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When I watched that encore I thought to myself, this is it. This is Yuzu in his element. He was born to skate to beautiful song and mesmerising program like the ice prince that he is.  Don’t get me wrong, I love his rock program, PW will forever be my fav (also Vertigo heh) but there’s something about Yuzu skating so ethereally you just cant help but be in awe. 

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Old article from April/ May about the Yuzu cherry tree which was planted following Yuzu's PC gold

Due to the environment, shady area and close to other larger trees, which presumably blocked some light and competed for nutrients, the cherry was not thriving. After four years, a decision to move the tree was enacted.

Following transplant to a sunnier and less crowded spot, the cherry produced a prolific display of beautiful blossoms.


Might this be an allegory for the past four years of Yuzu's competitive career. Overshadowed, fighting for light and nutrients. Moved to a more favourable location and now flourishing. New beginnings and renewed positivity, here's hoping.:tumblr_inline_n18qrbDQJn1qid2nw:

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5 hours ago, Xiupia said:

Interview with Nagoya TV, translated by Marika






Why is he like this? :headslap:  I'm starting to think that everything he says he likes is a pun for something somewhere:


- Chicken wings (wings on his necklaces, Continues, etc.)

- Katsu ("to win" as Marika points out)

- Shrine statues/ornaments (when/because they're gold :sparkles.001:)


These are just things from the recent interviews that I can think of. I'm sure there are others out there. :whiteflag:

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The trail of clues and everything loaded with more symbolism than a Dan Brown novel. The myths of ancient Greece often have themes of fate and destiny, which is one of the reasons that the popularity of those stories endure in the human consciousness. As many people have pointed out Yuzu's life story would sound totally far fetched if it was a work of fiction. 


There is a myth about the Olympian god Apollo, that he visited and favoured people of the Far North and Ice there is some legend about this land named Hyperborea, said to be a place of purity and spirituality. Apollo is also associated with being an archer and the arts.

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8 hours ago, Xiupia said:

Interview mit Nagoya TV, übersetzt von Marika








Thank you for posting the translation. 


"So I simply went inside, ate it like nothing had happened & left."

I wish he could do that at home now too. But of course it's difficult when he so famous.

Here  also with English subtitles


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Yuzu would be able to eat undisturbed in most restaurants and cafes in UK. 

Figure skating is not popular enough for passers-by to recognise him not think to bother him. 

If Yuzu visited and allowed me to be his tour guide I would make sure to take him to establishments where staff and clientele behave discreetly or to very sleepy countryside cafes run by great aunties who don't pay attention to media excesses.

There's actually a tea shop named House at Pooh corner at the edge of Ashdown forest (hundred acre wood)

Fairly confident that Yuzu would be able to take a stroll through the forest and even play Pooh sticks before tea. The Ashdown Park Hotel is lovely and relatively secluded.

London is packed with celebs and most people give them space. Hazlitt's is a hidden gem boutique hotel where celebs stay when they want to avoid the limelight. Yuzu could probably pass unnoticed. Granted, it's not the same as being able to do this whenever you please, in your own country though




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Miyakawa Kun misses FaoI.


I think it's because of how they did their best for audiences.

We were all  happy to watch such a wonderful show 😊


And I checked Miyakawakun's  live and his MV.

From most of them I got a impression that he is cool guy, 

but I think only when he is with Yuzu he showed cut expression.


I love to see  they have good relationship 💕






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1 hour ago, ccy said:

this is seriously beautiful edit :loveshower:



One can only dream that someday someone will produce such a series. It would be epic, at least 12 episodes per series for each competition year and special series 'The Early Years' charting Yuzu from childhood, through Novice to Junior. :pouty::knc_yuzu2:

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