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1 hour ago, Anni said:



By the way II Volo. I found this. It was broadcast on TV on Dec 24th, a concert in Jerusalem to celebrate Christmas.
II Volo remembered Yuzu, but unfortunately didn't mention his name.:huh:

Il Volo was scheduled to be a guest artist at FAOI in 2020 (unfortunately cancelled because covid) and we would have seen our Swanyu skate live to "Notte Stellata".:huh:











Definitely remember the planned tour, then sadly for valid reasons the tour was cancelled. Possibly they were not permitted to promote Yuzu by name, especially before the event was was formally announced and they were being discreet, although mentioning " a great Japanese figure skater, who won the Olympics" is pretty clear. 

Could be the chance to have the live Notte Stellata skate accompanied by the the live vocal performance, dreaming...

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Hold on to your hats my darlings!!!


What do you think - Real or Nor Real ??????????

If it is real then :surprised_pikachu:


If this is a joke, then it is bit mean for those of us hoping for crumbs :angrypooh:This is Pooh expressing my angry eyes.

However if it is true it is a really good way to bring revenue to Sendai. Yuzu always said that he hoped that people would come to Sendai and enjoy the lovely things that the city and its surroundings had to offer. Yuzu asked people to visit and spend money there to help local people, local businesses, local commerce all to help with recovery efforts

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2 minutes ago, SaluYuzu said:

The idea of a tour is very plausible since it's sponsored by a major travel agency.  

Agreed, definitely within the realms of possibility. On their website there is a section with focus on tour packages related to travel, accommodation and ticket for major events - like big sporting events. Yuzu's shows would come under that category and there is a sub section for figure skating with a list of previous events for which tour packages were available



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4 hours ago, IceWings said:

of course would prefer 1 1/2 hours of Yuzu over a few minutes.

Me too. However, having other participants means he can take a little more risk and challenge himself with a new, difficult, dense program, including, for example, unusual jump combinations, with less concern for saving energy for 90 minutes of continuous skating.


I'm also very curious about this collaboration with Beyond AI. I don't even dare to speculate what it will be, because I know nothing in this matter, but it seems that when he talked about taking FS to another level, he really meant it 😅

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I haven't found any translation of this segment of Oh! Bandesu on twitter, so I made it myself. Starting at 1:25 the male host (I don't remember his name) says something like "International fans can also come to Sendai" To make sure I heard correctly, I used the automatic transcription from my video editor and the automatic translation from google, but still not 100% accurate. So, it would be nice if someone can confirm that it's correct.


JTB is a tour operator, I bought my JR pass from them in Spain on my first trip to Japan, so yes, there is a possibility that those tour packages will be available to overseas fans as well. If so, another different thing will be to be one of the lucky ones to get one of those packages. We have already more than verified that the demand far exceeds the offer...



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First of all WOW! Two different ice shows in two week. Yuzu, what is your secret???? Because I can't manege lunch and dinner together.


Then I'm thinking of Yuzu's reaction when he got Notte Stellata and listened to it for the first time. Did he ask for translation? how did he connect notte stellata to his starry night?


I've read books about 3.11 and in all of them someone talked about the starry night of that time. It is really imprinted in a lot of Japanese people who were victim of the earthquake and tsunami.


And I'm so happy that among other things he could have chosen, he chose to use an Italian "sentence" to name his show. Am I being petty saying this? I'm just proud of him, showing his knowledge of other languages.

11 hours ago, Perelandra said:

RE: Notte Stellata it would be wonderful if the performance included Il Volo to accompany Yuzu skating to Notte Stellata if not in person then using the AI 

I know right??!! Last February they were to sing in our major song contest as hosts (not as contenders) and one of them got covid so he couldn't participate. He had no symptoms and was quite fine. They were able to sing anyway with the unlucky one not in the theatre. It was really touching how they were able to pull through, at least it was touching for me. So they are actually able to do something about it. Of course, in person singing would be better. But they are in Brazil right that days and have a concert right on March 11 :( 

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6 hours ago, Anabel said:

I haven't found any translation of this segment of Oh! Bandesu on twitter, so I made it myself. Starting at 1:25 the male host (I don't remember his name) says something like "International fans can also come to Sendai" To make sure I heard correctly, I used the automatic transcription from my video editor and the automatic translation from google, but still not 100% accurate. So, it would be nice if someone can confirm that it's correct.


JTB is a tour operator, I bought my JR pass from them in Spain on my first trip to Japan, so yes, there is a possibility that those tour packages will be available to overseas fans as well. If so, another different thing will be to be one of the lucky ones to get one of those packages. We have already more than verified that the demand far exceeds the offer...



Very true. And as the Chinese fanyus are also able to travel again, we can be certain that the ice show will be sold out with battles in the lottery again. 

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