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12 hours ago, micaelis said:


Some final observations - Yuzu is so very special because he's one of those rare public figures who knows he owes his position to the adoration of the public.  Thus he's ready to go through a ceremony like the parade realizing that this is part of what's required.  His fans have awarded him applause and hundreds of Poohs over the years and it's ceremonies like this where he gets to thank them.  I know some might think that it's parades like this where they are thanking him but that's not the case.  It's the myriad little things that those who not only have seen him in person during competition with their applause but also those who have made up paper swans for him, have put messages at shrines, have spread the word about him, have given portions of their lives to see him succeed and cheer him on.  The parade we've just seen is Yuzu thanking them.  Many might not see it that way but I do and I'm certain Yuzu does, also.  After all, that's what makes Yuzu Yuzu and that's what make him so special.  The parade is one great and graceful bow sent in all directions and all over the world, Yuzu's way of saying 'arigatou'.


He's an athlete. He doesn't owe his position (what position anyway? Certainly not his G.O.A.T. position, that's all on his own) to his fans. He appreciates his fans very much and is always thankful to his fans and i love that about him because he doesn't need to be, that's just how good a person he is. I can't speak for everyone but personally, he most definitely does not owe me anything. I, on the other hand, owe him so much because like what i've said back then, he's one of the few things in my life right now who make me happy and make me think "ah yes, it's still worth living after all". That's why i always say, no matter what, i'll respect his decision and support him. Well, except if it's illegal or detrimental to his person. :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:

ETA: I really hope no one here thinks Yuzu is a public property and that they own him and so they think that Yuzu is obligated to be thankful. And also think that everything Yuzu decides on, including his relationship, should first get their "permission". Like, wtf. Fight me. 

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25 minutes ago, Erin said:

He's an athlete. He doesn't owe his position (what position anyway? Certainly not his G.O.A.T. position, that's all on his own) to his fans. He appreciates his fans very much and is always thankful to his fans and i love that about him because he doesn't need to be, that's just how good a person he is. I can't speak for everyone but personally, he most definitely does not owe me anything. I, on the other hand, owe him so much because like what i've said back then, he's one of the few things in my life right now who make me happy and make me think "ah yes, it's still worth living after all". That's why i always say, no matter what, i'll respect his decision and support him. Well, except if it's illegal or detrimental to his person. :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:

ETA: I really hope no one here thinks Yuzu is a public property and that they own him and so they think that Yuzu is obligated to be thankful. And also think that everything Yuzu decides on, including his relationship, should first get their "permission". Like, wtf. Fight me. 

Yuzu's athletic accomplishments are his, but the Yuzu phenomenon is the result of his fan's enthusiasm, an enthusiasm that is virtually unequalled in the annals of athletics (at least non-team athletics).   His fandom has made him highly attractive to advertisers and enabled him to face life without substantial financial worries.  He's not the sort of person who wants to cash in for everything he can get, like Tiger Woods or Michael Jordan, but I'm sure he has chosen carefully those he endorses and has pursued those because it also enables his family to live in a way it probably would not have otherwise, particularly since because of the earthquake he is fully aware how life is full of unexpected roadblocks and what seem to be sunny times can be suddenly beset by tempests (ie, the recent injury).  What he has achieved on the ice is due entirely to his efforts, his inborn talents, his intelligence and his self-discipline but Yuzu is, I'm sure, fully aware that all those things off the ice are because his fans have put him in such a light that others are willing to pay him so their products and services can share that light.  That is, unfortunately, how athletics at the world-class level work.  Yuzu has the most bankable image of anybody in non-team sports right now and he's wisely used it in such a way as not to compromise his integrity but he's also aware that his position is largely the product of his fans enthusiasm.  If there wasn't that fervent fandom out there the advertisers would not be approaching him in such numbers, at least not to the extent they do, an extent which, I'm fairly confident to say, allows him to pick and choose those whose name he'll allow to be associated with his.  So events like that which we've just witnessed are Yuzu's way of acknowledging his debt to his fans.  Yuzu's achievements as a skater are not compromised by his admission that he owes much to his fans.  If nothing else, his acknowledging that is all the more justification for his followers' devotion, a  testament to his innate humility.  So don't think I'm belittling Yuzu in any way, nor think I feel his fans own him.  I'm not and they don't.  As a skater he justifies his fans' devotion (including my own); as a superstar he recognizes that his stature, while built on the foundation of his athletic success has reached the heights it has because of his fans, so a day like we've seen this weekend is one of the ways he's able to acknowledge them and say 'arigatou'.

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44 minutes ago, micaelis said:

Yuzu's athletic accomplishments are his, but the Yuzu phenomenon is the result of his fan's enthusiasm, an enthusiasm that is virtually unequalled in the annals of athletics (at least non-team athletics).   His fandom has made him highly attractive to advertisers and enabled him to face life without substantial financial worries.  He's not the sort of person who wants to cash in for everything he can get, like Tiger Woods or Michael Jordan, but I'm sure he has chosen carefully those he endorses and has pursued those because it also enables his family to live in a way it probably would not have otherwise, particularly since because of the earthquake he is fully aware how life is full of unexpected roadblocks and what seem to be sunny times can be suddenly beset by tempests (ie, the recent injury).  What he has achieved on the ice is due entirely to his efforts, his inborn talents, his intelligence and his self-discipline but Yuzu is, I'm sure, fully aware that all those things off the ice are because his fans have put him in such a light that others are willing to pay him so their products and services can share that light.  That is, unfortunately, how athletics at the world-class level work.  Yuzu has the most bankable image of anybody in non-team sports right now and he's wisely used it in such a way as not to compromise his integrity but he's also aware that his position is largely the product of his fans enthusiasm.  If there wasn't that fervent fandom out there the advertisers would not be approaching him in such numbers, at least not to the extent they do, an extent which, I'm fairly confident to say, allows him to pick and choose those whose name he'll allow to be associated with his.  So events like that which we've just witnessed are Yuzu's way of acknowledging his debt to his fans.  Yuzu's achievements as a skater are not compromised by his admission that he owes much to his fans.  If nothing else, his acknowledging that is all the more justification for his followers' devotion, a  testament to his innate humility.  So don't think I'm belittling Yuzu in any way, nor think I feel his fans own him.  I'm not and they don't.  As a skater he justifies his fans' devotion (including my own); as a superstar he recognizes that his stature, while built on the foundation of his athletic success has reached the heights it has because of his fans, so a day like we've seen this weekend is one of the ways he's able to acknowledge them and say 'arigatou'.


Ah, the phenomenon. I don't think he owes the fans still. It's not like he asked them. He's not a celebrity. I'm sure you're not belittling Yuzu, this is a forum for him after all, i just don't agree with how you phrase it. Saying he "owes his fans" and "acknowledging his debt". I rather think his being thankful to fans is because of the support his fans give him (like when antis slander him and fans voice out their support, or when fans go to competitions and cheer for him), than think that "yeah be grateful because this is what you owe me and more". And i'm not saying you yourself think fans own Yuzu, i meant that in general, no offense meant, and sorry if it seemed like i was targeting you. 

Again, i'm sure you also did not mean any offense in what you said, but your words can be easily misinterpreted and some who read it, fans and antis, might get ideas. And i'm telling those who will and did get ideas, "i will fight you". 

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2 minutes ago, Erin said:


Ah, the phenomenon. I don't think he owes the fans still. It's not like he asked them. He's not a celebrity. I'm sure you're not belittling Yuzu, this is a forum for him after all, i just don't agree with how you phrase it. Saying he "owes his fans" and "acknowledging his debt". I rather think his being thankful to fans is because of the support his fans give him (like when antis slander him and fans voice out their support, or when fans go to competitions and cheer for him), than think that "yeah be grateful because this is what you owe me and more". And i'm not saying you yourself think fans own Yuzu, i meant that in general, no offense meant, and sorry if it seemed like i was targeting you. 

Again, i'm sure you also did not mean any offense in what you said, but your words can be easily misinterpreted and some who read it, fans and antis, might get ideas. And i'm telling those who will and did get ideas, "i will fight you". 

I get what you mean. Yuzu sought to be the best at what he does, chase perfection in what he does. He sought to be the GOAT at figure skating, I have no doubts about that, he has always aimed to be the very best, compete against his idols and win. But all the rest that came from it - the adoration and the merch and everything else - is stuff he never went looking for.


Some of what he gets as such a phenomenon is good, and I'm sure he's glad for it like when you unexpectedly get something great. Some of it is terrible, and I'm sure he feels sad about that. But he owes gratitude only to all the people who have helped him become the skater and person he is, and those are the people close to him. His popularity does help him because he gets sponsors and skating is very expensive, but then he earned that popularity by being as good as he is. Even arrogant super athletes who are not nice to fans get sponsors. :shrug:  It's nice and sweet of him to say thanks and acknowledge the support, it says a lot about the person he is, but he doesn't owe us that. He's not like an idol who depends on fans' spending power to stay relevant, for them part of their job is making sure they're popular. Yuzu's obligation is/was to be the best skater he could be, and boy he's fulfilled that many times over already.  All the rest - the sincere thank yous and the parades and everything - they're extra, because he is the person he is. I'm glad for it and love him for it but we're not entitled to it.

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2 minutes ago, WinForPooh said:

I get what you mean. Yuzu sought to be the best at what he does, chase perfection in what he does. He sought to be the GOAT at figure skating, I have no doubts about that, he has always aimed to be the very best, compete against his idols and win. But all the rest that came from it - the adoration and the merch and everything else - is stuff he never went looking for.


Some of what he gets as such a phenomenon is good, and I'm sure he's glad for it like when you unexpectedly get something great. Some of it is terrible, and I'm sure he feels sad about that. But he owes gratitude only to all the people who have helped him become the skater and person he is, and those are the people close to him. His popularity does help him because he gets sponsors and skating is very expensive, but then he earned that popularity by being as good as he is. Even arrogant super athletes who are not nice to fans get sponsors. :shrug:  It's nice and sweet of him to say thanks and acknowledge the support, it says a lot about the person he is, but he doesn't owe us that. He's not like an idol who depends on fans' spending power to stay relevant, for them part of their job is making sure they're popular. Yuzu's obligation is/was to be the best skater he could be, and boy he's fulfilled that many times over already.  All the rest - the sincere thank yous and the parades and everything - they're extra, because he is the person he is. I'm glad for it and love him for it but we're not entitled to it.


Yes, exactly. I'm not good with words so thank you for putting those thoughts into words. :devilYuzu: 

The thing is, we all agree that Yuzu has done a lot of things as a "thank you" to his fans. But there's a difference in thinking "kyaa he appreciates my support! doki doki" to thinking "yeah thank me, remember, ya owe me! imma expecting more thanks from ya!"

The former is like a give-and-take relationship while the latter is just being selfish. I support Yuzu unconditionally, it doesn't matter if he acknowledges that or not. The fact that he does is just a bonus. I say "just" a bonus but it's a big, wonderful, most amazing bonus i could get. 

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