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Nice fanart

59 minutes ago, dorkyiceprince said:

I think the worst for me was imo Cup of China..that was probably my first live. Talk about traumatic. 

and you gotta pick that, you sure are lucky...

mine was legendary 2012 olympic sp 

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22 minutes ago, singcarcom said:


Yep, :volcano::volcano::volcano::volcano::volcano:


Now I'm really looking forward to Poohalanche! They should let Yuzu skate last so that it's less of a logistical nightmare. 😂

If they go by WS, he at least is in the last group, so max 5 other skaters have to suffer because logistics. On a sidenote, logistics should be a major for so many Fans...imagine all the poohs and the fitting to take them all onto a plane...


8 minutes ago, YH7892 said:

Yeah. But lets be honest, they are also ridiculous 😂😂😂 

Actually, can our k-pop knowing/korean satellites confirm my suspections? Because it looks like the guards are Korean without any logos/brands/anything recognizable on them, so is it usual for organizers to rent out guards for the biggest stars of their show if they predict fan mob (not much of prediction power is needed I guess), or is it work of the company/association/fed leading that star? Yuzuru looks surprised at their numbers tbh, so I was wondering if it's maybe Olys commitee (with a suggestion from somebody experienced with same amount of fame as Yuzu *coughYunacough*) decided on adding guards just in case...


1 minute ago, dorkyiceprince said:

I think the worst for me was imo Cup of China..that was probably my first live. Talk about traumatic. 

Traumatic indeed and I'm amazed you stuck to FS afterwards. You must have nerves of steel!

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2 minutes ago, dorkyiceprince said:

I think the worst for me was imo Cup of China..that was probably my first live. Talk about traumatic. 

OMG the CoC 14? That must be permanent trauma...


Btw I can't imagine to watch him live and survive thru that 7 minutes. It's like having a surgery AND conscious thru the whole process lol (like you have no control if it would turn out good or bad but must endure ALL the nervous emotion). It would be 1st and 2nd of Lunar New Year so I'll prob be hella busy, hope i'll be distracted enough from the comp.

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Just now, Aotoshiro said:

Traumatic indeed and I'm amazed you stuck to FS afterwards. You must have nerves of steel!


I pretty sure I was a serious mess that day. Like the shaking sweaty palms kinda mess. And that was only the accident portion.

So when boi decided to go out and skate... OTL. I pretty sure I lost a few years of my life that day

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2 minutes ago, monchan said:

OMG the CoC 14? That must be permanent trauma...


Btw I can't imagine to watch him live and survive thru that 7 minutes. It's like having a surgery AND conscious thru the whole process lol (like you have no control if it would turn out good or bad but must endure ALL the nervous emotion). It would be 1st and 2nd of Lunar New Year so I'll prob be hella busy, hope i'll be distracted enough from the comp.

I am so glad it's the 1st Day of Lunar New Year...we get a public holiday so I dont have to apply for leave! (I was honestly going to if that wasn't the case) 

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2 minutes ago, Aotoshiro said:

Actually, can our k-pop knowing/korean satellites confirm my suspections? Because it looks like the guards are Korean without any logos/brands/anything recognizable on them, so is it usual for organizers to rent out guards for the biggest stars of their show if they predict fan mob (not much of prediction power is needed I guess), or is it work of the company/association/fed leading that star? Yuzuru looks surprised at their numbers tbh, so I was wondering if it's maybe Olys commitee (with a suggestion from somebody experienced with same amount of fame as Yuzu *coughYunacough*) decided on adding guards just in case...


I was also wondering if they are koreans or japanese.

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5 minutes ago, Aotoshiro said:

Actually, can our k-pop knowing/korean satellites confirm my suspections? Because it looks like the guards are Korean without any logos/brands/anything recognizable on them, so is it usual for organizers to rent out guards for the biggest stars of their show if they predict fan mob (not much of prediction power is needed I guess), or is it work of the company/association/fed leading that star? Yuzuru looks surprised at their numbers tbh, so I was wondering if it's maybe Olys commitee (with a suggestion from somebody experienced with same amount of fame as Yuzu *coughYunacough*) decided on adding guards just in case...

Yeah that's what i thought too, they are prepared because they are used to this kind of situations

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1 時間前, YH7892さんが言いました:

Random confession:

1. I wont watch the men fs until i knew who will get that Gold. Im a coward, Ill die watching it. 

2. If Yuzuru wins that Gold ill treat my whole family and friend to dinner. Everything just as long as Yuzu win




1) Let's not watch it together! Lol. My grand plan is to skip the live telecast of the short. It's not so much his performance I'm worried about (though there *is* some of that). It's because no matter how he does, if I know for sure what the outcome of that event is, I'm gonna feel nervy about the whole thing leading into the FS. And I can't watch the FS live cos I won't be home to do it. So I'm just gonna record both to watch later. How soon I do that will depend on what he puts out.


2) If he manages to skate his FS clean and wins with that, I'll...do something I otherwise won't do. As well as not do something I otherwise would. >_<


51 分, Bilgeさんが言いました:



i forget how to post link again but its a fanart

and you gotta pick that, you sure are lucky...

mine was legendary 2012 olympic sp 


Depending on how he does on Friday and Saturday, you may very well feel differently about that comp and start looking back on it and feel lucky to have been there to witness what he did that day. Or you may still feel lucky however it turns out. ;) 


Also, I'll be self-imposing a blackout on this forum and any social media I sometimes browse for news and info from some time within the next couple of days until...well, until I feel it's a good time to come back again. I get most of my other non-Hanyu related fix from these same channels so I guess the backlog of books I've been meaning to read since prehistoric times will finally decrease by 2 or 3. Maybe a few more. 


And I think JOC may have misread '7' as '1' when he sent in his measurements so say...47cm became

41cm and 83.7 became 83.1cm.


In other Oly news, I managed to catch the men's 5000m speed skating event and the 3rd run of the men's luge event. Sven Kramer is really something else, isn't he? Hope he achieves his goal in the 10000m event. ^^

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