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4 hours ago, TokyoDream said:

Dammit, I miss Yuzu a LOT today.


That's it, that's my message.

Me too...sigh...I don't even want to watch World Champs because he is not there, and I haven't missed any World Chapms for the last 20 + years.

I'll crawl to my cave to cry now :crybaby:

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17 minutes ago, Suzu said:

Me too...sigh...I don't even want to watch World Champs because he is not there, and I haven't missed any World Chapms for the last 20 + years.

I'll crawl to my cave to cry now :crybaby:

Noooo don't cry! Let's be happy he's allowing his ankle to heal and allowing himself to process everything that happened last month:grouphug:

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4 hours ago, LiaRy said:

THIS! This is what I was feeling the entire time. I'm in my early 20s, I've done and haven't done a lot of things, but I've never had regrets. Until Beijing when I saw Yuzuru perform live on my TV for the first time. My only life regret is that I didn't watch the Olympics back in 2018 to have discovered Yuzuru then. 


This may sound extreme, but it's really just how I'm feeling - I got very emotional after seeing Yuzuru's SP at the Olympics and haven't recovered since.


2 hours ago, kalelovesyuzu said:

i without a doubt, 100% agree! i have not really been a fanyu for a long time, as of only when the beijing olympics ended i discovered him on my youtube recommendations. i really wish i could've discovered him back then!


I hear you! I saw new fans commenting on the videos from past competitions, all having these regrets. 

But hey, we really cannot think about what we lost, because we will go insane. Let's just be happy that all the cosmic forces brought us to this point, eventually! 


1 hour ago, airi said:

I just want to say I LOVE how many new fans Yuzu got after Beijing, even though he was the one that "lost". It just shows how special he really is <3 Biiiig welcome to all the new fans:grouphug:


Thank you, it's great to be here!

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47 minutes ago, TokyoDream said:

Noooo don't cry! Let's be happy he's allowing his ankle to heal and allowing himself to process everything that happened last month:grouphug:

:yes: I'll keep all my fingers and toes crossed that his ankle will recover fully  and we could perhaps some day see majestic Rondo again or any other of his glorious list of masterpieces :worship:...or something new, there is so much wonderful music in the world just waiting to be choreographed and skated by Yuzuru :heartpound:

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I too felt regret for being too late when joined the fandom... It was early 2017 so of course it might sound ancient now, but back then everyone was kinda sure he'd leave after PC, he had given no sign of wanting to stick around longer than that (probably he himself didn't know  either😅). Never in my wildest dream I would have thought I'd have a whole quad. It was kinda of a terrible quad from many POVs, both for the scoring disaster and for the world as a whole, and it was darn tough for Yuzuru, both physically and mentally.  So many struggles, idk how he got the strength to stick with us and fs in spite of all (his love for FS is just that big🥺). But I'm forever grateful that he did:tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:

Idk how Yuzuru wants to go on from now on (and how his body is doing), I do hope that bb fanyus will be able to enjoy his skating for long and maybe have the chance to watch him live one day too, like I managed, after despairing of ever being able to do that






Here to remind you that it's the final of the Yuzu moments bracket!!!

(Nooo PC lift and kittens 💔)



To admins, what about doing some polls again in the planet too? It's been a while since we had the "top3 fave program, fave costume... " and also poll on planet demographics. We were discussing this in the salt thread a while ago xD (The good thing about PH pills is that you can do more than 4options at a time😆)

Since there are both new fans and new programs/costumes, could be fun to redo all those old polls! Maybe we could also launch them together with the planet streams. After WC, it will be officially offseason (and basically everyone but Yuzu will be in April iceshows sigh), so we gotta self-sustain at least till we get news about Yuzuru's recovery and whether he'll attend any iceshow:tumblr_inline_n18qraikFP1qid2nw:


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13小时前, LiaRy说:

THIS! This is what I was feeling the entire time. I'm in my early 20s, I've done and haven't done a lot of things, but I've never had regrets. Until Beijing when I saw Yuzuru perform live on my TV for the first time. My only life regret is that I didn't watch the Olympics back in 2018 to have discovered Yuzuru then. 


This may sound extreme, but it's really just how I'm feeling - I got very emotional after seeing Yuzuru's SP at the Olympics and haven't recovered since.

That is ME!!! My friend once invited me to watch PC Olympics with her cuz she wanted to watch Yuzu's performances, but I was like, well, hum, who is he??? Until this time, he came to Beijing, and I accidentally watched his SP, the amazing Rondo...I think it is literally one of the most regrettable moments in my life:banginghead:

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On 2022/3/23 at 午前5時19分, Mary_kyoさんが言いました:

I have to confess before Beijing I was scared of Yuzu not winning gold. I was afraid that the general public might be fooled by the heavy promotions and narrations and that even Yuzuru’s legacy might be tarnished. I was afraid that locals and casuals might not appreciate Yuzu’s skating and performances and jump in the media’s fabricated bandwagon to appreciate the fake mediocre skating.

At the end, Yuzu didn’t get gold, not even bronze (burn in hell JSF) but everything went in the opposite direction of my pessimistic expectations. He was cherished more than ever, way more than the three supported medalists. He got a lot more famous, way more popular and many people resonated with his struggles and that “efforts are not always rewarded” quote. His personality, endurance, grace in the struggling time, sacrifices for his goal and putting an “honest” fight (which seems to be forgotten in FS by many) was truly the highlight of everything. The way he calmly accepted the unfortunate hole incident, injury, unfairly not medaling but yet keeping his pride and ideals, appearing in press conference giving iconic quotes and then not running away to home to hide and heal but performing his past programs with all his might to show that he is indeed the best he has ever been. Finally giving a very heart-touching performance in gala… The way he behaved in Beijing just showed why he is so deserving of the GOAT title. He is not just godly skilled but with a very wise head on his shoulders too. I follow sports as hobby for entertainment but few athletes like him appear to be role-models, teaching lessons.

Anyway, watching Beijing was a great life lesson to me. In our society that is actually very “result-driven”, sometimes, “unrewarded honest efforts” shine brighter than “easily obtained fake honor”.


\end of late night babbling lol sorry~~~~

Very well said.


I remember in 2015, Yuzu said that he didn't receive as much media attention when his results in 2014-15 season were not as good as 2013-14. From the interviews pre Beijing, it seemed that he was also worried about how people/fans/media would react if he didn't win gold. In the interview post Beijing, he asked what he meant to people when he didn't bring back a medal.


The whole event was heart breaking but one of the silver linings is that, this proves that Yuzu doesn't need more medals to gain fans, respect and adoration. His skating and his journey have reached and touched the hearts of many people, including people who are not fs fans. To me personally, it was also a great life lesson for how to deal with obstacles.

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It absolutely warms my heart to see all the new fans who joined during and after Beijing :softYuzu: Welcome, everyone! This has literally been one of the most, if not the most, traumatizing event I've watched (was not here for CoC14 and WC16), so I've been pleasantly surprised at the support Yuzu's gotten from new fans. It just goes to show that Yuzu's character, integrity, and complete mastery of the sport prevail above all the corruption and bigotry of this sport, like a precious gem in a dumpster fire. Even though I had been a fan earlier than you guys, I still completely understand the feeling of having joined "too late." However, even though you guys can't experience the past in real time anymore, that also just means you have an entire decade's worth of content to go back through! I'm excited for y'all to learn more about him and see just how he became the athlete that's captured your hearts at this Olympics; all the hardships he's gone through and how he's overcome them repeatedly; how his way of thinking has matured over the years but has remained deeply rooted to his core values; how he has never lost himself, his ideals and dreams in the face of injustice; the blue flame within him that refuses to go out and his unlimited thirst for self-improvement.


And fear not when it comes to Yuzu's future with skating -- he absolutely loves this sport so damn much even though it doesn't deserve a fraction of his devotion. I'm sure all of us will get to see him skate and perform for years to come, in whatever shape or form he decides to take it, whether it be competition or shows or something else entirely :tumblr_inline_n0o1ffHUs91qid2nw:

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8 hours ago, Pammi said:



😍 I would like to buy these, but from Germany certainly impossible.:sleep:



18 hours ago, TokyoDream said:

Dammit, I miss Yuzu a LOT today.


That's it, that's my message.


Yes, mee too :huh:


I'm also only a Fanyu since 2020, but so happy to have discovered him. I'm really looking forward to more beautiful Yuzu moments.:heart:



9 hours ago, EisElle said:

To admins, what about doing some polls again in the planet too? It's been a while since we had the "top3 fave program, fave costume... " and also poll on planet demographics. We were discussing this in the salt thread a while ago xD (The good thing about PH pills is that you can do more than 4options at a time😆)

Since there are both new fans and new programs/costumes, could be fun to redo all those old polls! Maybe we could also launch them together with the planet streams. After WC, it will be officially offseason (and basically everyone but Yuzu will be in April iceshows sigh), so we gotta self-sustain at least till we get news about Yuzuru's recovery and whether he'll attend any iceshow:tumblr_inline_n18qraikFP1qid2nw:



This is a good idea.👍


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