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I might sound delulu but I really think Yuzuru can still give more, not like going to another Olympics and also by more I don't mean only landing a 4A. I just feel as a skater in general we haven't seen it all. idk, I have so many thoughts my head is a mess :dbana: He is such a beautiful skater .

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8 hours ago, HTN said:

Jumbled thoughts but I needed to get it out there (this is my second time posting and I'm very nervous hehe)


Before today, I found it difficult to watch programs where he had made mistakes and often found myself watching only his 'perfect' programs whenever I needed comfort. However, these past few days have given me a new perspective. Yes, these olympics were devastating but now thinking back the programs he produced was and is perfect in it's own way. They show both the hardships and celebrations in life and instilled in me a sense of determination and peace. While trying to make myself feel better about what happened, I visited his old programs and found myself only finding comfort in the ones that once would have been difficult for me to watch. Watching him get up and fight gave me more comfort than one of his flawless performances (lets be real tho, all of them are flawless and he does have many ICONIC performances). It is somewhat cathartic to know that one bad moment does not define you and does not erase all you have done, so those programs that I used to avoid? They have now become my comfort performances. 


Yes, Yuzu is such an inspiration. :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:


It pained me so much that he missed his 4S in the SP because of a hole in the ice and I was devastated that Yuzu of all people would have such bad luck. But then I watched his SP again and I have to say it is such a beauty! And even the pop didn't look bad or disturbed the flow of the program.


And also the FS. He fell on the first two jumps and came back to deliver a magnificent performance that is true to the spirit of the program. During these few minutes, he was a true warrior, a fighter who never gives up, shakes off adversities, and makes the best out of the situation no matter what. And he did all this with an injury!


This is really an important life lesson for me. Yuzu is such an inspiration and teacher. I cannot say how much I admire Yuzu for overcoming something like this and delivering an outstanding performance despite a flaw in the beginning. It only shows his character as well as his excellence as a skater that he can bounce back like this. I think this also proves that he is physically stronger than ever. His mental and emotional strength and unmatched skills as a skater have come to a point where he can have an element not work out in the beginning and still absolutely nail the rest. That is mastery on a whole different level.


In my opinion, he is better than ever in every way and he still keeps improving consistently. I hope that he will take a good rest and come back to land his 4A baby beautifully under the roaring cheers of a huge, adoring crowd and receive his well-deserved Pooh rain. I will of course respect any decision he makes, but I believe that after some rest and contemplation, he will come back for more.

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17 minutes ago, Sophia said:

Hey everyone. Does anyone now whether yuzu will skate at the Olympic gala? I would love to see him skate without the pressure of a competition. 


He was invited to the gala but at this point, he hasn't confirmed anything yet. I think it also depends on his physical and mental state.

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54 minutes ago, Mary_kyo said:

You never wasted anyone's wishes. All we want is you being happy and healthy.

This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].


Yuzu is the only person I know - whether real people in my life or people I don't know personally - who has never, ever disappointed me. Quite the opposite. He has always exceeded every expectation I've ever had of him. Whenever I though he couldn't be a better skater, a more refined artist, or a more wonderful person, he showed me that he indeed can be.


Nowadays, I just enjoy and treasure every single smile and every single performance he gives us. Everything he gives us is a precious gift. We only wish him well because we love and admire him and want him to be happy and healthy. We want him to have the best things in the world. I hope he knows that our love and support for him would never diminish because of him not winning a medal. What he has given us and keeps on giving us is so much more precious than any medal. :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:

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1 hour ago, Mary_kyo said:

You never wasted anyone's wishes. All we want is you being happy and healthy.

This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].

How on Earth does he think he wasted our wishes?


Yuzuru has never, ever made me regret supporting him, for even a second. On the contrary. The courage it has taken him to publically strive for his goal, for so long, and then bring that fight to the world’s biggest stage, is breathtaking. I hope that somehow, he realizes what an admirable, amazing thing he’s done. I don’t expect it to be right away. But hopefully with time, it’ll come.


Take the time you need to rest, recover, and do any soul searching you may need to do, Yuzu. We’ll be here if you decide to carry on the fight.

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And just when I thought I could stop crying and go to bed this appeared on my timeline.



Please read all the thread. It's heart warming. And now I have another headache for crying too much today (of happiness, not sorrow)

This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
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3 hours ago, Ulrinis said:

Dear Laura, I hope Yuzu can see your post. On this day of mixed emotions it has brought me to tears again - but it shows exactly what Yuzu's magic is about! :crybaby:
Ah, and: Thanks, ISU! :smiley-laughing021:

Thank you! :sorrow: Yeah, thank you ISU :headdesk:


BTW, Yuzu is trending again on twitter here, and it is almost midnight...  Well Etna is trending, too, which I don't know if it's a good combination... Maybe the power of the 4A provoked an eruption...

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This is quite a good and objective article. I'm pleasantly surprised to read an article like this in US media.


"But his attempt to land a quad axel on Olympic ice adds another historic line to his practically peerless skating résumé: two Olympic gold medals, two world championships and a decade’s worth of spellbinding, record-shattering performances. Landing the jump surely would have solidified his status as the Greatest of All Time."


"Newly crowned gold medalist Nathan Chen, the U.S. skater who is considered the sport’s most proficient jumper, had successfully landed every other type of quadruple jump before he mastered a steady, consistent triple axel."



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Guest BonnieLou

If it hasn't been shared here before, there is a Korean YouTube channel that posts a lot of skating, including livestreams of GPF events, etc. and afterwards posts some full programs and top three winners. For the Olympics, they didn't stream live, but they included both of Yuzu's programs:






and of course their lovely Jun-hwan's, along with his practice skate, and others, in their playlist mix here:






I have never posted here before and don't know how many links I can use or if I put these videos on the correct Topic. The channel's playlists are a little cumbersome to search through, but if you search YouTube with the event title or skater's name in Korean, it may pop up, as SBS TV also posted some. Otherwise, I may help. And thanks and love to all you active Fanyus who have shared so much support and information here!

This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
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