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5 minutes ago, asahi said:

lol maybe the purple portion? because i thought original prince inspiration was, well, prince himself!



(i can say after spending three years to find this image :13877886:)


but purple spandex suit - and spandex suit in general - is very brian-esque :tumblr_m9gct8HYvv1qzckow:


Three years? Good gravy! 

Well, yes, of course it was Prince, it's just that Brian's monstrosity was similar and the photos made me laugh too much not to share. :biggrin:

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10 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


That white was so much cooler,  I'm still mourning it. The whole program was a different beast in purple. They should have just dyed the ice purple for him! :tumblr_inline_mzx90enaUF1r8msi5: 

Not gonna lie, the white felt like an assault on my eyes. It was so bright :tumblr_inline_mzx91uuLRI1r8msi5:I love the way it looks but even looking at pictures now I can feel a headache forming

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16 hours ago, SparkleSalad said:

Princepiration from Brian at the 1984 Olympics





OH GOD, those pantsuits......didn't hide anything did they, amazing they managed to skate with all of that D: my eyes.......my eyes.... DDDD:


slightly OT but I thought Yuzu's LGC outfit would scandalise my conservative Asian parents but they actually really liked it on him. Personally, I love the costume lol, it's somehow perfectly Yuzu. I'm so intrigued about what he might bring next season but that's....thinking too far ahead.....

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Just now, kaerb said:

OH GOD, those pantsuits......didn't hide anything did they, amazing they managed to skate with all of that D: my eyes.......my eyes.... DDDD:


slightly OT but I thought Yuzu's LGC outfit would scandalise my conservative Asian parents but they actually really liked it on him. Personally, I love the costume lol, it's somehow perfectly Yuzu. I'm so intrigued about what he might bring next season but that's....thinking too far ahead.....


I thought it was pretty SCANDOLO myself when I saw it and it took me a long time to appreciate the brilliance of the program - now oneof my favourites - because I just couldn't look without cringing. My mother can't watch, either, it though UA runthroughs seem to be okay.:biggrin: (it really looks so much better in UA. I keep saying it but I'd be fine if he performed everything in UA. So much sharper!)

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3 時間前, asahiさんが言いました:

lol maybe the purple portion? because i thought original prince inspiration was, well, prince himself!



(i can say after spending three years to find this image :13877886:)


but purple spandex suit - and spandex suit in general - is very brian-esque :tumblr_m9gct8HYvv1qzckow:

It's really unfair how Hanyu copies stuff and then manages to nonchalantly outdo the original in both design and how he looks in them. He even outdid Prince, which I thought could never be outdone. If he ever sets his sight on world domination outside of simply fs...


...well can't say I'd resist. He'd make a better ruler than most of the monkeys in power these days.


I did think the design was weird at first, though I always liked the vest bit, I thought the pants were too high...until he sold me the program (LGC wasn't really a fave of mine from Prince, though I like his other stuff) and I finally saw.


It's still due largely in part to how his physique is shaped though. He's got an upper torso that has a very defined v-shape to it which I definitely think helped him pull off even stuff like this. The vest tapering off at the waist was definitely an ingenious touch that accentuates his waistline and gives the costume a 2-piece feel instead of a 1-piece one.

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Just now, PapiandPooh421 said:

Omg! That's the word! I've been wondering for so long that there's something in his dance technique that isn't quite right. You named it right! Bouncy! :biggrin:

lol right??? He's too earnest and bouncy and chipper when he dances to be ~cool~ in the requisite way :laughing: he should probably learn some Chill from Nathan


(LGC was probably the closest he came and I wouldn't say Prince is the paragon of male coolness, at least not from a conventional perspective --- but it works for me so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

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