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46 minutes ago, rockstaryuzu said:

Hey, satellites-


Make sure you post the link for Yuzu's channel everywhere you can and share it abundantly. I just tried navigating to his channel by using the YouTube search bar, and I got everything but - including at least four fan channels that had re-uploaded his intro video to their own channel pages, with their subtitles added, and a link to his page in their descriptions.  I know this is a thing that happens on Youtube, but I'm really, really not happy to see that happen to Yuzu less than a day after he started his own channel. That's not some footage from a big rich broadcaster they're stealing, it's Yuzu's own personal work. Unless the language they translate it to is so uncommon and rarely spoken that they're the only ones who could possibly do the translations, there's no excuse! 


So yeah, everyone, spread tge link to the real channel until Yuzu figures out what 'sesrch engine optimization' is, please.


But don't re-upload. 


I hope Yuzu verifies his account as soon as possible. That should also be helpful regarding the search results. And, as you said, he should get someone from his team who is experienced in PR, marketing, social media and such to work on the SEO.


I searched for the term "Hanyu Yuzuru はじめまして" and even here he only comes in third. The first two are re-uploads. It's really frustrating to see people abusing his popularity and stealing his content for their own gain. >:(


But hey, this is really one more proof for Yuzu's incredible popularity. Even though his official channel doesn't even show up in search results when you search for his name, he has already reached such a huge following on YouTube. That's incredible! :cheer:


He's now at 286K subscribers, 32K comments, and 1,012K views.

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Please read this comment with light hearted.


Yuzu is testing his and fanyus power. Why? His channel is not searachable on YT. With IQ 5000, you would think he will make it easier for us to find him? No, he did this on purpose. Please cue the print screen of "its all in my calculation". 


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GLad that others had issues with not finding his channel when just searching with his name...... i dont subscribe to YT channels, so i have to bookmark...


OK, requests for Yuzu for his channel... if he needs inspiration from one such as I: 


Pooh reunion, or visit to TCC,...and if he gets Pooh, then he should take Pooh on a quick sightseeing tour of Toronto, since he's never been, and rarely will again ( like the Travelocity roaming gnome, it'll be roaming Pooh)... and expand it to Pooh in Japan... he's been coaching yuzu for years, let him expand his horizons... just kidding... not kidding...


Training in his UA.. show us combos he never competed.... bloopers, progress on 4A...


New content, choreo processes... 


Put Hanyuconomy to the test...


I hope he has fun with it.  He's creative, so I hope he shows that somehow... and i don't mean anything private, just what he feels he can now share comfortably.


However, all kidding aside, after becoming notoriously private as his fame grew, anything he now shares will be more than we ever expected. I have no expectations, just gratitude.  










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I’m really happy for Yuzu’s little channel milestones now :cheer:


All his numbers are pretty good for his standing, I’m very excited about the future!


I will put this out there already because I can already see this behavior being a cause of discontent within this fandom, and I’m sure is only going to get worse. 
Take it from someone who spent years on kpop and stan social media; I really, sincerely, hope the more militant members do not come demanding from other fans a type of commitment with “streaming” and “counting views” that is so very discouraging on kpop.
Yuzu’s greatest appeal is with the general public and how organic his reach is, and although we can work together to steer the algorithm, “numbers” is not what Yuzu’s skating and dedication is resumed to, hence why he left the competitive scene - numbers there are meaningless. And so is the extreme of kpop streaming wars (groups with millions of views who make no impact in their own industry). 

So this is just my early appeal, that we treat this as a fun thing, that we enjoy what he himself puts out there. No streaming wars please. 

(also please be nice to him on the comments…) 

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2 hours ago, Sammie-s said:

Please read this comment with light hearted.


Yuzu is testing his and fanyus power. Why? His channel is not searachable on YT. With IQ 5000, you would think he will make it easier for us to find him? No, he did this on purpose. Please cue the print screen of "its all in my calculation". 


That thouggt crossed my mind, too. :LOL:

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2 hours ago, Xiupia said:

No streaming wars please. 

I agree, but who would we fight with? Yuzu's the only skater with that kind of number of fans anyway. No one else comes close. 'Streaming wars' would be literally pointless.


However, I get what you mean about fights within the fandom over who is doing the fan thing 'the right way" by streaming etc. As an ARMY active on Twitter, I see it all the time and it's not right. 

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I actually want to bring this up in a new comment, but I’ve been seeing discussion over streaming yuzu’s videos since yesterday. I personally think it can be fun to stream things as a community- kinda like what the planet does every other Saturday with yuzu videos. I don’t think it’s necessarily bad to stream, but if you are just streaming to show superiority over others with views then I think that’s bad. I don’t know, does that make sense? What do y’all think? I’ve been wondering about this all day. 🤔

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17 minutes ago, Lynn487 said:

I actually want to bring this up in a new comment, but I’ve been seeing discussion over streaming yuzu’s videos since yesterday. I personally think it can be fun to stream things as a community- kinda like what the planet does every other Saturday with yuzu videos. I don’t think it’s necessarily bad to stream, but if you are just streaming to show superiority over others with views then I think that’s bad. I don’t know, does that make sense? What do y’all think? I’ve been wondering about this all day. 🤔

I think it should never be a thing where people feel pressured to do it "or else we lose". I think it's fun to voluntarily do it to give Yuzu some numbers or organize it as a group activity for a particular time period or something. But it mustn't become something to bully each other over.


For example, just today on my tl, there were 3 or 4 tweets all in tge vein of 'wow so many ARMY on Twitter are fake ARMY. They brag about how much they love BTS but they never post about voting in fan-voted awards shows. They never talk about streaming. They're not doing x, y,z so there's no way they could be real fans."


And sometimes this shade is directed at really big accounts who provide wonderful services to the fan community, like free translations, or at people who have obviously spent thousands on merch and concert tickets etc. Clearly unfair, clearly wrong. 


I think it's both fun to stream, and also wise to avoid policing things like whether other fans stream videos or not. Let everyone enjoy the fun in their own way. 💜


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