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  1. i'm sorry but this is all that went through my mind
  2. I suppose you can't just dodge questions from the prime minister. he tried so hard and got so far but in the end it doesn't even matter
  3. he is not a human being, it's literally not possible Nah, they're definitely capitalizing on the shipping. As one of my favourite youtubers, MacDoesIt, says: "all for that gay promo".
  4. Here's some rare footage of The King of the Poohs going back to the forest to meet his people
  5. I wouldn't be surprised if they were! Aiba Masaki's (from idol group Arashi) family still owns a chinese food restaurant that literally anyone can go and meet his mother, and that guy makes millions every year. lol They still lived there until a few years ago, and it doesn't have security or anything special. I feel like Japanese fans are generally very respectful about the privacy of celebrities' families. And about his staff, I remember reading somewhere that they are all employed directly by the Japan Skating Federation. Other skaters such as the Asada sisters and Miyahara are linked to an athlete management company called IMG, that also represents other big names in the sports world (Serena Williams, Nishikori Kei, etc), but Yuzu isn't linked to any company as far as I know. REAL JOURNALISM RIGHT HERE.
  6. 1. Dice is going to Coachella 2. X Japan is performing at Coachella 3. His outfit matches his hair There's so much happening in this post
  7. はじめまして、突然のリプ失礼します。 私は日本人ではないけど学生時代は日本で過ごし、ボランティア活動はたまにやりました。 ミラノとヘルシンキの時は両方ともボランティアの募集があったので、さいたまにも募集を呼びかけるチャンスはゼロではないと思います。 ただ、ボランティア活動はISU自体ではなく、日本のイベント会社が管理するものだと思うので日本語力はかなり必要になると思います。 外国の選手やスタッフと直接関わる人は通訳者くらいだろうし、国際イベントにしてもその他のスタッフが全員日本人になるかもしれないので結局は日本語だらけになります。笑 でもMurielさんは完全初級ではなさそうなので行けるんじゃないかな…しかも世界選手権にはまだ1年くらいありますのでそれまでは中・上級まで上達するのは無理ではないと思いますよ。 日本語の練習にはとてもいい機会になりますし、外国人のボランティア活動は短期滞在ビザなどで構わないので、募集あればエントリーしてみたら?
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