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Dear fellow Fanyus, so sad we don't have much news from Yuzuru, but so comforting we still have each other here ;) Just came across this super cute video where Roman Sadovsky talks about Yuzuru Hanyu... It is so wonderful to know there are so many people who love Yuzuru as much as we do... hope this brings a little sunshine to our little YuWorld :) :)  




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CFanyus delivering amazing content once again ~ 


We know that Kikuchi is older and might not feel as inclined to travel and work odd schedules as before, but I still miss seeing him by Yuzu’s side. Hope they are reunited right now, he was always such a rock for him. 

full video in this link: 


I really missed Yuzu today 

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7 hours ago, Xiupia said:


CFanyus offre à nouveau un contenu incroyable ~ 


Nous savons que Kikuchi est plus âgé et ne se sent peut-être pas aussi enclin à voyager et à travailler selon des horaires décalés qu'avant, mais je regrette toujours de le voir aux côtés de Yuzu. J'espère qu'ils sont réunis en ce moment, il a toujours été un tel rocher pour lui. 

vidéo complète sur ce lien : 


I really missed Yuzu today 



Ahhhhh Akira Kikuchi ( Kikuchi san ) was ( may he be retired after the 2018 Olympics and I learned it here ) was ESSENTIAL physically and mentally for Yuzu and here is a link to an extract from Kikuchi's book san who talks about his collaboration with Yuzu and his immense help




https://yuzusorbet.tumblr.com/post/629132958559879168/continuing-kikuchi-sans-book-strong   and this one is about young Yuzu 


And sorry, I didn't put "like" for Roman's video, because I don't understand what he's saying, but apparently it's GOOD on :peek:Yuzu

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18 hours ago, SuzyQ said:


Unfortunately I don't know much about how to get tickets of ice shows or competitions in Japan from abroad.

It's so tough to get them even in Japan when Yuzuru is in, to be honest.  So, Japanese fans go to competitions abroad if they can afford, where they can get tickets easier, although I have not tried myself.


The ticket system for NHK and the Nationals was E-ticket only, but Fantasy on Ice will be held with E-ticket/paper ticket depending on the venue. The application system really depends on the venue with different ticket agencies. Some venues will do pre-sale, but Makuhari won't.

(E-mail I received, with Makuhari part translated by DeepL) 


◆P&G Presents Fantasy on Ice 2022 in MAKUHARI ≪5月27日(金)~29日(日)≫

チケット販売期間: 4月23日(土)~26日(火)※抽選販売

プレイガイド: ローソンチケット

URL: https://l-tike.com/sports/foi2022/

Ticket sales period: April 23 (Sat.) - 26 (Tue.) *Sales by lottery

Play guide: Lawson Ticket


The URL above can be viewed from the starting date of application.


There are no plans for pre-sales.


キョードー東京 電話0570-550-799(平日11:00~18:00、土日祝10:00~18:00)


◆Fantasy on Ice 2022 in NAGOYA ≪6月3日(金)~5日(日)≫

チケット販売期間: 4月23日(土)11:00~5月8日(日)11:00 ※抽選販売

プレイガイド: チケットぴあ

URL: https://w.pia.jp/t/fantasy-on-ice-nagoya/



受付期間: 4月2日(土)11:00~10日(日)11:00

受付URL: https://w.pia.jp/t/fantasy-on-ice-nagoya/



受付期間: 4月8日(金)11:00~17日(日)11:00

受付URL: https://w.pia.jp/t/fantasy-on-ice-nagoya/


Fantasy on Ice 名古屋インフォメーション 電話0570-00-3838(平日11:00~17:00)


URL: https://www.nagoyatv.com/faoi2022nagoya/


◆P&G Presents Fantasy on Ice 2022 in KOBE ≪6月17日(金)~19日(日)≫

チケット販売期間: 5月6日(金)~9日(月)※抽選販売

プレイガイド: チケットぴあ

Pコード: 647-835

URL: https://w.pia.jp/t/fantasy-on-ice/



キョードーインフォメーション 電話0570-200-888(平日11:00~16:00)


◆Fantasy on Ice 2022 in SHIZUOKA ≪6月24日(金)~26日(日)≫

チケット販売期間: 5月6日(金)~9日(月)※抽選販売

プレイガイド: チケットぴあ

Pコード: 647-849

URL: https://w.pia.jp/t/fantasy-on-ice-shizuoka/


Fantasy on Ice 静岡インフォメーション 電話0570-00-3838(平日11:00~17:00)


Thank you so much for taking time to respond to my question! I'm just gonna cry in a corner since it seems like impossible after all.  :crybaby:

Please Yuzu an international ice showwwww! *Praying to all gods, the old ones and the new* 

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2 hours ago, Anni said:

New ANA Products:content:




:thankssign:  for this news and I don't know how much is 4980 yen in European €? because on ebay, there is the "FLY YUZU" towel at 644€ (which is expensive) and the ANA bottle at 160€......


And what an emotion to read what Yumi experienced when she saw her son on the ice and she reacted like all mothers 

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3 hours ago, Yuzuwinnie said:


:thankssign:  for this news and I don't know how much is 4980 yen in European €? because on ebay, there is the "FLY YUZU" towel at 644€ (which is expensive) and the ANA bottle at 160€......




:wave: Unfortunately I'm not very familiar with the currency. But according to this currency converter this would circa 36 Euro.

...with Seimei pose :peace2:


Here a short clip for our drought <3


I miss his skating. :mellow: Let's hope that the healing of his ankle is going well. My best wishes for Yuzu. smilie_girl_276.gif


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41 minutes ago, Skrimblo_iced said:

hi guys i want a second opinion on this because i don't want to be wrongly accusing someone 

BUT it seems blatantly obvious to me that this person's "art" of yuzuru is just a picture of yuzuru with a filter slapped over it 

I don't think we should spread this around as a result if it is true 

Well, I'm not a professional either, but the handwriting seems legit. The person says that her drawings are "done by computer" (digital drawings?) so that could explain the filter-like effect (in addition, I don't think filters would "cut out" parts of the photo like some of her drawings do).

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1 hour ago, Yuzuwinnie said:


:thankssign:  for this news and I don't know how much is 4980 yen in European €? because on ebay, there is the "FLY YUZU" towel at 644€ (which is expensive) and the ANA bottle at 160€......


And what an emotion to read what Yumi experienced when she saw her son on the ice and she reacted like all mothers 

ANA bottle at ebay is just too expensive.I got a set of ANA bottle and tumbler for $150 singapore dollars (1 euro is 1.49 Singapore dollars) including shipment.

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On 4/3/2022 at 10:54 PM, DancingFeather said:

@Ulrinis I can't find what you are looking for, sorry. You probably know these youtube videos:

Yuzu's performance with the english commentators (and the coffee), it was eurosport: 

Yuzu's FS GPF 2015

or the whole Group 1 without commentary:

whole group FS GPF 2015



Ah, maybe I mixed it up and the coffee was in fact in 2015 but I'm convinced there was something similar in 2017. Thank you anyway - rewatching GPF 2015 will be a good idea for the Yuzu draught in any case. :thanks:

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