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On 6/6/2023 at 9:20 AM, lajoitko said:

Sainsbury Institute is organizing a Zoom lecture with Dr Sarah E. Thompson on next Thursday (15th) about the Hokusai exhibition. It starts at 6pm (UK time) and requires a registration (very simple). Not sure if Yuzu will be mentioned but interesting nevertheless.



I registered. Yuzu aside, I love Hokusai's prints. They have a warmth to them, as if the artist were immensely fond of all his subjects, that makes them very relatable.

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3 hours ago, Geo1 said:


It was Yuzu's first jacket for "Hello I Love You" when he performed it in June 2012 during the "Dreams on Ice" show. In July 2012 he had already changed the jacket for the shorter one with ruffles that we know better when he performed the same number at 'The Ice'. The black "garbage bag" pants are the same.



Good evening / Good evening : here is this 2012 version of DOI :peace2:  

THE ICE version from 3:50 followed by PW with a gray shirt 


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I went to places related to Yuzu on the next day of Faoi . There are some courses to fallow his roots that Sendai city recommends. One of them is the Ice Rink Sendai. Of course I don't want to bother his private time, so if it's his practice time, I never go there.

But I'm sure he's not there because of the time and I went there with a fanyu just met few minutes ago.


I found child skaters there.They were practicing skating form on the ground outside. Some of them had skate shoes beside.It means the ice rink can be used by specific people. Seeing that I was reliefed. Because they had said that they decided to be closed some months dew to electric matter.

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11 hours ago, YuzuJay said:

The schadenfreude is overwhelming.


My glee at their predicament aside, it seems pretty clear that they won't be getting the Russian market back for a long time, so they should be putting their efforts into attracting new viewership in heretofore untouched markets

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6 hours ago, rockstaryuzu said:

The schadenfreude is overwhelming.


My glee at their predicament aside, it seems pretty clear that they won't be getting the Russian market back for a long time, so they should be putting their efforts into attracting new viewership in heretofore untouched markets

I dunno about Russia but IMO they can still hang on to Japan for quite a while. I think they are branching out to SEA? Good luck with that, truly. I also will be curious about China.


Shoulda listen to EVERYTHING Yuzu said then the blow would have been much less painful LOL. 


PS: FS powerhouses, especially Japan, have other skaters with a large fandom (I won't be naming names here) but has that translated yet into real revenue the way Yuzu's had?

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1 hour ago, Melodie said:

PS: FS powerhouses, especially Japan, have other skaters with a large fandom (I won't be naming names here) but has that translated yet into real revenue the way Yuzu's had?

IMO it hasn't. What I've witnessed when at competitions where those fans show up, is that they only come to the event their fave is skating in, and time their arrival to right before he skates, and leave shortly thereafter. But fanyus often stay for the whole competition 

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1 hour ago, rockstaryuzu said:

IMO it hasn't. What I've witnessed when at competitions where those fans show up, is that they only come to the event their fave is skating in, and time their arrival to right before he skates, and leave shortly thereafter. But fanyus often stay for the whole competition 

Thanks for sharing. That's a bit weird considering they still have to pay for the whole ticket even if they only want to be there for a few minutes. I guess a lot of FS fans really are so rich they can afford to spend their money like that. There's a large discrepancy between their online fanbase versus those willing to show up physically at comps don't ya think? Not so much with us Fanyus, for reasons we all know, but alas, not the power that be LOL.


PS: I kinda refered to more than one skater but I kinda get which one you are talking about here LOL. 

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2 hours ago, Melodie said:

Thanks for sharing. That's a bit weird considering they still have to pay for the whole ticket even if they only want to be there for a few minutes. I guess a lot of FS fans really are so rich they can afford to spend their money like that. There's a large discrepancy between their online fanbase versus those willing to show up physically at comps don't ya think? Not so much with us Fanyus, for reasons we all know, but alas, not the power that be LOL.


PS: I kinda refered to more than one skater but I kinda get which one you are talking about here LOL. 

To be fair, I've only noticed this with one particular fanbase. They seem to think that they're making an important point if they show up en masse with their banners right before their guy skates and leave right after. Like as if they believe that just politely sitting and watching the other skaters is a betrayal of their fave. Drives. Me. Crazy. 



Anyway, if there are going to be other fanbases taking up the slack in ticket-buying, I really hope Kaori gets a nice big one. She deserves it. 

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