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General Yuzuru Chat

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Now that these Olympics have passed and that I can breathe a bit more easily I will only say this: I came across Yuzu in the Sochi Olympics and fell in love with this extraordinary athlete while watching his FS at the time. What pulled me was his gaze before he started skating and the way he never gave up, even after his two falls. i remember thinking that the fall on the salchow must have been painful because this jump was huge but he threw his all body without holding back. It was like this delicate figure might have broken anytime but something was burning in him which made him mighty strong. Then later I saw his FS in Nice and I was conquered: I still think it is one of his most beautiful skates because of this unexpected fall and the way he poured his everything on the ice afterward, as if he might have died. This is were Yuzu’s gift truly lies. Nanami sensei once said that Yuzu was a genius, not just because he was talented, but because he worked so hard. Yuzu has always been this frail-looking warrior with a heart of gold fighting the odds. Sure sometimes he fails because his body is beaten up but he always rises again. This is why he inspires devotion : not because of his consistency or whatever but because how truly human and extraordinary he is at the same time. I cherish every perfect performance he did because they all are miracles in themselves, moments of pure poetry on ice which are the result of a lot of pain and hardship we have no idea about. But I also cherish his failures because he wouldn’t be who he is otherwise. One of the most devastating moments for me was Worlds 2016 because I truly thought at the time that he had been so dominant that season he should have won. And then he produced this wonderful skate in the exhibition after which I keep coming back to because it so raw and true : it’s like he’s opening up his heart on the ice for everyone to see. His two world titles are the result of his unrelenting efforts to claw back his way after faltering in the short: which is why they are so beautiful. His Olympic titles are the result of a faith he had in himself and his capacities which did not waver. He performed miracles so many times: the most emotional I have been was at Worlds 2017. After Pyeongchang I thought he would stop because his body is so worn out, but I think he wouldn’t know what to do with himself without skating. He is on a mission to achieve all that he set himself to achieve: he did get two Olympic golds so honestly, I don’t really care he didn’t get one. Yuzu stayed true to himself : this is the kid who had AAA engraved on his phone when he was younger because he’s always considered this jump as the king of jumps. Of course he wouldn’t be satisfied before landing the AAAA. He has proved many times he can perform miracles and I believe he will do it again with this last challenge. Yuzu didn’t enjoy the Olympics this time because he was dragged in spite of himself in this rivalry for a gold he didn’t even want. I still don’t understand why people questioned his reason for trying the 4A instead of going for a safer layout.  Yuzu is a all or nothing kind of person who never goes back on his word and never backs down. This is what he showed us at these Olympics: the most painful but those that make me even prouder of him. This was young Romeo falling but getting up and fighting until the end, and what a beautiful fight. Commentators and media never go so in depth in his story and his personal story: at the end of the day this is a sport and an entertainment and they need drama. But I don’t care. I just wish Yuzu will fulfil his last dream and finds some peace again. His achievements and his extraordinary character will never be forgotten. 

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I'm not alright, I'm crying four day in a row. I can't do anything that I need, except translation. But right now I was thinking about. Like there is no parade like after previous OG.

We can do something like that via internet? Twitter or some... Like fanyu's parade with photos, videos or so... huuuge thread or something like that. Like we all in a crowd in Sendai. The biggest thread in twitter ever seen.

Just some that's in my crying mind, sorry. :13877886:

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12 hours ago, Hanmgse said:

I might sound delulu but I really think Yuzuru can still give more, not like going to another Olympics and also by more I don't mean only landing a 4A. I just feel as a skater in general we haven't seen it all. idk, I have so many thoughts my head is a mess :dbana: He is such a beautiful skater .

 Same, I think he still has so much, so so much to deliver. It lays in his every move, in every element, in the flow of the program, not just in high scored jumps. I wish that he could recover physically and mentally very soon (he must be in a devastating state now :(( how could he not. even we are) and treat this Olympic as a part of his journey, face it, embrace it and transform it to his strength and move forward. 

(My mind is also like a mess right now, LMAO)



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