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44 minutes ago, Anni said:

Such a touching  performance, Thank you Yuzu.:tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:


The composer of "Requiem of Heaven and Earth" Yasunobu Matsuo has reetwed the post from Yuzu 



He uploaded this video on youbube :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:

The Pooh balloons:girlsigh:




Thank you. This song, hits me everytime I listen to it. And I can't find it on Spotify. 😭

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There is some video footage which is very emotionally charged. Not posting the video due to issues with being reported, so may not be appropriate to do so

Yuzu is very moved and leaves the ice alone, without putting on skate guards, just as he had had to escape form the rink as it was crumbling. The weight of memory and being afterward talked about as the skater from Sendai must have taken a huge toll on a youngster aged only 16 years.

 Yuzu carried that with him all this time, skated for those who had perished, suffered and bore with extreme good grace the hopes of his nation to represent his country at the Olympics. Little wonder that he had so much desire to win and dedicate the Gold medal to Tohoku and its people, Japan and lastly himself, almost as an afterthought. 

Truly a champion giving voice and hope to others. No wonder Yuzu inspires many people to continue through adversity.

Thank you for your indulgence

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1 hour ago, DancingFeather said:

If Yuzu's dedication doesn't bring requiem (eternal rest) to the lost souls, nothing will.

This particularly relevant. At the end of today's performance, Yuzu reminded everyone that the venue at Rifu had been pressed into service as a temporary morgue due to the overwhelming numbers of the dead and its cooling capabilities had to be used during this tragedy. During the Covid crisis many rinks around the world were used for the same purposes. Yuzu paid tribute to those that perished, hope they and their surviving loved ones find peace and comfort.

Humans are united in grief whatever the tragedy, pathos for the suffering of others and exhibiting compassion, also brings us closer, no matter where we live. 

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On 3/9/2023 at 7:37 AM, rockstaryuzu said:

No, seriously, this is probably it. I have no idea if his mom recommended Sekkisei products specfically, but stop and think about how much time Yuzu has spent not being in the sun. His lifestyle as a figure skater has probably done more to protect his skin from the aging effects of UV damage than anything else. Also, he seems to eat a low-sugar diet, which helps prevent inflamation and glycation, both of which age the skin.


When it comes to his skin, Yuzu is literally reaping the benefits of being an athlete in an indoor sport. 



And the temperature probably helps preserve as well....literally...Yuzu on ice....

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