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2 hours ago, Sammie-s said:

The broadcast for the local TV on 19 Sep will be on YOUTUBE!


Edit: its not the whole program that will be on YT.


This is the YT link:


Can't wait. Their YT channel created today. Did they created the account to cater for us? So touched!

Just subscribed to the YT channel! 

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8 hours ago, Geo1 said:


For new fans of Yuzu who have not seen it before, this is the video of the first meeting of Yuzu and Shuzo Matsuoka on November 7, 2011 following Yuzu’s fourth-place finish at the 2011 Cup of China. Unfortunately, it does not have English subtitles. The following is just a general summary and not intended as a proper translation.


From the very beginning of the video you can see that Shuzo was very excited and announced that Yuzu’s weapon was the yonkaiten (4 turns) and spun the poster, dramatically stopping it after the fourth rotation.


Shuzo was immediately impressed by Yuzu’s personality. He asked Yuzu what those things were around his wrists and Yuzu explained that they were good luck charms that his mother favored, but he liked them too. When Shuzo jokingly said that they posed a hindrance when jumping, Yuzu repeatedly and vehemently denied that they posed a hindrance to him and finished with “hee hee hee”.


Shuzo described Yuzu as a boy with a miraculous ambience and said that he was demonstrating an incredible success rate in landing the quad even when compared to three-time world champion Patrick Chan.


When asked about the quadruple jump, Yuzu went into an impassioned mature explanation about the quadruple jump (he was referring to the quad toe, although he did not specify it). Shuzo looked at him in surprise and asked, “How old are you?” Yuzu replied, “I am 16.”


The next scene in the video was Yuzu, Shuzo Matsuoka and Nanami Abe at Ice Rink Sendai where Yuzu was demonstrating to Shuzo the technique that allowed him to increase his quad toe landing success from 2% to 80%. “Oh, so light!” was Shuzo’s reaction when Yuzu landed the quad toe.


In the next scenes, Shuzo explained that Yuzu’s home rink, Ice Rink Sendai, was severely damaged during the 3/11 earthquake. Yuzu was in the middle of practice when this occurred. When Shuzo asked Yuzu what it was like, he said that the ice which was normally perfectly flat and solid, became like waves of ice during the earthquake.


Shuzo explained that the home rink that Yuzu had been going to since four years of age had been taken away from him. The Hanyu family home was damaged and they were forced into an “evacuation life”.  Yuzu and Nanami said that without electricity, gas and other essentials, just existing took all their efforts. They could not think of anything like skating. Yuzu said that he thought that he was going to have to give up figure skating for two or three years.


Then, there was a bright spot in Yuzu’s life when he was invited to a charity ice show in Kobe which took place on April 9, 2011. The ice show featured celebrity skaters like Daisuke Takahashi and Shizuka Arakawa. Yuzu put everything he had into his performance of “White Legend”. Of all the performers, he garnered the most applause. Yuzu said that it was not as if the audience had come to just watch him, but to see everyone standing up and giving heartfelt applause made him very happy. He asked himself rhetorically, “What other sport is there in which I can receive this much appreciation and support?” This gave him the motivation to continue skating.


Yuzu proceeded to participate in 60 charity ice shows. Since he had lost the use of his home rink, he would arrive at the show rink early in order to practice his competitive programs. Yuzu included his quad jumps in his show performances. Takeshi Honda explained that this is rarely done in ice shows because of having to do it in the spotlight. Having to do it in the spotlight can be very disorienting, but Yuzu did it all the time and his landing success rate was very high.


In the next scene, Shuzo explained that Yuzu had the opportunity to skate with the likes of Stephane Lambiel, two-time world champion and 2006 Olympic silver medalist, during the 60 ice shows. Then Shuzo leaned forward in his chair and said, “EH!” in shock. “You asked Lambiel-san for advice about the quad jump?... Well, then tell me what you said. Pretend that I am Lambiel-san and tell me what you said.” Yuzu was embarrassed and said, “I can’t, it’s too embarrassing!” Shuzo said, “Just give me the gist of what you said.” Yuzu then laughingly said, “It was like, ‘Give me advice, please!!!’ Really, that was about it!”


Finally, Yuzu told Shuzo that his future aim was to win the Olympics; however, that was not his ultimate goal. He told Shuzo that this would just be the beginning for him. Shuzo looked at him incredulously in admiration and asked him again, “How old are you?” Yuzu replied, “16 years old.” Shuzo said, “People are going to support you.” Yuzu smiled with another “hee hee hee”.


Back in the studio, Shuzo said that Yuzu explained that winning the Olympic gold-medal was just the beginning of his dream. Yuzu told him that even if 10 years went by after the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami, the damage would remain and people would still be suffering and he wanted to do whatever he could to help.


Shuzo was completely and utterly amazed by this 16-year-old boy who knew exactly what he was about and what he was going to do. He said that this was an athlete you would want to support.


This is the interview in which Yuzu won Shuzo Matsuoka’s heart, support and friendship.



Thanks a lot for the video and the summary! :tumblr_inline_nhkezsTB3v1qid2nw:

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9 hours ago, Geo1 said:


For new fans of Yuzu who have not seen it before, this is the video of the first meeting of Yuzu and Shuzo Matsuoka on November 7, 2011 following Yuzu’s fourth-place finish at the 2011 Cup of China. Unfortunately, it does not have English subtitles. The following is just a general summary and not intended as a proper translation.


From the very beginning of the video you can see that Shuzo was very excited and announced that Yuzu’s weapon was the yonkaiten (4 turns) and spun the poster, dramatically stopping it after the fourth rotation.


Shuzo was immediately impressed by Yuzu’s personality. He asked Yuzu what those things were around his wrists and Yuzu explained that they were good luck charms that his mother favored, but he liked them too. When Shuzo jokingly said that they posed a hindrance when jumping, Yuzu repeatedly and vehemently denied that they posed a hindrance to him and finished with “hee hee hee”.


Shuzo described Yuzu as a boy with a miraculous ambience and said that he was demonstrating an incredible success rate in landing the quad even when compared to three-time world champion Patrick Chan.


When asked about the quadruple jump, Yuzu went into an impassioned mature explanation about the quadruple jump (he was referring to the quad toe, although he did not specify it). Shuzo looked at him in surprise and asked, “How old are you?” Yuzu replied, “I am 16.”


The next scene in the video was Yuzu, Shuzo Matsuoka and Nanami Abe at Ice Rink Sendai where Yuzu was demonstrating to Shuzo the technique that allowed him to increase his quad toe landing success from 2% to 80%. “Oh, so light!” was Shuzo’s reaction when Yuzu landed the quad toe.


In the next scenes, Shuzo explained that Yuzu’s home rink, Ice Rink Sendai, was severely damaged during the 3/11 earthquake. Yuzu was in the middle of practice when this occurred. When Shuzo asked Yuzu what it was like, he said that the ice which was normally perfectly flat and solid, became like waves of ice during the earthquake.


Shuzo explained that the home rink that Yuzu had been going to since four years of age had been taken away from him. The Hanyu family home was damaged and they were forced into an “evacuation life”.  Yuzu and Nanami said that without electricity, gas and other essentials, just existing took all their efforts. They could not think of anything like skating. Yuzu said that he thought that he was going to have to give up figure skating for two or three years.


Then, there was a bright spot in Yuzu’s life when he was invited to a charity ice show in Kobe which took place on April 9, 2011. The ice show featured celebrity skaters like Daisuke Takahashi and Shizuka Arakawa. Yuzu put everything he had into his performance of “White Legend”. Of all the performers, he garnered the most applause. Yuzu said that it was not as if the audience had come to just watch him, but to see everyone standing up and giving heartfelt applause made him very happy. He asked himself rhetorically, “What other sport is there in which I can receive this much appreciation and support?” This gave him the motivation to continue skating.


Yuzu proceeded to participate in 60 charity ice shows. Since he had lost the use of his home rink, he would arrive at the show rink early in order to practice his competitive programs. Yuzu included his quad jumps in his show performances. Takeshi Honda explained that this is rarely done in ice shows because of having to do it in the spotlight. Having to do it in the spotlight can be very disorienting, but Yuzu did it all the time and his landing success rate was very high.


In the next scene, Shuzo explained that Yuzu had the opportunity to skate with the likes of Stephane Lambiel, two-time world champion and 2006 Olympic silver medalist, during the 60 ice shows. Then Shuzo leaned forward in his chair and said, “EH!” in shock. “You asked Lambiel-san for advice about the quad jump?... Well, then tell me what you said. Pretend that I am Lambiel-san and tell me what you said.” Yuzu was embarrassed and said, “I can’t, it’s too embarrassing!” Shuzo said, “Just give me the gist of what you said.” Yuzu then laughingly said, “It was like, ‘Give me advice, please!!!’ Really, that was about it!”


Finally, Yuzu told Shuzo that his future aim was to win the Olympics; however, that was not his ultimate goal. He told Shuzo that this would just be the beginning for him. Shuzo looked at him incredulously in admiration and asked him again, “How old are you?” Yuzu replied, “16 years old.” Shuzo said, “People are going to support you.” Yuzu smiled with another “hee hee hee”.


Back in the studio, Shuzo said that Yuzu explained that winning the Olympic gold-medal was just the beginning of his dream. Yuzu told him that even if 10 years went by after the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami, the damage would remain and people would still be suffering and he wanted to do whatever he could to help.


Shuzo was completely and utterly amazed by this 16-year-old boy who knew exactly what he was about and what he was going to do. He said that this was an athlete you would want to support.


This is the interview in which Yuzu won Shuzo Matsuoka’s heart, support and friendship.



Thank you for posting

Your translation and insights are incredibly helpful


Yuzu's galaxy brain has something in mind to provide tangible help with the recovery efforts in Tohoku.

Clearly teen Yuzu had foresight that the help of one teenager could become much greater if he were to become two times Olympic champion. This incredible achievement has been realised. It will be most illuminating to discover what Yuzu's plans are in terms of the recovery efforts. 

Yuzu will build a true legacy and the city and region that he loves will become the phoenix of legend. All of his global support and fanbase want to be part of this.

Fly Yuzu

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3 hours ago, Sammie-s said:

The broadcast for the local TV on 19 Sep will be on YOUTUBE!


Edit: its not the whole program that will be on YT.


This is the YT link:


Can't wait. Their YT channel created today. Did they created the account to cater for us? So touched!



That's really true. Because of Yuzu, there is such a high demand from international audiences.

I think Yuzu has also changed the way newspapers and magazines work. Has there ever been a person who got so much coverage and filled pages and pages of magazines and even newspapers on a regular basis? I don't think so. And the publishers know what they're doing. After all, all this Yuzu content sells like hot cakes, new editions have to be printed etc. What a phenomenon Yuzu is! :wink_star:


2 hours ago, Anni said:

Yuzu about his video editing (from C&A) with English subtitles 


It's really impressive, how much he thinks about the details.:agree:


Yuzu has probably seen all the comments from fans who said things like, "I want him to skate on my face!" or "I want him to land an Axel on my face!" :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:

Yes, I've already seen many of these comments... :67638860:

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some exhibition footage


Have we seen this before? I recognise the lady with the Pooh glove puppets. Maybe she is super fortunate and well organised fan who is attending this exhibition and the previous one's. Do you remember that she bought about 6 carrier bags worth of merchandise goodies, when she was interviewed last time? Lucky, lucky lady ( her receipt was almost the entire paper roll from the checkout machine!!! )



This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
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