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Not gonna lie, I'm a bit sad and very frustrated... :14066882:


Little bit cause he is repeating two programs, but mainly cause it all (reading his interviews and so) feels so reactionary. I don't like the 4TLo3S combo at all, it sticks out from his otherwise beautiful jumps and why??? To be able to have the 3A as a back-up? The BV change is so small and I honestly (sorry :hopelessness:) don't believe that the combo is ever going to get more than 2 GOE (probably just around 1). Sure some commentators will approve since everyone just seems to be counting quads these days (:tantrum:) and ignore developments in construction of program and the skating quality in between jumps. Semei is a great program, better than anything the other guys have put out there but H&L was, at least to me, a great improvement in terms of Yuzuru's use of his skating skills. It was definitely more intricate (the step sequence, more steps overall and more steps later in the program), the construction/placement of elements was more difficult (and rewarding I think). 


This all seems like a step back, and sure it's the Olympic Season and I understand and support the decision to do something Yuzuru feels comfortable with so I can live with that. But I don't think we are going to see 4Lz (sorry again). He is not going to improvise and add a new jump unless he loses going almost clean before PC or for some other reason he feels he needs to change things (the reason is going to have to be pretty drastic - he is stubborn and adding a new jump is a huge step). He has never added a new jump on the fly has he? He is going to go for trying to go clean consistently and better his GOEs (didn't he imply as much at the beginning of the summer?). I don't think the 4TLo3S combo + having 3A as a backup is a good idea at all. If he makes a mistake and does the 3A, yes he can save points by doing it (BV) and doing it well (GOE) but any kind of mistake (pop/fall) is going to do real damage PCS wise. I'm sure he is not going to get more than 95 if he makes a mistake, so that's about 3-4 points lost as well. The combo is more risk prone. On a brighter side though, if he says he's comfortable with this layout he is probably already close to mastering it. So perhaps the plan is the best going forward. I can't help mourning the second 3A though and wish that he was doing something new (program/jump/music cut/*choreographic sequence/step sequence/anything). 


*I would actually love if he changed something in his choreographic sequence :10636614:

I really hope he reworks the step sequence so it more often gets a level 4. Honestly I'm a bit worried that Yuzuru is in such a mind space that he wants to have a 3A as a back up plan. I'm really starting to dislike the quad craze (not the quads themselves but the bonus that seems to go with) and Olympic Season. 


I want my pessimism to be wrong so feel free to disagree, sorry if I am being a bummer :13877886: I just really like Yuzuru's skating and I get frustrated by the huge and singular focus in the sport on Olympics 


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1 час назад, kiches сказал:

I'm slightly confused about the axel at the end being a recovery jump, if he pops any of the repeated quads in the hypothetical layout it would be the salchow and the toe loop and he already has a 3S and a 3T in combination. He wouldn't be able  to do 2 axels without zayaking, or am I missing something?

If he pops into triple he can jump two 2T/2S combos, but usually he pops into double anyway

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2 часа назад, MrPudding сказал:

Max predicted 4Lz. Just saying. :headdesk:

And in the end of the season Yuzu said that he's not thinking about bringing in 4Lz and wants a clean performance... I dunno who to trust more at the moment :idk:


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1 minute ago, Lunna said:

And in the end of the season Yuzu said that he's not thinking about bringing in 4Lz and wants a clean performance... I dunno who to trust more at the moment :idk:

but...  Yuzu also said he had no idea for his fs music and open for suggestions  while he had been thinking of using seimei since 15/16 season... so no I don't really trust what he's saying now. sorry Yuzu :embSwan:

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When you excitedly followed everything from 5am through the whole day, and literally minutes after you dozed off at midnight the fs was announced :xD:

The Rebirth of the Imperial Pair! Ahhhhhhh I'm still too worked up to say anything coherent I'll just go read more posts everywhere

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4 minutes ago, Lunna said:

And in the end of the season Yuzu said that he's not thinking about bringing in 4Lz and wants a clean performance... I dunno who to trust more at the moment :idk:



After the explosion, all I'm seeing is 4Lz talk. It's especially extreme on twitter and all this is giving me anxiety attacks again. A lot of people is saying he's basically handing the "victory" to nat/sho.. I'm just here reading through it all :13877886:

The little transition from waiting for FS announcement to layout talk is :003:


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9 minutes ago, Lunna said:

And in the end of the season Yuzu said that he's not thinking about bringing in 4Lz and wants a clean performance... I dunno who to trust more at the moment :idk:


My thoughts exactly :tumblr_inline_mqt4gqDerH1qz4rgp: all the smooth talks and angelic smiling face during interviews is making it hard not to believe him, but then... he's hiding something under his sleeves :14066882:

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36 minutes ago, Étudeesque said:

Not gonna lie, I'm a bit sad and very frustrated... :14066882:


Little bit cause he is repeating two programs, but mainly cause it all (reading his interviews and so) feels so reactionary. I don't like the 4TLo3S combo at all, it sticks out from his otherwise beautiful jumps and why??? To be able to have the 3A as a back-up? The BV change is so small and I honestly (sorry :hopelessness:) don't believe that the combo is ever going to get more than 2 GOE (probably just around 1). Sure some commentators will approve since everyone just seems to be counting quads these days (:tantrum:) and ignore developments in construction of program and the skating quality in between jumps. Semei is a great program, better than anything the other guys have put out there but H&L was, at least to me, a great improvement in terms of Yuzuru's use of his skating skills. It was definitely more intricate (the step sequence, more steps overall and more steps later in the program), the construction/placement of elements was more difficult (and rewarding I think). 


This all seems like a step back, and sure it's the Olympic Season and I understand and support the decision to do something Yuzuru feels comfortable with so I can live with that. But I don't think we are going to see 4Lz (sorry again). He is not going to improvise and add a new jump unless he loses going almost clean before PC or for some other reason he feels he needs to change things (the reason is going to have to be pretty drastic - he is stubborn and adding a new jump is a huge step). He has never added a new jump on the fly has he? He is going to go for trying to go clean consistently and better his GOEs (didn't he imply as much at the beginning of the summer?). I don't think the 4TLo3S combo + having 3A as a backup is a good idea at all. If he makes a mistake and does the 3A, yes he can save points by doing it (BV) and doing it well (GOE) but any kind of mistake (pop/fall) is going to do real damage PCS wise. I'm sure he is not going to get more than 95 if he makes a mistake, so that's about 3-4 points lost as well. The combo is more risk prone. On a brighter side though, if he says he's comfortable with this layout he is probably already close to mastering it. So perhaps the plan is the best going forward. I can't help mourning the second 3A though and wish that he was doing something new (program/jump/music cut/*choreographic sequence/step sequence/anything). 


*I would actually love if he changed something in his choreographic sequence :10636614:

I really hope he reworks the step sequence so it more often gets a level 4. Honestly I'm a bit worried that Yuzuru is in such a mind space that he wants to have a 3A as a back up plan. I'm really starting to dislike the quad craze (not the quads themselves but the bonus that seems to go with) and Olympic Season. 

I want my pessimism to be wrong so feel free to disagree, sorry if I am being a bummer :13877886: I just really like Yuzuru's skating and I get frustrated by the huge and singular focus in the sport on Olympics 

I understand your pessimism, I had lots of thoughts going through my mind regarding his layout as well, but I think his last decision will depend on how good  things will go on ACI (Javi being there it's a good thing). He changed his layout through the season before, in 2015-2016, after the Skate Canada ... so I trust Yuzu and his team ... they are all wise ppl ... and I'm sure that him and Shae worked out the ss issue, how to level it to 4 ... well, we'll see how it goes... tbh, I don't think he will do the 4Lz this season either ...:notamused:

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The TCC skater who first said people would be either very disappointed or very happy about Yuzu's FS also mentioned in @gladi's post, in the replies, that she watched Shae-Lynn work on new steps for Seimei. So there'll be some changes there.


One thing I am going to miss from Seimei 1.0 that I'm sure we won't have in Seimei 2.0 because of the changed combo is his entry into the 3A1Lo3S. The hidden 3A that made Uncle Kurt ecstatic back in 2015. 


And I'll miss the element structuring of H&L, to be honest. I really liked the jump after the Choreo sequence, no matter how nerve wrecking it was, as well as the 3F right after the StSq. The 5 jumps in a row in Seimei never left him much space to breathe in between the last few elements. 


Also, if he is planning on the 3A as a contingency plan, it might explain why the solo 3A in the video didn't seem to have much of a complex entry. 


I'm of two minds whether to mourn the nonexistent 4Lz or keep the hope alive it's just misdirection. 

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49 минут назад, xeyra сказал:

I'm confused by this talk of 3A as contingency plan. And the idea that he's basically just replacing a 3A for a 4T and calling it a day in terms of upgrade. Smells like misdirection but it can be my hopes talking. I'm going to wait and see what happens at ACI. 

I terms of BV 4T over 3A has not a lot sense in Yuzu's case especially if he can get a little higher goe for his 3A combo, but it will depend on how good second half quads will be he'll definitely need a lot of strength to pull out all those combos one after another. So either this layout gives him more confidence that he have back up plan in case he pops smth or he's 4Lz is still work in progress

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Tbh I would be more excited with a new FS. But Seimei is my favourite anyway.

I guess many people feel slightly (or greatly) disappointed and it is ok. But it is Yuzu who will skate at the Olympics, so he has the right to choose the music he wants and feels comfortable with.

Now I only wish for at least one more season for him as competitive skater with no repeats


When I first heard about Chopin 3.0 I was worried about the damage that unclean perfomance of WR-breaking program could do points-wise. But  last season with two new programs judges were already harsh with him. So there is nothing to lose in that sense. And judges don't follow Yuzu the same way we do. Probably they don't care that much about repeating?

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hace 6 minutos , Lunna said:

I terms of BV 4T over 3A has not a lot sense in Yuzu's case especially if he can get a little higher goe for his 3A combo, but it will depend on how good second half quads will be he'll definitely need a lot of strength to pull out all those combos one after another. So either this layout gives him more confidence that he have back up plan in case he pops smth or he's 4Lz is still work in progress

What if he showed us the backup layout and keeps the real one for ACI?:darklordyuzu:

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2 minutes ago, Floria said:

Tbh I would be more excited with a new FS. But Seimei is my favourite anyway.

I guess many people feel slightly (or greatly) disappointed and it is ok. But it is Yuzu who will skate at the Olympics, so he has the right to choose the music he wants and feels comfortable with.

Now I only wish for at least one more season for him as competitive skater with no repeats


When I first heard about Chopin 3.0 I was worried about the damage that unclean perfomance of WR-breaking program could do points-wise. But  last season with two new programs judges were already harsh with him. So there is nothing to lose in that sense. And judges don't follow Yuzu the same way we do. Probably they don't care that much about repeating?

I think the ppl are disappointed not bc he is recycling Seimei (IMO it's his most amazing program) but bc they were hopping for a new program ... How can anybody be unhappy with seimei when the rest of the field is full of Turandots and tangos ... well, we can't change anything anyway so lets be happy for him and wish him all the luck in the world in this so difficult season!! :grouphug:

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