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1 hour ago, Pamigena said:

I hate tumblr so much :13877886:


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One of my posts with pictures of Teen Yuzu got reblogged by some porn blog and now I'm caught in a cycle of smut :13877886: Someone make tumblr stop plz I'm weeping. I keep blocking smut blogs and I've reported all the reblogs (don't put pictures of a child between your porn FFS!) but they keep coming at me :13877886: someone plz dig a hole for me to hide in.



I keep being followed by porn bots and there's no way to avoid it but I'm glad they're taking action against the "russian spybots" /s

the most effed up thing is they probably latched onto that post because the word "teen" has been made into a porn category :tumblr_inline_mzx90enaUF1r8msi5:



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34 minutes ago, axelnojutsu said:
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I keep being followed by porn bots and there's no way to avoid it but I'm glad they're taking action against the "russian spybots" /s

the most effed up thing is they probably latched onto that post because the word "teen" has been made into a porn category :tumblr_inline_mzx90enaUF1r8msi5:





so far I only had the occasional brush with those porn bots, but that one reblog started a fire :banginghead: I've blocked close to 150 blogs since yesterday. I just hope tumblr support eventually comes through and deletes my post from those sites. Or if that's not possible, I hope they agree to delete the entire post including all the likes and reblogs, because that post is like a target on my forehead right now. It's all fine and dandy that tumblr gives you a button that hides the smut from you, but I'd like a button that hides me from the smut!




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So this morning I was at the ice rink, and one of the rinks was being used for a hockey game, so all the high level skaters came to the other rink. There was this boy (couldn't have been older than 10) taking a lesson and the second he started skating I thought "wow, he's good, he could actually compete." He had great posture, edges, speed, and, surprisingly for a kid that young, grace. Then after around an hour or so....he starts doing triples. 


Turns out I was looking at the Juvenile National Champion. 


So today was a new record for me, I managed to feel completely incompetent as early as 6 am! :rofl:

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I don't know how I feel after stumbling upon a yuzu fan video that I don't know whether its meant for fun or real.. I want to laugh but deep inside I'm feeling mad uncomfortable..

personally I don't care what his sexuality is but fans should know not to cross the line of respect for him.


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Well this weekend, it's the national skating rankings/levels test in my city. And since a friend/rinkmate was testing (at 11 pm!), a bunch of us headed over as his cheer squad. 


Yuzu is pretty popular in China- popular enough that I spotted 2 little boys wearing imitation costumes. There was a "mini-etude" boy and a "mini-Ballade 1.0 " boy, both probably only about 7 years old or so.  "Mini-etude" boy was very camera shy,  but had better knee-bend and flow for his age, though I think mini-ballade boy had deeper edges-though not as great flow since he had to jerk his leg a bit more on the back inside edges. 


Supposedly I missed another little ballade 1.0 boy earlier this afternoon when they did the middle level moves in field test. Debating whether or not I want to go and watch tomorrow- they have a couple skaters testing senior level moves in the field tests tomorrow, and the day after, there are a couple skaters doing CSA lv 8 freestyle tests- full 4 min programs with triple jumps and maybe triple-triples (don't recall the exact layout requirements off top of my head). According to a rinkmate, there was a little boy (around 9) from northern China at my rink today, doing 2A's from standstill-he left after about an hour of practice though, so I missed him. 

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On 06/04/2018 at 11:16 PM, guitarist said:

So this morning I was at the ice rink, and one of the rinks was being used for a hockey game, so all the high level skaters came to the other rink. There was this boy (couldn't have been older than 10) taking a lesson and the second he started skating I thought "wow, he's good, he could actually compete." He had great posture, edges, speed, and, surprisingly for a kid that young, grace. Then after around an hour or so....he starts doing triples. 


Turns out I was looking at the Juvenile National Champion. 


So today was a new record for me, I managed to feel completely incompetent as early as 6 am! :rofl:


19 hours ago, Xen said:

Well this weekend, it's the national skating rankings/levels test in my city. And since a friend/rinkmate was testing (at 11 pm!), a bunch of us headed over as his cheer squad. 


Yuzu is pretty popular in China- popular enough that I spotted 2 little boys wearing imitation costumes. There was a "mini-etude" boy and a "mini-Ballade 1.0 " boy, both probably only about 7 years old or so.  "Mini-etude" boy was very camera shy,  but had better knee-bend and flow for his age, though I think mini-ballade boy had deeper edges-though not as great flow since he had to jerk his leg a bit more on the back inside edges. 


Supposedly I missed another little ballade 1.0 boy earlier this afternoon when they did the middle level moves in field test. Debating whether or not I want to go and watch tomorrow- they have a couple skaters testing senior level moves in the field tests tomorrow, and the day after, there are a couple skaters doing CSA lv 8 freestyle tests- full 4 min programs with triple jumps and maybe triple-triples (don't recall the exact layout requirements off top of my head). According to a rinkmate, there was a little boy (around 9) from northern China at my rink today, doing 2A's from standstill-he left after about an hour of practice though, so I missed him. 


I've got a similar story haha! This week I went to a weekday public session to practice. I only just started lessons a week ago so all I could practice was swizzles, stops and one-foot gliding :13877886:


Anyway, when I got to the rink, there was only one person skating. He was dressed like Yuzu (black short-sleeve mock neck top, black pants, black gloves) and was practicing a program- spins and triples(!) all over the place. I was so embarrassed about getting on the ice so I waited until a few more people arrived and started skating. One guy started doing swizzles so I thought 'hey, this is the perfect opportunity to hop on the ice since the extent of what I can do is swizzles too!', but then the same guy started speed skating around the rink :headdesk2:


Eventually I forced myself to get on the ice and got over the embarrassment, but my gosh was it painful :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw:  Weirdly enough, I feel way more comfortable practicing around kids



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I have much appreciation for Go-Chan and all those mascots who skate. 

In another episode of "Crazy stuff only seen in Chinese rinks"- we had a kumamon mascot outfit lying around the rink today. It was emptier than normal (since today's a working day as part of the long holiday weekend) so we only got a bunch of little nationals testing kids skating around. Well...rinkmates and I took turns dressing up as kumamon and trying tricks on ice. There is no freaking visibility period in those mascot outfits. NONE. And no room for you to stretch or anything. Rinkmate managed twizzles in it, and I managed a half-way spiral sequence. None of us managed to get a spread eagle, or a scratch spin for that matter. Both of us managed choctaws and mohawk step sequences. Now that I think about it, rinkmate and I should have both tried to see if hydroblading was possible,  how far down could we go before Kumamon scraped the ice. And I should have tried a pistol lunge, since an ina bauer was out of the question-had absolutely no visibility for even a spread eagle. 

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I've had a perfectly wretched week but the banana sculptures and new footage of the goings on at Olympic gala rehearsals have cheered me up no end.

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Not sure where to post this, so I chose here since it definitely won't be off-topic :)


I was just reading nonchan's translation (:bow:) of Aoi Honoo, and in a certain context :slinkaway:  there was a mention of one of Yuzuru's senpais named Takumi Suenaga.

Never having heard of the name before, me decides to research for a bit. Turns out he placed 16th in JGP Budapest 2006 and ... not my point.


Anyway, I come across this 2009 video of the abovementioned senpai practising at Ice Rink Sendai (sorry, it won't embed) and....
...long story short, anyone here wants to play the "spot the wild Yuzu" game?  (or rather the "please tell me I'm not finally losing it" game)

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