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I love the Yuzu smileys but I think it might be best if they were just the slightest bit smaller? The embarrassed!swan one is particularly huge in comparison.


Also, I bet now Yuzu will be all :embSwan: whenever he enters TCC and sees that plaque. Finally!

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mcq said:
Yuzuru hanyu's LP, hope and legacy of course has been voted the best LP this season from the icenetwork poll!


To no one's surprise, Yuzuru Hanyu's "Hope and Legacy" FS is voted the best men's free skate of the season.



Also additionally, Ice talk (with Nick Mccarvel, Nick Zaccardi and Jackie Wong) from icenetwork, did a season review. Seems like they talked about Yuzuru a bit here (around the 28.00 min)

Will add what is in it after I listen to it.


Have you heard what did they say about Yuzuru?

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Ok finally listening to it. Starts at 28.40 for the Yuzu part (I don't know which Nick is which. Kind of recognized Jackie's voice. Sorry.) :embSwan: 


Will update the transcript as I listen to it, they talked about US men first and how Nathan dominated nationally, then... but internationally... this is where Yuzu part starts

Not verbatim, I reword/concise it but it is more or less what they were saying.


"Nick : When you look at it internationally, Yuzuru Hanyu reclaims his world title, and I think Javi falters in that FS but also Yuzuru Hanyu went out reclaiming his world title and went out with that FS, how does it feel inside the arena?


JW : I meant, it was magical right? Like it was like... I am sure that GPF 2 years ago and at NHK, and it was just like, obviously at WC you got huge contingent of Japanese fans there cheering and I am pretty sure it was pretty packed if not sold out that night. And it was just electrifying, it was just.. You can see with every single jump there was more and more momentum behind him. And you know when he got off that ice, you knew it was going to be another world record. It was a more difficult program than what he showed at GPF. Maybe it is not the most popular, but my thoughts on his the very best ever is still the GPF. Lower difficulty but higher quality program than what he had this year. But like you said, he did win that WC. If Javi has skated a clean FS, he did have that huge lead going in, I think probably they would give it to him, but it would take perfection from him."


Nick: This is a point that could be argued, but I think Yuzuru Hanyu needed that in a sense. I meant, even if he wouldn't have won worlds, I still think we would have said, going into the olympics, that he is the best skater out there right now. And that he is the favorite. but for him, to do what he did in Helsinki, I felt like,, he proved to himself for the first time in a while that he can do that. And you know.. Kind of reminded the Shoma unos, the Javis and the rest of the guys like... "hey, I'm top dog, and we're going to South Korea and I will be the favorite there."


JW : Well, it's getting awfully crowded at the top now, I meant... (someone cuts: BIG 6) And I think Brian orser might have said this and maybe Yuzu did, that he needed this one. Like last 2 WC he lead after the SP and blew it so (someone: lose it to Javi), and then you saw Nathan outscore him at the FS at GPF and beat him at 4CC. And if Yuzu had gone with an error prone FS at worlds, and got beaten, he will be going to the season next year with a lot of people questioning : "can Yuzuru deliver under pressure?" Cause you know, he hadn't, for perhaps... 3 years, and you know like you said he really needed it. He's kind of re-grabbed that position, now a lot can change when you look at shoma Uno and Jin Boyang, but Yuzu's got to be feeling really good going into the off-season (or next season?). "

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yalue said:
it's nice to see more people from brazil around here! i hardly know anyone that cares about figure skating irl, so it's rather refreshing :yes: 


Welcome Krika!! :clap:  I'm glad there are people from different countries here! Most of times i'm a loner on different forums. Rarely i find someone who's from my country, Moldova, i guess i'm the weirdo of the country. :space: Unless there are but they're not coming out. Not that i'm complaining.

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Yuzu Beloved Angel said:
krika said:
Hi! Was mostly a lurker at GS and propably will be one here too. I'm not shy or anything. I'm just a brazilian with terrible english skills :crybaby: It's so hard to be talkative and eloquent on another language. Grammar sucks! :mad:  PS: WTH is the Church? 


Welcome Krika and all new members. I'm also Brazilian and I have problems with the English language, and your English is not horrible. Do not worry about it. Have a good time! We have chosen the best place to be closer to our Yuzuru and learn more about this sport. There is space here for all the countries. We're fine. Enjoy.


Sometimes I can't read through all the comments I just skip them and assume they're kind words to yuzu lol

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mcq said:

Ok finally listening to it. Starts at 28.40 for the Yuzu part (I don't know which Nick is which. Kind of recognized Jackie's voice. Sorry.) :embSwan:


Will update the transcript as I listen to it, they talked about US men first and how Nathan dominated nationally, then... but internationally... this is where Yuzu part starts

Not verbatim, I reword/concise it but it is more or less what they were saying.


"Nick : When you look at it internationally, Yuzuru Hanyu reclaims his world title, and I think Javi falters in that FS but also Yuzuru Hanyu went out reclaiming his world title and went out with that FS, how does it feel inside the arena?


JW : I meant, it was magical right? Like it was like... I am sure that GPF 2 years ago and at NHK, and it was just like, obviously at WC you got huge contingent of Japanese fans there cheering and I am pretty sure it was pretty packed if not sold out that night. And it was just electrifying, it was just.. You can see with every single jump there was more and more momentum behind him. And you know when he got off that ice, you knew it was going to be another world record. It was a more difficult program than what he showed at GPF. Maybe it is not the most popular, but my thoughts on his the very best ever is still the GPF. Lower difficulty but higher quality program than what he had this year. But like you said, he did win that WC. If Javi has skated a clean FS, he did had that huge lead going in, I think probably they would give it to him if, but it would take perfection from him."


Nick: This is a point that could be argued, but I think Yuzuru Hanyu needed that in a sense. I meant, even if he wouldn't have won worlds, I still think we would have said, going into the olympics, that he is the best skater out there right now. And that he is the favorite. but for him, to do what he did in Helsinki, I felt like,, he proved to himself for the first time in a while that he can do that. And you know.. Kind of reminded the Shoma unos, the Javis and the rest of the guys like... "hey, I'm top dog, and we're going to South Korea and I will be the favorite there."


JW : Well, it's getting awfully crowded at the top now, I meant... (someone cuts: BIG 6) And I think Brian orser might have said this and maybe Yuzu did, that he needed this one. Like last 2 WC he lead after the SP and blew it so (someone: lose it to Javi), and then you saw Nathan outscore him at the FS at GPF and beat him at 4CC. And if Yuzu had gone with an error prone FS at worlds, and got beaten, he will be going to the season next year with a lot of people questioning : "can Yuzuru deliver under pressure?" Cause you know, he hadn't, for perhaps... 3 years, and you know like you said he really needed it. He's kind of re-grabbed that position, now a lot can change when you look at shoma Uno and Jin Boyang, but Yuzu's got to be feeling really good going into the off-season (or next season?). "

Hmmm. Lovely comments. Maybe take a copy to the media subforum?

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mcq said:
Ok finally listening to it. Starts at 28.40 for the Yuzu part (I don't know which Nick is which. Kind of recognized Jackie's voice. Sorry.) :embSwan: 


Will update the transcript as I listen to it, they talked about US men first and how Nathan dominated nationally, then... but internationally... this is where Yuzu part starts

Not verbatim, I reword/concise it but it is more or less what they were saying.


"Nick : When you look at it internationally, Yuzuru Hanyu reclaims his world title, and I think Javi falters in that FS but also Yuzuru Hanyu went out reclaiming his world title and went out with that FS, how does it feel inside the arena?


JW : I meant, it was magical right? Like it was like... I am sure that GPF 2 years ago and at NHK, and it was just like, obviously at WC you got huge contingent of Japanese fans there cheering and I am pretty sure it was pretty packed if not sold out that night. And it was just electrifying, it was just.. You can see with every single jump there was more and more momentum behind him. And you know when he got off that ice, you knew it was going to be another world record. It was a more difficult program than what he showed at GPF. Maybe it is not the most popular, but my thoughts on his the very best ever is still the GPF. Lower difficulty but higher quality program than what he had this year. But like you said, he did win that WC. If Javi has skated a clean FS, he did had that huge lead going in, I think probably they would give it to him if, but it would take perfection from him.


Nick: This is a point that could be argued, but I think Yuzuru Hanyu needed that in a sense. I meant, even if he wouldn't have won worlds, I still think we would have said, going into the olympics, that he is the best skater out there right now. And that he is the favorite. but for him, to do what he did in Helsinki, I felt like,, he proved to himself for the first time in a while that he can do that. And you know.. Kind of reminded the Shoma unos, the Javis and the rest of the guys like... "hey, I'm top dog, and we're going to South Korea and I will be the favorite there."


JW : Well, it's getting awfully crowded at the top now, I meant... (someone cuts: BIG 6) And I think Brian orser might have said this and maybe Yuzu did, that he needed this one. Like last 2 WC he lead after the SP and blew it so (someone: lose it to Javi), and then you saw Nathan outscore him at the FS at GPF and beat him at 4CC. And if Yuzu had gone with an error prone FS at worlds, and got beaten, he will be going to the season next year with a lot of people questioning : "can Yuzuru deliver under pressure?" Cause you know, he hadn't, for perhaps... 3 years, and you know like you said he really needed it. He's kind of re-grabbed that position, now a lot can change when you look at shoma Uno and Jin Boyang, but Yuzu's got to be feeling really good going into the off-season (or next season?). "


Thanks for the recap, mcq!


Altho I'm kinda lukewarm with the way they talked about Yuzu as if he hasn't been performing well for a looonggg time (hello? GPF'16 SP, 4CC LP please), but they totally summed up my thought about why winning the 2017 WC is really important for Yuzu.


And really like the fact that they said going into the olympic season, Yuzu for them is still the best skater out there, even tho the top has been crowded now (when was the last time you have the term BIG 6 in FS btw??), and even IF he didn't win the WC. That's Yuzuru Hanyu for you, ladies and gentleman... The ultimate king :bow: 

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HoneyGoldLev said:
Thanks for the recap, mcq!


Altho I'm kinda lukewarm with the way they talked about Yuzu as if he hasn't been performing well for a looonggg time (hello? GPF'16 SP, 4CC LP please), but they totally summed up my thought about why winning the 2017 WC is really important for Yuzu.


And really like the fact that they said going into the olympic season, Yuzu for them is still the best skater out there, even tho the top has been crowded now (when was the last time you have the term BIG 6 in FS btw??), and even IF he didn't win the WC. That's Yuzuru Hanyu for you, ladies and gentleman... The ultimate king :bow: 


I am thinking that Jackie meant in world championship. The last WC where he performed well and do a great FS was indeed 3 years ago.

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Oh on FSuniverse the French woman (I don't bother copying her name) is like "happy because only American men who won WC can become OGM the next year" bla blah. But time is different now. Yuzuru really need to win WC 2017 to show people that a clean Hanyu means WR and above all.

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mcq said:
Ok finally listening to it. Starts at 28.40 for the Yuzu part (I don't know which Nick is which. Kind of recognized Jackie's voice. Sorry.) :embSwan: 


Will update the transcript as I listen to it, they talked about US men first and how Nathan dominated nationally, then... but internationally... this is where Yuzu part starts

Not verbatim, I reword/concise it but it is more or less what they were saying.


"Nick : When you look at it internationally, Yuzuru Hanyu reclaims his world title, and I think Javi falters in that FS but also Yuzuru Hanyu went out reclaiming his world title and went out with that FS, how does it feel inside the arena?


JW : I meant, it was magical right? Like it was like... I am sure that GPF 2 years ago and at NHK, and it was just like, obviously at WC you got huge contingent of Japanese fans there cheering and I am pretty sure it was pretty packed if not sold out that night. And it was just electrifying, it was just.. You can see with every single jump there was more and more momentum behind him. And you know when he got off that ice, you knew it was going to be another world record. It was a more difficult program than what he showed at GPF. Maybe it is not the most popular, but my thoughts on his the very best ever is still the GPF. Lower difficulty but higher quality program than what he had this year. But like you said, he did win that WC. If Javi has skated a clean FS, he did had that huge lead going in, I think probably they would give it to him if, but it would take perfection from him."




Nick: This is a point that could be argued, but I think Yuzuru Hanyu needed that in a sense. I meant, even if he wouldn't have won worlds, I still think we would have said, going into the olympics, that he is the best skater out there right now. And that he is the favorite. but for him, to do what he did in Helsinki, I felt like,, he proved to himself for the first time in a while that he can do that. And you know.. Kind of reminded the Shoma unos, the Javis and the rest of the guys like... "hey, I'm top dog, and we're going to South Korea and I will be the favorite there."


JW : Well, it's getting awfully crowded at the top now, I meant... (someone cuts: BIG 6) And I think Brian orser might have said this and maybe Yuzu did, that he needed this one. Like last 2 WC he lead after the SP and blew it so (someone: lose it to Javi), and then you saw Nathan outscore him at the FS at GPF and beat him at 4CC. And if Yuzu had gone with an error prone FS at worlds, and got beaten, he will be going to the season next year with a lot of people questioning : "can Yuzuru deliver under pressure?" Cause you know, he hadn't, for perhaps... 3 years, and you know like you said he really needed it. He's kind of re-grabbed that position, now a lot can change when you look at shoma Uno and Jin Boyang, but Yuzu's got to be feeling really good going into the off-season (or next season?). "


thank you!


I assume that at the end when they say 'if he hadnt won WC we'd be questioning if he can deliver under pressure because he hasn't for three years' they mean the two years he hadn't managed to get gold at worlds, despite managing to maintain GPF gold...but, those two years had issues, 14-15 was just...a mess of a season full of injuries and 15-16 he had a major injury when it was time for worlds...in which case it wasn't a problem with delivering under pressure. Though I guess that was the question forming through the season since he had the pressure of the previous season and the weight of next season looming over him...


But Helsinki was a nice little reminder to the reckless youth that even if they have higher BV and even if he bombs his short, he can win because he is that much better than everyone else on the feild.

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jinabee said:
thank you!


I assume that at the end when they say 'if he hadnt won WC we'd be questioning if he can deliver under pressure because he hasn't for three years' they mean the two years he hadn't managed to get gold at worlds, despite managing to maintain GPF gold...but, those two years had issues, 14-15 was just...a mess of a season full of injuries and 15-16 he had a major injury when it was time for worlds...in which case it wasn't a problem with delivering under pressure. Though I guess that was the question forming through the season since he had the pressure of the previous season and the weight of next season looming over him...


But Helsinki was a nice little reminder to the reckless youth that even if they have higher BV and even if he bombs his short, he can win because he is that much better than everyone else on the feild.


Well yeah, I doubt they really follow him that closely and aware of his condition every single time. I even doubt they remember he was off-ice for 2 months because of his lysfranc injury. This season Jackie was so surprised that Yuzu bombed SC SP and kind of tweeted "when was the last time he score this low?" as if Yuzuru has not bombed the previous season (and scored lower). (Someone reminded him of that though, and he admitted that after GPF and NHK, everything Yuzu did before, like bombing, was a blur :rofl: )

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