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27 minutes ago, turquoiseblue said:




First of all a BIG  :thanks: to you ALL the fanyus for allowing me to admire this multitude of fanart of ALL kinds :loveshower:


On this one, my eyes went to the top left and read the word (finally the end) CALVADOS which is a French alcohol made from Normandy apples and I tasted it in the form of a "duck" (be careful not to think of the animal) and I do not know the origin of this expression  :shrug: which is a sugar dipped in Calva (abbreviation of Calvados)  and Guana would have made a chocolate with that? but with moderation, because it titles at 50° and then it would be  :dizzy2:



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42 minutes ago, Yuzuwinnie said:

First of all a BIG  :thanks: to you ALL the fanyus for allowing me to admire this multitude of fanart of ALL kinds :loveshower:

. . . . .


I second this, with honest gratitude, both to the creators of the fanart and to those who post them here :thanks:


4 hours ago, turquoiseblue said:



I greatly admire the talent and dedication of all Fanyus whose creations we may enjoy displayed here - but I have to admit that the drawings/paintings of "roselisa772" are at the top of my favs :clapping-smiley:

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Guest turquoiseblue
9 hours ago, Yuzuwinnie said:

First of all a BIG  :thanks: to you ALL the fanyus for allowing me to admire this multitude of fanart of ALL kinds :loveshower:


On this one, my eyes went to the top left and read the word (finally the end) CALVADOS which is a French alcohol made from Normandy apples and I tasted it in the form of a "duck" (be careful not to think of the animal) and I do not know the origin of this expression  :shrug: which is a sugar dipped in Calva (abbreviation of Calvados)  and Guana would have made a chocolate with that? but with moderation, because it titles at 50° and then it would be  :dizzy2:




It contains only 2.6% alcohol :tumblr_inline_n18qraikFP1qid2nw:



Translated with Google Lens :68271262:





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