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3 minutes ago, MrPudding said:

*unspeakable scream* *bird scream* *heart rate increases*


WELL TO CALM YO SPIRITS UP I think if his conditions are as severe as he fears/suspects... doctors will never let him participate in Worlds. 

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1 minute ago, KatjaThera said:

I don't think that's any big news... he's Yuzu. Of course he wants to go if he can, but for once he's more likely to put rehabilitation first. I just hope we get a yes or no soon >_<


Yes. Yes. I need confirmation for both cases. Because if he's not going, I'll be able to work through the week calmly, and enjoy my time as if it were a working-vacations with no strong emotions around the corner. But if HE'S COMING. 

(I have to compile a CD of songs I would like him to use... and give it to Kikuchi-san somehow)

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1 minute ago, anyanee said:

Before it's 31 million it had been 30 million before. So I think it's true....

He might have gained billionaire fans, or museums as fans with this second OGM. Foundations, groups, corporations, museums can all bid this high. 

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Just now, MrPudding said:

still not helping *more bird scream*


AHHAHAHA SORRY. It seems everything I say will be used against me. Okay, let's try this one: he said "I want to go to Worlds if it's possible". But this is the same thing he said for Nationals, right? So we should take this as a subtle hint that he can't go, even if he'd want to go. 

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2 minutes ago, Murieleirum said:


Yes. Yes. I need confirmation for both cases. Because if he's not going, I'll be able to work through the week calmly, and enjoy my time as if it were a working-vacations with no strong emotions around the corner. But if HE'S COMING. 

(I have to compile a CD of songs I would like him to use... and give it to Kikuchi-san somehow)

Can you please add my music suggestions to the CD? おねいがい?


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4 minutes ago, Xen said:


Know what, I won't worry anymore, and wait for the crazy boy to make his move. My hair is resigned to shedding no matter what he decides. 

For people with baby brothers...is this feeling normal? This feeling of wanting to protect them at all costs and then wanting to strangle them for making you worry like heck? I'm an only child, so I don't know. :slinkaway:

Yes, that is a pretty normal feeling if you have a little brother or sister.. Although the desire to strangle them is usually the dominant feeling :biggrin: 


Anyway, I don't think the article says anything we didn't know already. He has been saying since day one that he wants to go to Worlds if he can. He is Yuzu, I don't think he is physically capable of saying I don't want to compete :shrug:

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Just now, Murieleirum said:


AHHAHAHA SORRY. It seems everything I say will be used against me. Okay, let's try this one: he said "I want to go to Worlds if it's possible". But this is the same thing he said for Nationals, right? So we should take this as a subtle hint that he can't go, even if he'd want to go. 

phew that helped :1:

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I'd also like to point out the source appears to be a tabloid/women's magazine. We'll see.


1 minute ago, Xen said:

He might have gained billionaire fans, or museums as fans with this second OGM. Foundations, groups, corporations, museums can all bid this high. 

True, but it's nearly 2am in Japan and it's actually stupid to bid so highly so early on. I won't be surprised if they'll stop the auction to do some investigating. It's happened before, though they did take increased security measures since then...

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1 minute ago, Neenah said:

He is Yuzu, I don't think he is physically capable of saying I don't want to compete :shrug:


Too bad! This would have been really the perfect chance for him to say it! Like "I'm really, so happy and satisfied with my second Olympic gold, I think I don't really feel like throwing myself into another competition a month later..." But noooooo, he had to go and say he wants to compete... why Yuzu... why... 

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30 minutes ago, MrPudding said:





so as you can see.. his is wayyyyyy up there

the others haven't even crossed 1 mil yet :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw:

10 minutes ago, Murieleirum said:


Poor translation skills. Here goes:


"This time, it seems like Hanyu-san went to do a thorough medical exam of the wounded area. After that, it seems like they talked together (doctor, team and him, I presume) about his rehabilitation schedule, etcetera. While they were talking together, it seems like Hanyu-san said "If it's possible, I would like to participate in Worlds after all"." 


Pleeeeease correct me if I didn't understand anything lol I just wanted to have news as soon as possible

....boy you need to rest okay :headdesk2: we also need to rest, I'm not ready for another nerve wrecking competition so soon :13877886:

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