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Congratulations miracle boy ;; After all he’s been through, I take this award as vindication for just how special he has been to the sport and for what a true feat of determination and strength his Pyeongchang victory was — the more they reveal about his condition, the more profoundly I respect him for managing to do what he did. 


May he be treated kindly by life, may he be happy and may his supporters’ voices always drown out the others



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hace 7 minutos , kaerb said:

Congratulations miracle boy ;; After all he’s been through, I take this award as vindication for just how special he has been to the sport and for what a true feat of determination and strength his Pyeongchang victory was — the more they reveal about his condition, the more profoundly I respect him for managing to do what he did. 


May he be treated kindly by life, may he be happy and may his supporters’ voices always drown out the others



Well said !!!!!! It's exactly what I think & wish!!! :congratualtions::tumblr_inline_mueoe3Yabh1qdlkyg::tumblr_inline_ngf9reiLYS1qid2nw:

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4 hours ago, kaeryth said:


Well, I guess you'd have to eat that now every time Yuzu competes :biggrin:


I can't afford to travel to Hong Kong so many times a year unfortunately. :P


As for the People's Honor Award, there are been so many amazing things that have happened since he won.  1000th gold medal, 100k strong parade attendance, now this extremely prestigious award. I couldn't be more proud of him.  

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