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3 minutes ago, kaeryth said:


Hahaha... I meant that as a joke (I have no idea what goes on in the marketing world). My thinking is that he already has fans buying pooh merchandise as gifts / souvenirs without Disney paying him for being a brand ambassador (is that what it's called?) so why not continue getting free advertising from him? hehehe :devil3:


Seriously though, he has amazing advertising powers in Japan... when I hear/read of things with him as a spokesperson or an advert being sold out... :13877886:

Ah gotcha! Yeah, fair enough - clearly this is why I'm a marketer and not a CEO :laughing: If I were Disney, I'd want him to bring Pooh to the Olympics this time for sure though. I think maybe why Disney hasn't got on it is because it has to go through Disney US office and figure skating in the US isn't a prominent sport at all. Hope he can! 


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17 分ぐらい, kaeryth said:




Remember when Yuzu talked for 6 mins during the NHK Trophy 2015 press conference? :headdesk:

Imagine if you guys were tasked to interpret that. :rofl:(He apologised to the interpreter at the end of the vid... :tumblr_inline_mg15qnUpxW1qdlkyg:)





He talked for 5 minutes on end, and just as he finished talking, the MC lady said, "So our time is up and we have to ...", which means he deprived the remaining two athletes' interview time.  That's why he apologised with his head flat on the table!

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2 minutes ago, sister555 said:



He talked for 5 minutes on end, and just as he finished talking, the MC lady said, "So our time is up and we have to ...", which means he deprived the remaining two athletes' interview time.  That's why he apologised with his head flat on the table!

His face, I'm laughing so hard at how he clearly just got lost in thought and started monologuing to himself. さすがね... 

I'm also happy I now know where this emoji came from: :headdesk:

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For anyone who may have an interest in.


"Yuzu Brooches"        :  https://t.co/EbkY8WcTf7

On-Air TV Program     :  https://t.co/vu84KuNIbA


Mr. Naoki Ogi (70) has already known as "Ogi-mama" in the

public eye for 8 years and as a passionate brooch collector

and particularly as a Yuzu's maniac :smiley-love017:.  His main career was

a professor at a university while as well has lived his life as a

commentator and many more as an educator. As usual, 

any of his audiences/ students can hear him refer or say sth

about Yuzu's character, performances, etc.


Whenever/wherever he appears on public, you will surely see

him wearing his brooch on his clothes/collar. As for his talk

today in a long-run TV program,"Tetsuko-no-Heiya(Tetsuko's

Room)", he mentioned that he's possessed more than 1,000

in his collection !  He's always had his brooches made with

original designs and today he introduced his "Yuzu Brooches"

to us, LGC and H&L ones !  Actually, he used to show us the

one of Parisienne Walkways design, too.


Btw, with reference to his blog, he was also in FaOI in Niigata 

and seemed to enjoy himself a lot. He received a lot of gifts

from Yuzu's fans too.


It's always great to know that sb in an education field

admiring or being a enthusiast of our hero, isn't it?


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6 minutes ago, yuzuthebest said:

For anyone who may have an interest in.


"Yuzu Brooches"        :  https://t.co/EbkY8WcTf7

On-Air TV Program     :  https://t.co/vu84KuNIbA


Mr. Naoki Ogi (74) has already known as "Ogi-mama" in the

public eye for 8 years and as a passionate brooch collector

and particularly as a Yuzu's maniac :smiley-love017:.  His main career was

a professor at a university while as well has lived his life as a

commentator and many more as an educator. As usual, 

any of his audiences/ students can hear him refer or say sth

about Yuzu's character, performances, etc.


Whenever/wherever he appears on public, you will surely see

him wearing his brooch on his clothes/collar. As for his talk

today in a long-run TV program,"Tetsuko-no-Heiya(Tetsuko's

Room)", he mentioned that he's possessed more than 1,000

in his collection !  He's always had his brooches made with

original designs and today he introduced his "Yuzu Brooches"

to us, LGC and H&L ones !  Actually, he used to show us the

one of Parisienne Walkways design, too.


Btw, with reference to his blog, he was also in FaOI in Niigata 

and seemed to enjoy himself a lot. He received a lot of gifts

from Yuzu's fans too.


It's always great to know that sb in an education field

admiring or being a enthusiast of our hero, isn't it?


Oooh i see! I saw a tweet floating around (actually it was posted on this thread but i am too lazy bc it's late and i won't go back to quote it haha) that said something about figure skating legend program and something about tetsuko no heya と ogi mama (Iirc it said something like "it's about ogi mama but there will be some yuzu talk too lol") but i read the description and i still wasn't sure why they mentioned yuzu in that. I lacked the context but now you provided it :D It's a really interesting piece of information i wasn't aware of, thank you!

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On 6/20/2017 at 9:40 AM, obscurite said:

Oh, I just got this magazine today. I can upload some scans tomorrow if anyone wants! There are some great pictures of his zusa Chopin fall as well!! 


So there's more embarrassed Zuzu? Yes, please!

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On 6/20/2017 at 9:40 AM, obscurite said:

Oh, I just got this magazine today. I can upload some scans tomorrow if anyone wants! There are some great pictures of his zusa Chopin fall as well!! 

Please! Every new photo is welcome!

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6 hours ago, kaerb said:

Ah, how interesting! I've always wanted to be a true polyglot and be able to have reading/writing ability. I really admire interpreters so much, especially in high stakes situations like politics - so much pressure! I'd say I'm a fairly fluent Chinese background speaker but I don't have the vocab to discuss complex politics either, or to translate nuances across from English. It's also partly cultural understanding too - like knowing how to use idioms or figurative language to carry over the 'vibe'/spirit of the expression too. It's truly a feat for translators to do their jobs well. I will check out Jim Breen's edict, thank you! I used to use Jisho.org a lot and I enjoy using my phone because I have the written input in Chinese so I can literally trace the kanji and it usually registers. 


Just listened to Nathan Chen's interviews - he does speak quite fast, though I'd say I've heard teenagers talk at that speed when excited or nervous about something, particularly kids who are quite book smart or fast to react to things. He doesn't take many pauses at all and definitely gives a similar vibe to Yuzu. I also find the American accent (Nathan's in particular) tends to cause people to 'nip' off their word endings, so that's harder to catch too, for interpreters. 


Aside from a few early not highest level politics jobs I've avoid that, because to me it was mostly pointless grandstanding for photo ops. They could have probably done everything by fax as well. 


Give me some nice easy actors on a movie promotion tour any day over a politician: the content is a lot easier, pay per hour not all that much different and if you're lucky, you get something nice to look at. ;)


And you are completely right about the necessity to understand cultural background, especially when you consider that it exist even between Europeans, who have a fairly homogeneous background. And the same inside Asia, with Japan in particular. ^^;


Nathan Chen I think I heard only once on TV - I freely admit I'm only interest in maybe a handful of skaters, including some professionals - but I also know what you mean about fast talking teens. 


Though for Americans, for me it depends on the region, for interpreting. NY, Wash., DC, Boston and New England area I find easy, California I've gotten used to through experience, but midwest or south? Texas and Louisiana are my particular nightmares New Orleans is a great city, but it's like, do they really speak English??? :facepalm::rofl:


Okay, some regional talk in Japan is a nightmare, with the elderly in particular - Yuzu's beloved Sendai also isn't among the most easy to understand. ;) (Phew, last minute save from completely off topic. ^^; )

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