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  On 2/4/2019 at 7:46 AM, ralucutzagy said:

lol, guys, what is this abt? :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:



  On 2/4/2019 at 6:37 PM, LadySnowblood said:

Yes please I've been wondering too!





These are about 節分=Japanese seasonal event that usually takes place just before the beginning of spring 立春 (based on old calendar). It is usually around 4th of Feb. The event is made up with 鬼 = a troll and people throw roasted beans to rid of evils in order to usher new season in. When you throw beans at the troll, you shout 鬼は外、福は内 (troll's out, fortune's in). You also eat roasted beans the same number of your age to protect yourself from evil.


The first picture is based on a children's song called まめまき(throwing beans) it goes 

おにはそと    (troll's out)
ふくはうち                (fortune's in)
ぱらっ ぱらっ        (patter patter)
ぱらっ ぱらっ        (patter patter)
まめのおと                (sound of beans)
おには こっそり    (troll's quietly)
にげていく                (fleeing)


The second picture is about Origin chan borrowed Haru chan's (HYK) tiger skin pants and ended up all trolls came to worship him wanting him to be their boss. Japanese folklore tells you that trolls wear tiger skin pants.


The third picture is about throwing beans and trolls then cleaning up after it. Also H&L, Swanyu and Ballad no1+pooh in the kotatsu table are eating ehoumaki 恵方巻き. 恵方巻き became popular recently and it is a seasonal event that involves eating a whole big sushi roll without saying a word while facing the lucky direction (it changes every year) to bring good luck.


I know it sounds wired and superstitious but for chasing evil spirits to bring good luck in, there are many wired festivals all over the world I believe so these are  among them :D


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  On 2/6/2019 at 5:29 PM, BWOZWaltz said:



These are about 節分=Japanese seasonal event that usually takes place just before the beginning of spring 立春 (based on old calendar). It is usually around 4th of Feb. The event is made up with 鬼 = a troll and people throw roasted beans to rid of evils in order to usher new season in. When you throw beans at the troll, you shout 鬼は外、福は内 (troll's out, fortune's in). You also eat roasted beans the same number of your age to protect yourself from evil.


The first picture is based on a children's song called まめまき(throwing beans) it goes 

おにはそと    (troll's out)
ふくはうち                (fortune's in)
ぱらっ ぱらっ        (patter patter)
ぱらっ ぱらっ        (patter patter)
まめのおと                (sound of beans)
おには こっそり    (troll's quietly)
にげていく                (fleeing)


The second picture is about Origin chan borrowed Haru chan's (HYK) tiger skin pants and ended up all trolls came to worship him wanting him to be their boss. Japanese folklore tells you that trolls wear tiger skin pants.


The third picture is about throwing beans and trolls then cleaning up after it. Also H&L, Swanyu and Ballad no1+pooh in the kotatsu table are eating ehoumaki 恵方巻き. 恵方巻き became popular recently and it is a seasonal event that involves eating a whole big sushi roll without saying a word while facing the lucky direction (it changes every year) to bring good luck.


I know it sounds wired and superstitious but for chasing evil spirits to bring good luck in, there are many wired festivals all over the world I believe so these are  among them :D



So interesting! Thank you vm, for taking your time to translate for us!!:8232307::8232307::8232307:

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  On 2/6/2019 at 5:29 PM, BWOZWaltz said:



These are about 節分=Japanese seasonal event that usually takes place just before the beginning of spring 立春 (based on old calendar). It is usually around 4th of Feb. The event is made up with 鬼 = a troll and people throw roasted beans to rid of evils in order to usher new season in. When you throw beans at the troll, you shout 鬼は外、福は内 (troll's out, fortune's in). You also eat roasted beans the same number of your age to protect yourself from evil.


The first picture is based on a children's song called まめまき(throwing beans) it goes 

おにはそと    (troll's out)
ふくはうち                (fortune's in)
ぱらっ ぱらっ        (patter patter)
ぱらっ ぱらっ        (patter patter)
まめのおと                (sound of beans)
おには こっそり    (troll's quietly)
にげていく                (fleeing)


The second picture is about Origin chan borrowed Haru chan's (HYK) tiger skin pants and ended up all trolls came to worship him wanting him to be their boss. Japanese folklore tells you that trolls wear tiger skin pants.


The third picture is about throwing beans and trolls then cleaning up after it. Also H&L, Swanyu and Ballad no1+pooh in the kotatsu table are eating ehoumaki 恵方巻き. 恵方巻き became popular recently and it is a seasonal event that involves eating a whole big sushi roll without saying a word while facing the lucky direction (it changes every year) to bring good luck.


I know it sounds wired and superstitious but for chasing evil spirits to bring good luck in, there are many wired festivals all over the world I believe so these are  among them :D



Thank you!! 

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