearts in that moment... I love the rhythm of it. It looks like Gogolev turns to Yuzuru and gets stung by the King's eyes and just 'nope nope nope I gotta get out the way' and Yuzu's like 'yeah u better'. 

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Just now, Murieleirum said:


LOL I am watching this moment on repeat, trying to think about what might have crossed their hearts in that moment... I love the rhythm of it. It looks like Gogolev turns to Yuzuru and gets stung by the King's eyes and just 'nope nope nope I gotta get out the way' and Yuzu's like 'yeah u better'. 

lol, I understand now why some other skaters may feel intimidated by him ... if he looks at them like this ...haha, shaking in their boots ... Yuzu is scary when he wants to!

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17 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:

lol, I understand now why some other skaters may feel intimidated by him ... if he looks at them like this ...haha, shaking in their boots ... Yuzu is scary when he wants to!


Yes, but also... training and skating in the same rink as Yuzu... must be immensely motivating. I can't wait to see how it will play out for Gogolev, but he really can learn so much by watching him (and Javi). Not only regarding technique, but interpretation, focus, generosity with emotions. It must be amazing. 

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Just finished watching Onmyoji 1 and I got goosebumps at some parts of the movie only because of the soundtrack. Because I could see Yuzu skating. :tongueyuzu: 

The movie was good, I think I have to watch Onmyoji 2 now.

As for the costume, in this movie apart from purple Seimei.. there were red, white, brownish-orange(?) and 2 shades of blue. I'd say Yuzu would chose blue just because it's his winning colour but we'll see :tumblr_inline_n2pje2YFXq1qdlkyg:


For anyone that want to watch it : Onmyoji

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4 hours ago, MrPudding said:

Just finished watching Onmyoji 1 and I got goosebumps at some parts of the movie only because of the soundtrack. Because I could see Yuzu skating. :tongueyuzu: 

The movie was good, I think I have to watch Onmyoji 2 now.

As for the costume, in this movie apart from purple Seimei.. there were red, white, brownish-orange(?) and 2 shades of blue. I'd say Yuzu would chose blue just because it's his winning colour but we'll see :tumblr_inline_n2pje2YFXq1qdlkyg:


For anyone that want to watch it : Onmyoji


Onmyoji 2 was a little slower for me, but there are other people that liked it more, so go ahead and watch it!


Ps: your ava purifies my soul each time I look at it

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