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3 hours ago, Sha said:


Do you mind letting me know if you found somewhere that can help us purchase it? My friend and I are very interested in the files!


Try going through this thread for trustworthy proxies when details are out about online goods sales



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I am somewhat divided on the subject of PR. On the one hand, I understand that it should not be necessary since we are talking about sports and athletes. So I understand that it's on the rink where they (skaters) should "speak". But I also understand that since there is active ignorance towards the quality and details of Yuzu's skating from most commentators, it could be countered with comments from his coaches. But of course, that's something that Yuzu should want and that doesn't seem very likely to me.

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Guest Mary_kyo

TCC knows how to do PR though. For example, look at how they do that very well for Jason and highlight his artistic qualities, despite his lack of quads. But that’s also probably a different story because Jason is very supported by USFS too. Meanwhile, for example in Jnats 2020, the Japan TV had to reach Javi or Shae to have some talks on Yuzu. These are quite noticeable differences.

But at the same time, TCC gives Yuzu freedom and he gets to have a coach like Ghislain. At the end, still a big win.  Nothing is black/white. There are things to criticize but there are a lot to compliment too. Yuzu is happy to work with them so the weight of goodies is definitely heavier.

It's very obvious that we are already in the off-season though, the discords over TCC started :laughing:

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On 3/15/2022 at 8:46 PM, Anabel said:

Hahaha, me too, I only recognise the Axel. Never is too late to learn :tumblr_inline_mzx8xsVPrg1r8msi5:


I'm currently on a long train journey and decided I was going to make the most of it by finally learning jumps, thanks to very helpful Youtube videos. I do love a good test though (I'm very competitive with myself like our beloved Yuzu) so if anyone knows of any videos/websites that show jumps and you then have to guess which one it is over and over please do let me know 😆

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Yuzu now has a lot of control over those around him, and what is revealed about him, or at least that is my impression. Perhaps he has asked that no one say anything. Didn't that recent interview with Ghislain mention that it had been done with yuzu's approval? That is telling. I think the lack of " talk"  is a combination of respecting that and him being in Japan for 2 years.  I'm sure if given a green light (and he communicated) and if they knew what he was doing, TCC would say more because they used to do it. But how much defense does a 2x Olympic champ need without certain quarters feeling it's whining?   Especially one more often injured than not. He wouldn't tell them his health status while he was in Toronto so now they're even more in the dark. I think he prefers to let his skating speak for itself, but the occasional " never underestimate Mr.hanyu" wouldn't hurt. 


Let's see what noise TCC will make now that they have a big talent with Rika being there... she definitely needs some PR, so I'm waiting to hear what the next season willbe like.





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28 minutes ago, mambook said:


Try going through this thread for trustworthy proxies when details are out about online goods sales




Wow thank you! This is great and very useful. I will save it. I am very happy that I will get to support both Yuzu and the people who have been unfortunate going through the natural disasters.

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50 minutes ago, Mary_kyo said:

Yeah but look at the time of most of these quotes by Orser. Mostly 2018. The time Yuzu won his second OGM. During that phase (PYC2018) Orser gave his best interviews. When Yuzu wins, Orser compliments. When Yuzu doesn't win (due to the systematic corruption), Orser doesn't usually defend him but instead does those very questionable interviews. Tracy hasn't spoken or done any kind of visible PR for Yuzu after 2019 too. It's very clear to me that TCC doesn't do PR for Yuzu, especially after 2019, when he actually needed them the most while the system has been forcing him to step down. 

I'm not criticizing TCC or Brian btw. I'm just answering the fanyu who rightfully said those difficult details in Yuzu's performance should be highlighted by his coaches or PR thingies. But I'm like: has TCC done PR for Yuzu after 2019? 

At least 4 of those examples above are from 2020 or later and we could dig some more if we wanted. Tracy gave an interview for Kiss&Cry last year. She highlighted how brilliantly Yuzu's elements match the music in Tenchi. I cannot find the link right now but she also said something like this about LMEY: 'I think that an artist like Yuzu does difficult things very casually. His technique, artistry and musicality are so advanced that even the slightest movement is actually very difficult. But I feel that the high quality of what he is doing is not always recognized'. It was a nice long interview full of praise for Yuzu. 


We do not know any details but it seems like Yuzu does not really want his coaches to talk about him much? Did not Ghislain mention something about Yuzu's permission recently? 

We also do not know what/how much interview invitations TCC gets these days. And the tone and content of interviews also depends on the type of questions asked. 


It maybe looks like i am trying hard to defend Orser here but rather than that, i just think that this criticism gets sometimes a bit exaggerated. Are they perfect?  No. The way they handled gpf in 2019 was disappointing. And there were some other disappointing incidents as well, particularly autumn 2016. But it is not true that it has always been like this since 2019.

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24 minutes ago, TokyoDream said:


I'm currently on a long train journey and decided I was going to make the most of it by finally learning jumps, thanks to very helpful Youtube videos. I do love a good test though (I'm very competitive with myself like our beloved Yuzu) so if anyone knows of any videos/websites that show jumps and you then have to guess which one it is over and over please do let me know 😆

Something like this would be the ultimate training  :67638860:


38 minutes ago, Mary_kyo said:

It's very obvious that we are already in the off-season though, the discords over TCC started :laughing:

it seems so :roll:

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Guest Mary_kyo
42 minutes ago, Saawa said:

Tracy gave an interview for Kiss&Cry last year. She highlighted how brilliantly Yuzu's elements match the music in Tenchi. I cannot find the link right now but she also said something like this about LMEY: 'I think that an artist like Yuzu does difficult things very casually. His technique, artistry and musicality are so advanced that even the slightest movement is actually very difficult. But I feel that the high quality of what he is doing is not always recognized'. It was a nice long interview full of praise for Yuzu. 

I remember and read that but you know my point is in like three years, we have one interview of Tracy. Then saying Tracy is vocally praising or doing PR for Yuzu is exaggerating, isn’t it?


42 minutes ago, Saawa said:

We do not know any details but it seems like Yuzu does not really want his coaches to talk about him much? Did not Ghislain mention something about Yuzu's permission recently? 

Honestly, if I were Yuzu, I wouldn't let Brian do some interviews as well lol for example, every time Brian does an interview with dear Philly Billy, there is a drama and harm more than good.


42 minutes ago, Saawa said:

It maybe looks like i am trying hard to defend Orser here but rather than that, i just think that this criticism gets sometimes a bit exaggerated. Are they perfect?  No. The way they handled gpf in 2019 was disappointing. And there were some other disappointing incidents as well, particularly autumn 2016. But it is not true that it has always been like this since 2019.

Yes, I know, and I'm not criticizing them either. just comparing how they managed PR for Jason in USA nationals only a month after complete silence for JNats 2020 was a bit noticeable. and PR played a huge role for Jason's PCS and reputation within fans as well. We can't deny PR powers tbh. PR is needed, even for a twice Olympic champion. Anyway, I get what you mean, but my point is that they haven't done very visible PR for Yuzu recently. Maybe few sparse interviews here and there but nothing about a gradual building narratives against him. 

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On 3/12/2022 at 7:44 PM, Yuzurella said:




LOL! How age estimation AI sees Yuzu as a 35-year-old (when he's participating in his fifth Olympics). :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:

Finally we know the reason. A few days ago I heard it on the radio: Scientists have found out that cold temperatures are good for a long life - the body doesn't age so quickly. I could imagine Yuzu has spent more time of his life on the ice than other skaters (who have hobbies! :rofl3:), so this is just natural!

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4 hours ago, Anabel said:

Yuzu's  recital doing lip sync :10636614:



This thread is great lol I’m going to confess, I started listening to bands like One Ok Rock and Back Number because of Yuzu; I liked j pop rock before, but he helped me update my playlist some years ago lol 


1 hour ago, hananistellata said:

It's been a while since I've loggen in here.


So... how are we dealing with the drought so far? :th_tumbleweed:


I’ve been doing very poorly, how abt you? Haha


For some silly fluff:

A brazilian fanpage did a voting for Yuzu’s top costumes, it gathered something like 6k votes (I found it quite a lot), and now the comments are full of salt and slapfights - all in good humor tho, is very funny. “That’s why we brazilians shouldn’t vote”, “Yuzu, you should drop your fans”, “haha best costume, greater than many careers”, “origin 1.0 stans you will pay for this”. Some mad that haru yo koi got second. :grin:
Best fanyu slapfights are always abt costumes and hair, low stakes and is all abt how great they usually are. 

Much better than whatever drama was happening today in fs twitter, fanyus are so big now that there factions. 

Drought is on everyone! 

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